
Marissa's P.O.V

"Justin I have cancer." I rushed my heart breaking. His eyes only dulled. "Wha- what?" He asked swallowing a lump that formed in his throat. I nodded "this is why I'm avoiding you. I don't want you to get hurt." "You're so beautiful. Why did it have to be you?" He asked tears filling his eyes.

"I don't understand it myself. I have to be bed bound if I get any weaker. I want to keep living life like I'm not sick. I want to fall in love with you." I shakily say. Tears filling my eyes I stared into his eyes but I couldn't find what I was looking for. All I saw was sympathy, pity.. pain. "Falling in love with me?" He asked I nodded "yes." "I'm honored to be the boy who gets to be the one you want to fall for." "I'm just afraid to hurt you when I-" "don't finish your sentence.. please." He whispered cupping my face.

His face inches away. "Kiss me" I tell him he swallows before attaching our lips together.

I pulled away slowly a small smile on my face my tears falling out of my eyes. I wrapped my arms around him carefully my body still sore. I was sobbing into his neck as he wrapped his arms around me hugging me caressing my back. "It's okay" "no.." "yes it is I'm not going anywhere. I promise." A tear fell. "Forever." He whispered.

"You can't have a forever with me." I cried. "I can love you forever and hold on to our memories forever even if I won't have you forever." I began crying again. "You're an amazing person." I choke out. I pulled away from his hold standing slowly. "I'll be right back.." I say walking up the stairs.

"Momma" I call out. "Yes?" She said her door slowly creeping open. "I want to introduce you to my boyfriend." She smiled tears filling her eyes. "Me? Meet him.. your boyfriend?" I nodd "yeah.. come on.." I say "I would love too." I take her hand in mine feeling dizzy. "Are you okay?" She immediately asked I was squeezing her hand holding onto her. "Yeah just sleepy.. Let's go.. his name is Justin." She nodded her smile still in place.

"Justin this is my mom Mrs.Elia. Mom this is Justin my boyfriend." He shook her hand "glad I finally know you're name." She laughed "me too." He followed. "I wanted to invite Marissa for lunch but It would be nice for you to join us." He said "I would love to go but you probably have not heard from her or gone on dates in a while. Can I reschedule?" She asked "sure." He smiled "Okay then. It'll be my treat." "No, no, no.." he rushed "yes. I reschedule I pay." He smiled "we can see about that." I smiled they're getting along so well.. I hope they stay close when I'm gone.

"I'll let you two go.." My mom said "be safe." She added. "I love you mom." I mouthed she smiled "I love you too Miracle." "Hm?" Justin asked "It's my middle name." I tell him. "Marissa Miracle.. I was a miracle baby without any miracles.." I say his smile faltered. "Don't talk like that babe." He said cupping my cheeks before planting his lips against mine.

"Let's go get food?" I nodd taking his hand in mine. Justin was a good person and I or anyone shouldn't miss the chance to be with him. I'm lucky he still wants me even though he knows about this disease. It makes me a lot more comfortable with him and myself that's all I wanted..

Justins P.O.V

She has cancer.. my babygirl has cancer.. the most beautiful girl so full of life and happy is so sick.. my heart broken I can't lose her. Marissa was such an amazing person I wish I had more time with her.. but that doesn't mean I'm not thankful for the time being. I held her body close me as she slept, she looked so peaceful and perfect.

Why her? It's been two months with her and this girl drives me crazy when she won't answer but now I know why and it hurts me.. I'm not leaving her even if she wanted me too. I wouldn't be able to.

Her eyes fluttered open. "Hi." She whispered "hey." I smile "why are you not home sleeping?" She asked "I want to stay with you." She smiled "Okay then." "Okay" I say pulling her closer. "Justin.." she said hugging me "yeah?" "You're an amazing person. I mean it." She yawned "so are you." I say my voice cracking. Life wasn't fair, but I'll make sure everything new day is a positive one for her. She deserves it all and I will give her my all.

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