42: Burn

Ayooooooooooo here you go. I don't really know what to put things here but. Uh..comment and vote I guess. Do some thing I like interacting with you guys.

And we have a new editor!!

Byeeee love you :)

My friend called me weird for having the text on Wattpad in Arial and them text really big... like ma'am I'm dyslexic you dumbass. For context this is what I see.


"ARE YOU FOR REAL?" Y/n asked, Ariadne nodded still blushing. Tommy stood there blankly.

"Shhhhh, please keep it down." Ariadne said, Y/n kept in her joy.

"Sorry, how did that even happen? I knew you two were close and might have feelings but- so soon!" She beamed, Ariadne blushed and turned away.

"I mean we are happy for you." Tommy said scrounging around looking for biscuits to munch on.

"I know that but I'm confused and I don't know what we even are." Ariadne said, Y/n sighed.

"It's good to be honest and straightforward, always talk to him when you feel it is necessary. If you want to know what you guys are, just ask him, but make sure both of you are comfortable." Y/n said, Tommy handed her a biscuit which she gladly grabbed and shoved in her mouth.

(E/n: why don't you take your own advice, Y/n?😕)

(A/n: RIP 💀💀💀)

"You should listen to her." Tommy agreed with a mouthful of biscuit, Y/n nodded. Ariadne supposed it would be good to ask him, but she also had a question for them.

"Are you two dating?" Ariadne asked, Tommy and Y/n almost choked on their biscuits.

"Is it a yes or a no?" She asked suspiciously. Y/n gulped.

"Why do you even ask?" Y/n said, trying to calm her senses.

"I mean you two are very close, like really close. And I need some dating advice." Ariadne said meekly, Tommy eyed Y/n trying to see what she was thinking.

"You know what, fuck it." Y/n sighed, Ariadne looked up from playing with her fingers.

"Sure yeah we are, I mean it's about time we say something." Y/n said, Tommy nervously shoved a biscuit in his mouth.

"I KNEW IT!!" Ariadne said happily, Y/n shushed her.

"I'll tell the others when I feel comfortable." Y/n scoffed, Ariadne apologized and lowered her tone.

"Now that that's cleared up, should we wake the others?" Tommy asked nervously, Y/n shook their head.

"Nah. If I'm not mistaken, Phil wanted to take us to go skating, so we'll let them rest before we let loose a bunch of Minecraft YouTubers to do anything athletic." Y/n said, Tommy rolled his eyes but couldn't disagree with that logic.

"Well I'll go back to my room, for now you guys can... do dating things, see ya!" Ariadne said sweetly before walking to her room with Freddie.

Y/n looked behind her to see Tommy with a mouthful of biscuits, he took one from the box and handed it to her.

"Biscuit?" He asked, Y/n chuckled and grabbed it.

"Sure." She said, kissing his cheek before plopping the biscuit in her mouth.


Y/n and Tommy just hung around in the kitchen,

Tommy was being clingy, like usual, while Y/n was making some tea for him.

"Tommy if you don't let go of me I will punt you." Y/n said as Tommy was hugging her from behind. Tommy didn't let go, no matter what Y/n said to threaten him.

"Why though?" Tommy asked, still holding on tight to her, she scooted to pour the hot tea in the cup.

"Because I'm going to burn myself." Y/n said, Tommy sighed and let go.

Y/n continued to pour the boiling hot tea in the only glass cups that were in the AirBnB. As the cup slowly filled it cracked and poured all over Y/n's hand, she pulled her hand back in pain.

"Oh son of a bitch." She said as her skin burned hot. She gritted her teeth to try and not make any sound.

"Oh shit are you ok?!!" Tommy said looking over at her, he grabbed her hand and turned on the faucet. He made sure the water was cool and put the burn over it.

(A/n: more science, when you get a burn run it over cool water not cold because that will make it worse!! Soaking it is good too. Of course this only works with 1st degree burns and small 2nd degree ones too.)

(E/n: this would've been helpful two days ago when i accidentally grabbed a pan directly after i took it out of the oven😔)

(A/n: fatality 😔)

Tommy lightly rubbed over the burn with the water, Y/n was hiding her pain as it stung under it.

"Fucking stupid cups." Tommy grumbled as he ran his hand across the burn, it would leave a nasty mark.

"Don't worry I'm fine." Y/n said, Tommy shook his head.

"No you are not fine, you obviously need neosporin." Tommy said he remembered Phil packed an emergency kit and scrambled quickly through the first aid kit he left in one of the cabinets. He pulled out neosporin and bandages.

(E/n: I genuinely had to Google what neosporin is, and I shit you not one of the first things that came up was "Is neosporin safe for cats?". I also found out that where I live neosporin is called bactroban.)

"Is this really necessary?" Y/n asked, Tommy nodded and started applying the ointment on her hand. He then quickly wrapped it.

"Wow, I feel better already." Y/n joked, Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Dumbass cups." Tommy said picking up the cracked glass and throwing it in the trash, he then cleaned up the tea.

"Hey there still is a lot left. Maybe let it cool down before you put it in a cup." Y/n said, Tommy rolled his eyes. But he still wanted his tea.

Y/n said down with a cup of water while she scrolled through her phone, Tommy was holding her hand and kept asking her if it hurt.

"Does it sting?" Tommy asked fiddling with her fingers, she shook her head.

"No." Y/n lied, Tommy would keep asking every few minutes.

"I can get you Tylenol if you need it?" Tommy asked, y/n shook her head.

"It doesn't hurt Toms, you did enough already." Y/n said quickly looking up from her phone and gave Tommy a quick kiss. Tommy stopped asking after that.


Soon after everyone woke up, everyone came flooding in.

Phil came out extremely tired, but he had a great day planned. Y/n knew he stayed up all night planning.

"So what are we doing today?" Dream asked, Phil lit up.

"Oh we are going ice skating today!" He said, everyone lit up.

"WHEN!??!" Tubbo asked, energetic as usual.

"After breakfast though." Phil said everyone sighed in disappointment as Phil walked to the kitchen.

Ayyyyyyy hope you like my little science lessons for no reason other than I'm bored. But hope you liked it!!

Much love to editor: lupinsloverboy

Word count: 1116

