28: Shut Up And Let Me Sleep

Ayooooo, so I went to Mexico and drew Karl because I love his jacket design with all my heart. Anyway hope you guys enjoy.

And I might have to grind a bit more to get on track again.

Enjoy!! <333 I love you, so eat and drink!!!!!!

Meanwhile Freddie and Ariadne:
"You excited?" Freddie asked. Ariadne was nervously playing with her fingers.

"Yeah, I think a little too much." She said nervously. Freddie laughed.

"I heard we get to hangout in the snow." Freddie said, taking out his phone. Ariadne gasped.

"Really!!" She said excitedly. She noticed she was being a bit too loud and quickly apologized.

"Hell yeah really, and remember the plan." Freddie winked. Ariadne nodded, remembering all they discussed the night of the sleepover.

"Yup, power duo." Ariadne said, taking out her fist. Freddie fist-bumped her while laughing.

"You've warmed up a lot since I first met you." Freddie said. Ariadne blushed with embarrassment.

"I- Uh yeah. I mean you are pretty cool." Ariadne said meekly. Freddie laughed and ruffled her hair.

"Do you want to watch a movie on my laptop?" He asked. Ariadne nodded, the boy pulled out his laptop and logged on to Netflix.

Tommy and the others:

(E/n: please- I was confused because I was like 'nope theirs only Y/n there, so who are 'the others'?)

"Tubbo be nice to Tommy." Phil said, chuckling. Tommy sat embarrassed.

"Just move her off." Tubbo suggested. Tommy glared at him.

"NO!! I don't want to wake her." Tommy said, his face red with embarrassment. Wilbur turned around to mock Tommy.

"OooooOooo is Tommy being a gentlemen for once?" Wilbur cooed at him. Tommy rolled his eyes.

(E/n: THIS is why we stan Wilbur. THIS.)


"Don't you dare wake her up you three!!" Phill threatened. Everyone stopped addressing the situation.

"Now what am I supposed to do! I have a women on my shoulder!" Tommy pouted. Tubbo rolled his eyes.

"You know you like her!" He said slyly. Phil laughed while trying to keep the two boys down.

"Shut upppppp." Y/n groaned. Everyone stopped fighting.

"Oh sorry Y/n, I told the fucks to calm down." Phil apologized. Y/n rubbed her eyes.

"Don't worry, I'll deal with Tubbo and Tommy later." She said yawning. The two of them trembled.

(E/n: now u must pay the price! Mhuhhahahahaha!)

"What?" Tubbo said. Y/n glared at him.

"Oh you're first." She said, Tubbo put his hands in front of his face.

"NO PLEASE MERCY!!" He yelled. Y/n came up with an agreement.

"Only if you two let me sprawl out my legs." Y/n said. Tubbo raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" Tommy asked. Y/n put her legs up on Tubbo's lap and leaned up against Tommy.

"Wow this was all you wanted?" Tommy asked. Y/n glared at him.

"Fine." She said, she moved her head to rest on Tommy's lap.

"I- Y/N!" He said, his face was hot red. Wilbur was holding in laughs.


(A/n: hey I mean - 👀 Tommy shouldn't be complaining.)

"Shut up and let me sleep." She said, closing her eyes. She plugged in her headphones and enjoyed the car ride.


Tommy got bored and found himself playing with her hair. Y/n didn't really mind. If anything she found is soothing, no one really noticed but Tubbo. Who didn't want to point it out, because he knew Tommy would get embarrassed and stop.

After a while the boys started whining again.

"PHIL HOW MUCH LONGER!!" Tubbo whined. It seemed like they had been in the car for ages.

"We have like 1 hour, the next time you ask I will pull over and throw you out of the car." Phil threatened. Tubbo whined and sunk in his seat. Y/n was laughing as the two boys pouted about their bottoms.

"Phiiiiiiiillllll!!" Tommy whined.

"What!!" Phil replied annoyed. Tommy groaned.

"Im hungrrryyyyyyyy." He whined, Phil rolled his eyes.

"We'll eat when we get there." Wilbur replied. Tommy groaned, and he looked down at Y/n, who was still listening to music.

She opened her eyes. "You hungry?" She mocked. Tommy nodded.

Y/n lifted her hand and lightly booped Tommy's nose. Tommy blushed but tried to hide it.

"Starve." She said. Tubbo laughed, as he had his phone pointed at the whole thing.

"Are you recording?" Tommy said, reaching for it. Tubbo nodded and shoved it in his pocket.

"That's going in the vlog, and if you disagree I'll kill you." Tubbo said. Tommy stopped reaching for it and pulled back.

(E/n: the newest vlog was really just Tubbo)

(A/n: I'm not complaining. ✨✨✨)

"That's what I thought." He said, taking out his phone again. He sent it to Wilbur.

You can't say this isn't cute.

I personally think they like each other.

Operation dating?

Hell yeah, I'll get Niki on it too.



Tubbo put down his phone suspiciously and shoved it in his pocket.

"I know that smile, who did you send that vid to?" Tommy said, raising a finger. Tubbo nervously laughed.

"Send! I didn't send anyone anything! What does send mean? I don't know a send!" Tubbo said. Tommy rolled his eyes and looked back down at Y/n to carry on their conversation.

"Hm what's a pretty little lady like you doing here?" Y/n said, in an southern American accent. Tommy rolled his eyes.

"What pretty little lady?! Last time I checked you're the pretty little lady here." Tommy mocked back. Y/n tried to keep a straight face.

"Hm, so you think I'm pretty?" Y/n said. Tommy panicked.

"I NEVER SAID THAT!!" Tommy said, blushing. Phil laughed at their yelling.

"But you did Tommy." Wilbur said with a smirk. Tommy protested, his face flustered.

"DID NOT!!" Tommy yelled back. Wilbur mocked him.

"Alright sweetheart, I get it." Y/n said back in the accent. Tommy glared at her.

"You got me into this mess." Tommy said, irritated. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Bite me." She said, going back to listening to her music. Tommy was still stunned from her comment.

(E/n: 👏 look 👏 at 👏 that 👏 sass👏)

(A/n: I want Y/n to step on me)

"Get a room you shits!!" Phil yelled, Tommy went back to bickering with everyone.


After a while they finally stopped to take a bathroom break at a gas station. Tommy and Y/n stayed in the car while they waited for everyone.

"Why do we always end up being left alone together?" Y/n asked. Tommy shrugged.

"How am I supposed to know, but I'm not complaining." Tommy said slyly. Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Ok Mr. Lover Boy." She mocked. Tommy rolled his eyes.

"I feel like you've been trying to set us up." Tommy said, Y/n raised an eyebrow.

"Like how?" She asked, Tommy rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on now, you know what I'm talking about." He said, Y/n chuckled.

"Fuck yeah I do, I'm not stupid."

Phiiiiilllllllllll the children are fighting again!!

Queen Elizabeth my beloved <33333

Much love to editor: ZWildcatBard

Word count: 1215

