The night before

(The magic boat never came, but everything else is the same)
Leo PoV

I was tweaking a few bits on the boat, preparing to leave tomorrow when Calypso came over.
"Whassup sunshine?" She scowled
"Don't call me that!" She blushed bright red " I came to ask you, do you want to come sleep at my place.." She mumbled she cleared her throat "I mean you'll need your energy for steering that boat by yourself."
"Sure sunshine." I teased "that's totally not the reason. Admit it, you love me." (Me: hell yes Leo!!!!)
Calypso turned bright red and her breathing caught as she met my eyes.
"I...Uh....Ummmm...." She ran off leaving me speechless. She DID love me..

Time skippidy hop

Later I walked into calypsos, cave? Dunno. She was busily cooking away, so I snuck up behind her and grabbed her round the tummy. She flew round quickly.
"Get of.... Oh its you Leo." She dropped her hair over her face and turned around to continue cooking. But I wasn't giving up THAT easily. I pressed my lips to her hair, neck. I was travelling along her jaw when she turned and I found myself kissing her on the lips. No. She was kissing me. She kissed with an urgency, the food long forgotten. She wrapped her legs around my waist. I let her take the lead. She whispered dirty things in my ear while I carried her to the wall. ( I'll let you imagine this stuff :P ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜œ)

I wake in the morning in an unfamiliar bed, naked with caramel coloured hair in my face. Schist. I thought. What did we do? As if she could read my thoughts calypso groaned. "We had sex Leo. Plain and simple. You can tell no one what happened." Schist. "OK... Can I sleep for another 10? I'm really tired." I yawned. She yawned "sure. I'll join you."
In my dream Hazel was reaching out. I'm fine I tell her, then enter another dream. No. Not a dream. A memory.... Of last night.... Naughty little virgin:P
