Part 10

1 week later..
Right before lunch...
"Y/N" Zach said dragging out my name. "Yes Zach" I asked. "Can you tell Jack to stop bullying me he's being mean" he said pouting. I laughed and said "sure" I then saw a smirking jack walk our way. Zach saw him and hid behind me. Jack came up to me and pecked my lips and quickly said hello to me before he told Zach "come on Zach, stop being such a baby" I heard Zach whined and said "Y/N tell him to stop bully" I laughed and turned to hug Zach. "Come on Zach let's go get some food" I said and put my arm around him and walked with him. I heard Jack huff and he then walked next to me and tried to kiss me. "No kisses until you apologize to Zach" I said, he pouted trying to get me to just give him I kiss but when I gave him the look he gave in and said "I'm sorry for bullying you Zach" "Can I have a kiss now" he said. I smiled and pecked his lips. He grinned and pulled me closer. "Whipped" I heard Zach mumble. I laughed as Jack slapped the back of his head and then stuffed him face into the crook of my neck. "Shut up" he mumbled against my neck. I shivered when his breath hit my neck. He smirked and pushed me against the lockers. "I have an affect on you" he said. "No shit" I said. "What did I tell you about swearing" said Jack. My eyes widened when I remembered what I promised him a couple days ago.
3 days ago...
I was at my Soccer game (yes she plays soccer) and Jack and the boys were sitting on the bleachers watching my game. I stole the ball away from the girl in the other team and kicked it over to my teammate. "THATS MY PRINCESS" I heard Jack scream. I saw the girl that I stole the ball away from glare and me. I smiled at her and continued the game.
At the end of the game...
When the game finished my team was having a celebration on winning, We won 10-5. But I couldn't stay long because I promised Jack that I would have a game night with him and the boys so yeah. As I walked away from my team and coach I felt someone grab my hand. I turned and saw the girl that I stole the ball from. I hope she's not mad, I'm just playing the game how it's meant to be played. "Why'd you steal the ball away from me" she said. Is she dumb. "That's how the game is played smarty" I said. She huffed but then smirked and said "I bet you wouldn't mind if i stole Jack from you then" I looked at her and then said "YOU BITCH" and launched myself at her. I then felt hands on my waist and saw that, that bitch ran away. I turned and saw Jack and the boys staring at me. "What" I asked. "We've never heard you curse before" said Daniel. Jack then pushed me against him more and whispered to me "I don't like you cursing, so don't anymore" "you can't stop me" I said. He smirked and then leaned back into my ear and whispered "you will stop unless you want a punishment" that shut me up.
Back to when he pushed against the locker...
"What did I tell you" he said. I saw Zach leave and then turned back to Jack. "You didn't like me cursing" I mumbled. "And what else" he said. I tensed and said "I have to stop unless I wanted a punishment" I said. He smirked and said "good girl you remembered" "your punishment won't be bad" he said. "What do you mean-" I was cut of but him sucking on my neck. I moaned and blushed. After a few minutes of him sucking all over my neck he pulled away and said "Since you remembered your punishment wasn't as bad, but next time be careful" he whispered. He then left me in the hallway all flustered. Damn you Jack Avery
