Saving Ghost (From Price's PoV)

I climb out of a similar hole in the ground and see Shepard talking to multiple soldiers and two soldiers pouring gas on Roach and Ghost. I run to them without anyone noticing me, and stab both of the enemies in the back. I pick up Ghost right before Shepard walks over to them. I want to save Roach but I know I won't have time. As I slowly walk away with the wounded Ghost on my shoulder, I hear myself yelling at Roach, not to trust Shepard. Shepard then realizes Ghost is missing but doesn't show affect as he throws his cigar on Roach and sets him aflame. I climb back through the mystical hole. As I get back to the room I hand Ghost to the doctor, and Gaz looks at me with a slight smile and then salutes me. I then salute back as I turn my back and walk to the machine. The man tells me I have about 1 hours and 1 30 minutes before the machine shuts down. I tell him okay and tell him, Sandman's next.
