Part 6

Once Jack pushed me behind me I turned and tried to push through the boys. "Hey are you ok" Said Zach. I shook my head yes and smiled  and then said "I just need to go to the bathroom" "ok" he said. He then let me through. I wasn't lying about going to the bathroom. I ran into it and went into a stall. I sat down and started crying. Am I really a slut. I sat there for a while before I heard someone say "Y/N" I stopped crying and got quite. "Y/N i know your in there come out I'm just trying to help you" once I recognized the voice I went out and hugged Jenny. "What happened babes" she said. "Isaac called me a slut and I just couldn't take it, he reminded me of Samantha, when I was weak" I said in a whisper. "HE WHAT" I heard from the other side of the door I stood up and opened it to see Parker, Johnny, and Louise stomping down the hall way. I turned to Jenny and sobbed.
Johnny's POV
"Isaac called me a slut and I just couldn't take it, he reminded me of Samantha, when I was weak" I heard my sunshine say. I was already mad because she was crying and now I was fuming. How dare he treat her like that. "HE WHAT" I screamed and stomped down the hallway. Me and the gang came down here since her dad and the gang were worried why she wasn't at the workshop. I stormed into the classroom to see a confused looking Jack's and a smirking Isaac with his friend group. When we walking in everyone's eyes were on us. I walked up to Isaac and punched him. I kept punching him until I felt someone hug me from behind and sob a muffled  "STOP" into my back. I then felt someone pull her away and I instantly stopped and turned to look at my sunshine. She was now in Jack's arms with her head stuffed into her the crook of his neck. "Go clean up, I'll take care of her" he said. I looked at him confused and then he pointed to my hands, I looked down and I saw that there was blood on them. My eyes widened and I went to the bathroom to clean up.
Jack's POV
"Calm down, he's calm now" I said soothingly rubbing her back. "I'm going to outside" I mouthed to the boys. I was technically carrying her, shes was so tiny. I walked into the hallway and went outside. I sat her on my lap and she then looked at me. "Hi there" I said playfully. She smiled and then said "why are we outside" "You needed to cool down so I brought you outside" I said. "Thank you" she sniffles and then hugged me. I smiled and hugged her back. We were interrupted by an annoying voice "gEt AwAy FrOm My BoYfRiEnD" said Annie. I rolled my eyes and decided why not break up with her right now. Plus I know she's been cheating on me with Josh, a jock on the football team. "Ex boyfriend" I said and started to play with Y/N's hair. I felt her relax into me and I smiled. "Your going to leave me for this hoe" she said. "She's better than you go away" I said trying to get her to go. "Whatever Josh is better than you anyways" she said. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Y/N. I heard Annie stomp away. I looked at Y/N to see her already staring at me. I chucked when she blushed.   "Y/N..."
