
Marissa's P.O.V

I was home one minute.. then I wake up in a hospital bed...

I sighed as my phone rang for the millionth time today it's been a week since I left the hospital and I've been avoiding Justin ever since I awoke. The good thing is, my parents don't know about me liking him know him. He was to meet them two days after my incident happened but it did and the chance to tell him never came. And it might never come. I sighed sniffling. I've been crying for days in my bedroom. Puking blood as usual. Over sleeping or thinking of how to tell Justin to leave me alone. But as much as that thought sounds like a good idea. I can't. I miss him. My phone rang again. I grabbed ignoring it again.

There was a knock at my door. "Baby.." it was my mom. "It's momma. Can I come in just to see you.. please. I haven't spoken to you in days.. I miss you. Come out please." She pleaded "go away." I tell her "leave me alone. I am fine." My voice hoarse and weak. "I love you." She said "go away mom!" I heard her footsteps shuffle and her shadow was gone. I began sobbing get into my pillow. I've never been this unhappy. I've never been so sick and so out of life. I sobbed silently I bet I was pale. So pale I probably blended in with my sheets. I hugged my tear stained pillow to me as my sobs became faint but years still fell. My eyes swollen from the sadness and the tears.

My phone buzzed surprising me this time it was a text message from Justin. I sighed opening it.

Justiiieeeennnn 😊💜: Love, can you tell me what's wrong? Am I annoying? Do you want me to quit bugging you? Just answer me princess I miss seeing you at the rock and I miss your beautiful voice. Please love, call or answer me. I know you get my messages and calls.. just tell me you're okay.. I miss you babe. I hope you're okay 😩😣❤.

I began sobbing again I feel so mean. I began typing.

Me: come over and cuddle me. I need to see you and feel your embrace 😭😭💔.

Justiiieeeennnn 😊💜 is typing . . .

Justiiieeeennnn 😊💜: I'm out the door bby what's your address.?

Me: 5557 W. Bev blvd.

Justiiieeeennnn 😊💜:be there in twenty ❤.

I shut my phone carefully getting up to shower thank god for my bedroom bathroom. Just quickly showered shaving my body and scrubbing my hair really good. My shower was quick I dresses in long pajama pants and a loose long sleeve. I wiped you tears that still fell i was still feeling like the worst person. I was going to tell Justin I had cancer when he gets here. I sat on my bed hugging my pillow again waiting for him. My phone buzzed.

Justiiieeeennnn 😊💜: outside

Me:going 😔❤.

Justiiieeeennnn 😊💜: okay baby

I stood up from my bed opening your room door I walked down stairs the doorbell ringing through the house my mother came to my side "You're out!" She gushed huggung me. I pulled away. "My friend is here. I want to talk to him alone.." I say opening the door as if on cue my emotions decided to go crazy because I was on my knees crying into my hands. He was hugging me. "Baby I'm sorry.." he apologized "no-it's okay..." I managed to say. My mom helping me stand from one hand as he had the other. "Are you okay?" He asked I looked at my mom who nodded leaving upstairs.

"I will just come forward and tell you what's wrong." I tell him he nodded grabbing my small hands in his "go ahead love." I sighed "I like you." I cried "I like you too." He smiled "no. There's more" I say "what is it?" "I.." I stopped. "You what love?" I shake my head "fff" I say. "What?" "Justin I have cancer." I rushed my heart breaking. His eyes only dulled. "Wha- what?" He asked swallowing a lump that formed in his throat.


I'm crying.

Excuse the misspelling or poor grammar I just wanted to have something up.

I love you guys!

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