such a lie.

Herb showed the photo, and that left espresso stabbed in the heart. It was a text message from madeline.

Herb: "Come on, tell me your crush!"

Madeliene: "Okay fine! Since you've been begging me for hours."

Herb: "who is it? Who is it?"

Madeliene: "Its raspberry cookie"

espressos heart suddenly felt empty. As if somthing left his heart, making it feel oddly..alone. Now there was no chance madeline could ever like espresso. He stood there silent.

"You done reading it? Your taking very long."Vampire said. Sparkling slapped the back of his head and scolded him.

"Oh shut up vampire, you can't even read primary books." But espresso didn't care. All he was focused on was the thought of madeline, washing away from his heart. Herb slowly put his phone to his chest, trying to see espressos face.

"Uhm..espresso? Hello?" Herb asked. Espresso ignored him and made his way to the janitors closet.

"Espresso, wait!" Sparkling grabed his arm, but Espresso glared at him, with flying coffe beans behind him. Sparkling instantly let go, and stormed off to the janitors closet and slammed the janitors closet door. He collapsed to the floor, and buried his face into his hands. He leaned on the wall, and started to think of his life decisions.

"I knew it. Madeline couldn't possibly like...a boy." Espresso said to himself. It went silent for a long time, mostly espresso talking to himself in his mind.

"Espresso, get it together!you always knew madeline would never like you anyway, so stop sulking like a baby!" Espresso said to himself, trying to shake it off.

"My God, I'm acting like a maniac. Talking to myself and all." Espresso said. He knew now that he'd never have a chance with madeline, becuase madeline liked raspberry. The whole day he was acting like a depresso.

(Get it? Becuase like, espresso, D espresso? :>
Credits to my sister for making this joke lol)

Espresso was acting his old self, but even more unhappy. The day seemed to go on fast, and madelines friends avoided espresso for a while. They thought he needed some time. They saw how upset he was, and they were wondering why.

"Why is espresso Acting so sad?" Sparkling asked. Everyone started making up theories, until herb figured it out.

"What if it's becuase...he likes madeline? What if that's the crush he'd been hiding? I mean, he acted like this ever since I showed him the text." Herb said. The whole group stared at him, realising he had a point.


Espresso went to his apartment, and ran to the kitchen to make, well, you know what he's going to make. He went over to the coffee machine and tried to calm himself with an espresso, But even that couldn't drown his sorrows. He jugged down on the espresso, but that wasn't enough to drown it. He made another one, and jugged it down once again. As expected, the reccuring texts madeline had sent wasn't going away, like it was waterproof. He put his cup down on the table, and sighed. Just then, he heard a female girl coughing in lattes room. How was Latte home so early? He opened lattes door to find her sitting up from her bed with bandaged all over her arm. The area espresso had caused a wound on was so bad that latte couldn't even go to work.

"Oh, your home latte?" Espresso asked.

"Yeah, the wound you gave me is so bad that I couldn't even go to work." Latte complained. Espresso went silent, and Latte asked him a question.

"So, how was school? Anything you learned or found out?"Latte asked.

"Well...I found out madelienes crush." Espresso said. Latte gasped, knowing that they would go together now! She smiled widely and started giving mini claps of excitement.

"Really!? Well will you ask him ou-"

"Its raspberry, isn't it?" Espresso interupted. Lattes thrilled smile faded away. She scrunched her fingers in a little, stopping her claps.

"What?" Latte said, lowering her hands.

"Herb showed me a text message of madeline saying his crush is raspberry." Espresso said. Latte was confused. Madeline clearly had told Latte about espresso being his crush, so how would it suddenly be raspberry?

"Uhm..correct?" Latte said, giving an awkward smile. Espresso sighed and closed the door. Latte immidiately got out her phone and texted madeline furiously. She sent him probably 20 messages, but he left her on read. She tried another option, calling him. But he declined all the calls. She Started to get annoyed, so she decided that she'd call up raspberry instead.

"Hey latte! Sorry, I don't have much time. Make it quick, please." Raspberry said.

"Oh um..can you pass the phone to madeline?" Latte asked.

"Sorry, can't do that. Im About to go to training, sorry!" Raspberry said before hanging up. Latte arched a brow. She was curious of why madeline had said that. She decided that she'd text herb, so she went out of bed to ask espresso for herbs number. She slowly opened the door, to find espresso studying, again.

"Hey, espresso?" Latte asked.


"What is herbs number?"


"Because I wanna get to know your friends"


"Just becuase!" Latte said. Espresso didn't reply and he looked back at his sheets of paper on his desk.

"Sooo?" Latte said, giving out her hand. Espresso sighed and walked up to her, giving her his phone to find herbs number. When she was finished getting his number, she went to her room and started texting him.
Latte: Hi! This is espressos sister, I just wanted to ask you a question.

Herb: oh, okay..sure.

Latte: a bit personal, but raspberry isn't madelines crush.

Herb: how do you know?

Latte: Madeline clearly told me who his crush was, and it's not raspberry. I just don't understand why he would lie, and he's not answering my texts or calls.

Herb: Oh, let me ask him about it
The whole crew was hanging out in sparklings bar, until they saw how panicked and confused herb was on his phone. Herb went on Madeline's number and started texting him about it, but like latte, he left him on read. He tried calling him also, but that was no use.

"Hey, who were you calling?" Vampire asked.

"Latte, espressos sist-"

"Why didn't you let me talk to her?" Vampire said. Herb sighed, and sparkling slapped the back of his head again.

"Shes probably 6 years older than you, so just stop simping for her! Look for people your age, geez." Sparkling said.

"Uhm, espressos sister said that raspberry isn't madelines crush. Madeline apperantly told Latte who his crush is, and it's not raspberry." Herb said.

"Did you ask latte who madeline said?" Sparkling asked.


"Then ask, mabye it will make the mystery easier." Sparkling suggested. Herb texted Latte again, asking who madeline said.

Herb: hey, who did madeline say to you?

Latte: I really shouldn't be saying who it is. And how can I know your not going to leak his real crush?

Herb: I swear, I won't! How else would madeline trust me enough to text me his crush?

Latte:eeeh, I'm still not telling you. I can't  lose madelienes trust.

The text ended, just like that.

"She said she doesn't trust me enough" herb said, sighing.

"Well mabye she will trust me, let Me talk to her" Vampire said, reaching out to grab herbs phone. Herb hold his head back and put his phone further away.

"No she wouldn't!" Herb said.

"You just think she will becuase your such a simp for her" Sparkling said, pouring a glass of grape juice. Meanwhile espresso, was working in his desk. But he wasn't really working though, becuase the thought of raspberry and madeline walking through the hallways holding hands was twirling around his head. The gloomy feeling in his heart grew bigger and bigger, and it felt so harmful to him.

He should be feeling happy for raspberry and madeline, right?

Madeline was his best friend, he wanted him to be happy. No matter how sorrowful his own feelings were. He groaned and placed his forehead on the table.

"I should feel happy. There's no room for jelousy, I mean, I always knew madeline would never like me. So why isn't this unhappy feeling going away!?" Espresso said to himself. He'd been sitting in his desk, not doing anything but thinking of the dreadful couple. He sighed and got up from his desk.

"I think that's enough work for today." Espresso said, piling up his papers and packing up his books. He placed them all in one corner, and he fell back on to his bed, staring at the blank roof. He stared at it for a while, until latte started knocking. Espresso sat up and latte opened the door slightly, along with a small door creak.

"Hey, you okay?" Latte asked.

"What do you mean? Of course I'm okay." Espresso said, knowing what she actually ment.

"You know, Madeline and raspberry thing." Latte said.

"Yeah! Of course I'm fine! I should be feeling happy for madeline and raspberry, and I am.." Espresso tried to laugh it off, but really, latte mentioning it made his heart ache more.

"Are you sure? Do you wanna..go out and eat with me? Just to, you know, have some sibling bonding time!"Latte  suggested. Espresso could see how hard she was trying to confort him, so he agreed. They went out in a restaurant, not a very expensive one. While they were waiting for the food, she noticed espresso was looking down at his lap. He didn't bring his phone, so he couldn't be playing on his phone.

"...espresso?" Latte asked. It took espresso 5 seconds to realise that latte was calling his name.

"Huh? Yeah?" Espresso looked up.

"Are you sure your okay? You can be honest, I'm your sister!" Latte said.

"Yeah, I'm completely fine. Why wouldn't I be?"Espresso acted all fine, when the whole inside of him was feeling dark.

"Espresso, I know your really not. Express it to Me, it's safe, espresso."Latte said. Espresso gulped and scrunched his fingers a little.

"What do you mean? Hahah...I'm fine, really." Espresso said, faking a smile.

"Espresso, it's okay. Please, just tell me so I can do somthing to help." Latte begged, but Espresso shook his head.

"No, you can't do anything to help me." Espresso snapped. He really wasn't supposed to, but he got a little annoyed with Lattes begging.

" ARE sad, right?" Latte asked. Espresso didnt say anything. He adjusted his glasses, and looked down heavy hearted. Espresso shook his head up and down slightly, and Latte felt really bad for him. Just then, the waitress arrived to give their food.

"Thank you!"Latte thanked the waitress, and the waitress just nodded her head a little and walked away. Latte was eating her food, delightful of the strong flavour. She then looked at Espresso who wasn't eating his jelly bear burger.

"Espresso, dig in! We don't want it to be a waste!" Latte said, mouthfull of her food.

"Ew. Don't talk with food in your mouth, its disgusting" Espresso said, feeling sickened.

"Sorry! Jeez, that's a mood, espresso." Latte said, still mouthfull espresso rolled his eyes and rested his chin on his hand, looking another way.

"Come on, just eat!" Latte said.

*sigh* "I don't feel like it.." Espresso said, pushing the plate towards latte with his finger slightly.

"What? Come on espresso, your refusing to eat just becuase your sad?" Latte asked. Espresso didnt reply.

"So your really willing to starve yourself over a boy?" Latte said. Espresso suddenly banged a fist of the table and screamed at her.

"Its not just 'a boy'! He's  my best friend, and the one my heart kept reaching out to- *sigh* nevermind." Espresso snapped. He then pressed his hands against his face and groaned.

"Latte, can you just not mention it? please." Espresso said. Latte stayed quiet, not wanting to make it worse. She called for a waiter to put the jelly bear burger in a take away box, and they went along home.
The whole walk back to their apartment was quiet, espresso wasn't saying anything, just walking awkwardly with his hands in his pockets. Latte was holding the take away box, while on her phone.

She was scrolling though instagram, (becuase I don't know what app she should be on) until she came across an article with Almond on it.

'Celebrating the best cop and detective in our town! Always there to solve mysterious mystery!' The article said at the top, with bold letters.

Latte couldn't help but stare. He was oddly...charming. Espresso noticed it, and smirked.

"Hey latte." Espresso said. Latte jolted up in surprise and almost dropped the jelly bear burger.

"Aaah! You scared me espresso!" Latte screamed. Espresso ignored her and looked at her phone, then straight back at her.

"Who you looking at?" Espresso asked, teasingly.

"Nobody.." Latte replied, scrolling down. Espresso giggled a little and they continued walking back home. Espresso went to his room as usual, and went back on the work he hadn't finished. This time, he was actually doing it. He kept the bad thoughts away as much as he could and continued working. He then grabbed a book and turned the page, but instantly closed it when he saw the sentance 'raspberry and madeline kissed.' Espresso re opened it slowly, and found that it was a different sentance, was he hallucinating? He groaned again, and clutched his hair with his hands.

"What's wrong with me? Why am I seeing raspberry and madeline everywhere!?" Espresso said.

"Mom, I really need help. Why did you have to leave us?" Espresso said, placing his nose pressed on his desk.

I had to leave,  becuase I wanted to be free from the pain, My darling. I'm sorry I had to cause you trouble. I needed to be free.

Espresso suddenly heard a knock on his door.

"Espresso! I heated up your jelly bear burger, do you want it or not?" Latte asked.

"..sure" Espresso replied. Latte came in and put the food on his table. She patted his head, and espresso looked at her angrily.

"Hey! What are you doing!?" Espresso screamed.

"I'm worried about you, espresso. And plus, you don't even brush your hair, what's the big deal?" Latte said.

"Its a big deal becuass your hands are dirty! And what do you mean 'I'm worried about you'." Espresso asked.

"Well, you know the reason. I'm worried becuase I don't want my little brother crying over a boy, especially over my best friend!" Latte said.

"No, I'm not that upse-"

"Why are you still trying to lie? You even said you were upset in the restaurant, so why are you lying now!?" Latte argued.

"Okay okay, I may be upset. But it's not like it hurts more than 10 toothaches, and plus, I want them to be happy." Espresso said. Latte so badly wanted to tell espresso that Madeline might be lying, but it wasn't the time yet.

"Why are you so concerned about it anyway!?" Espresso suddenly snapped.

"Becuase..becuase raspberry isn't his crush. It can't be." Latte said.

"What do you mean? Herb showed me evidence!"

"He told me his crush, he even described everything he liked about...him." Latte said. Espresso stayed quiet. So there COULD be a chance madeline liked him, but There was no way, right?

"Its a..boy?" Espresso asked.

"Yes! I don't understand why madeline would say its raspberry, when he CLEARLY described everything he loved about the boy!" Latte said.

"Did you ask madeline!?"

"Yeah, he's ignoring me."

"Well ask AGAIN!" Espresso was begging. He was so desperate to see Madeline's crush, he thought that could be him.

"Jeez, why so Desparate? You wanna find out if it's you, don't you?" Latte said, smirking.

"No! I'm just curious so that I can tell whoever he likes! He can't like me..he just can't!" Espresso said.

"And why not?"

"Because I'm not the match for him! Look at me, im such a mess, and he looks so resplendent! " Espresso said. He instantly covered his mouth, the tip of his ears heating up, followed by his cheeks.

"Aw, look. You two are so compatible, madelines the hot one, and your the cute one!" Latte said, queezing espressos cheek.

"Okay okay, just try again!" Espresso screamed.

"Okay! Fine." Latte said, pulling out her phone from her pocket. She texted him, but of course he didn't reply. Well it sure was late, so he was probably sleeping.

"Hes probably sleeping. I mean, it sure is late." Latte said.

"No he isn't! I just know it! I'm sure he'd stay up, just like he used to when we were kids!" Espresso screamed.

"Well, sleeping or not, he won't reply. He will probably see it, but not reply." Latte said.

"Then whys he typing?" Espresso said. Latte gasped and looked down at her phone, indeed he was typing.

"Hes typing!?" Latte screamed.

"Wait he sent a text! Let me see!" Espresso snatched the phone away from Latte to view madelines text.

"Is espresso there?" Madeline texted. Latte snatched the phone back again and texted him a yes.

"May I speak with him? Hand him the phone." Madeline texted. Latte rolled her eyes and gave her phone to espresso.

"Make your lovey dovy convo quick, I need my phone back." Latte said, crossing her arms. But espresso didn't care about what she said, he didn't want madeline to stop typing. He missed him so much.

E:Yeah, it's me, espresso.

M: This is a bit awkward.

E: How?

M: well, herb told me that you might like me. Is that true?

Espresso was shocked, flustered, embarrassed, all emotions at once.

"What? Thats such a lie." Espresso texted.

