The Meeting

As Price walks into the briefing room, some of the highest ranked people in Russia, Great Britain, Canada and the US state at price, looking at him with a twisted yet hopeful gaze. "John Price, we have a deal for you." said the President of the US. "What?" said Price, in a disrespectful way. The President looked at Price with the same gaze as before, without the hopefulness. Before the President could say anything, the Major General of Great Britain said "We need help in this war. We need the strongest men in the military of the last 10 years. I think you can name a few of who I'm talking about.". "Soap, Gaz, Sandman, Yuri and Ghost... they're all dead." remarked Price with a very disappointed and dreadful face. "Exactly" said the President " The worlds smartest scientist have created a time machine. You can go back and save these people and they can help us win the war. Just one problem, the scientists did all they could, but the machine only works for 2 and 1/2 hours.". "So, I can save Soap and the rest of them?" said Price happily. "If you think you can do it in that amount of time. All we need is you to sign this paper and it'll happen tomorrow." said a man from Russia, as a Canadian slid Price the paper.

Price walked out of the room, the happiest he's ever been, and knowing tomorrow... He would see his best friend again.
