
Calypso PoV

I stand paralysed, subconsciously dropping my hand to my stomach. The world was spinning.
"Grab her!" Was the last thing I heard, and boiling hot and freezing cold hands hold me....
Sorry guys :(

I wake up with a jolt. I remember everything. Hades and Hephaestus were still by my side.
"How do you know." I demand
"What?" Hades replied
"How do you know. That I'm...." I gesture to my stomach
"Oh... I can.... well..."
"Spit it." I growl
" I can....feel it....?"
"I'm literally just here cos Leo is my son."
"I know." Hades laughed
"Where....." I take a deep breath "where is Leo?"
They look down and look embarrassed.
"He has to finish the quest, before, he, uh...comes back to you two." Hephaestus explained. "However you can iris message him, me, Nico  and Hades."
"My son."
Hephaestus spoke. "Also, Apollo will be taking care of all of your medical needs."
"R-Really? W-why?" I stammer
Hephaestus smiled "because I'm going to be a grandpa for the first time in, oh, 3-400 years?"
