
Sparkling wouldn't stop pestering madeline to do it now, but madeline kept telling him 'I'll do it later.' Soon, it was getting late. The party was almost over, and madeline and espresso still haven't shared a kiss. Sparkling was getting impatient and annoyed.

"Come on!! It's almost the end of the party, and you've been telling me the same thing! 'I'll Do iT lAtEr'" Sparkling mimicked madelines answer over and over again, and madeline was desperately trying to hold his annoyance. Sparkling suddenly ran away, and madeline sighed.

"Finally, he's go-" before madeline could think he was gone, Sparkling came back with Latte.

"Sparkling told me your going to give him a peck on the lips! Do it! Do it! Do it!" Now madeline had 2 equally irritating people to deal with. They followed madeline around like a puppy begging for him to do it, until madeline had enough.

"Okay FINE. I'll do it. But you guys can't watch." Madeline said, crossing his arms while blushing. Latte gasped and ran to get espresso.

"I got him!" Latte said, dragging espresso by the wrist.

"What the hell are you doing Latte!?" Espresso screamed. Madeline separated lattes hand from espressos wrist and pulled Latte into a corner.

"Not here you idiot!" Madeline said.

"Oooh. Do it outside then!" Latte said.

"Do you really think espresso would Like it though?" Madeline asked.

This was the time Latte was waiting for.

She could finally tell madeliene how espresso felt.

"I assure you he will. I've been keeping it a secret, but he..likes YOU." Latte said. Madeline's eyes widened and his blush grew even redder and hotter. Just then, sparkling came and whispered to them.

"So, where are you going to do it?" Sparkling whispered.

"Hes doing it outside." Latte said, pointing at the exit.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?" Espresso asked. Madeline scrunched his fingers and started trembling a bit.

"Oh nothing important. But hey, why don't we go outside for some fresh air huh? Sure smells like sweaty armpits here doesn't it?" Latte said, grabbing espressos wrist while leading him out of the exit. Latte turned behind her and signalled sparkling and madeline to come, so they followed. Sparkling pushed madeline out and latte pushed espresso out.

"We are going to go back to the party to eat. Bye!" Sparkling and Latte closed the door. Madeline and espresso were left outside in the dark, but there were a couple of lights there. The beautiful bright moon was shining above them, presenting their faces to eachother. They both sat down on the stone steps, close to eachother.

"My mom really is bright tonight." Espresso said, staring into the bright, delicate Moon.

"Wonder if it's because she's purposely doing it for me to kiss you." Madeline murmured.


"Hm? nothing. Just admiring your mother." Madeline said, plastering a smile on his face. It went silent for a while, then madeline turned to espresso anxiously.

"H-hey, I have a question." Madeline said.

"What is it?"

"H-how would you..react if I k-kissed you?.." madeline said, studdering on his words. Both espresso and madelines heart started racing and they were both blushing. Espresso thought it would be a delight, but he couldn't possibly say that, it would be embarrassing. Espresso stood quiet and stared into his deep blue eyes.

⚠️Smooching part⚠️
Skip if your not comfortable with this kind of stuff.

"I-I don't know...I-f you did, it would be my first kiss-" Before espresso could finish, Madeline tucked in a strand of hair behind his ear, leaning in slowly for a small kiss. But espresso didn't hold back.

He didn't want to.

Madeline suddenly pulled away, and espresso stared at his divine face, blushing like hell.

"I-im sorry, did you not like it?" Madeline asked awkwardly. Espresso didn't say anything, he was still processing what just happened.

Just then, someone emerged from the bushes.

"WOOO! you did it!!" Latte screamed.

"L-latte!? you were watching!?" Madeline screamed.

"Yeah. Had to be there for my little brothers first kiss, right?" Latte said, walking over to espresso.

"How'd it feel?" Latte asked, patting his back. Espresso didn't say anything, he was much too surprised and flustered.

"Alright, I think it's time we go home. Nice seeing you, Madeline!" Latte said, grabbing espressos hand and walking out. Madeline buried his face into his hands and he was as sweating.

"Gosh..I just did that, I really did it. What if he didn't like it?" Madeline said to himself. Madeline went back into the party, legs trembling.

"Hey madeline! Why you look like that?" Vampire asked, with the group behind him. Sparkling, who was part of the group, smirked at him.

"I did it. I kissed him, I really kissed him." Madeline said.

"KISSED ESPRESSO!?" Mint asked, wide-eyed.

"Yes, espresso indeed. I can't believe it, I made contact with his LIPS!!" Madeline said.

"How did it feel!?" Herb asked.

"It felt..good. it was soft." Madeline said. All of madelines friends started jumping around like monkeys, they all felt happy for their best bud.


Espresso was feeling odd. He had actually kissed madeline, out of all people he kissed madeline. He was in his room, sitting on the corner of his bed processing everything.

"Did you like it~" Latte teased.

"I don't know.." Espresso replied.

"Aw I remember when you were so little, and now your going out making out with boys!" Latte said, scuffing espressos hair.

"So, will you ask him out?" Latte asked.

"I-I don't know.." Espresso replied.

"Come on, your just going to let a boy kiss you and not date him? That will just be so...weird. well, ive gotta go to bed. I have work tomorrow. Good night." Latte said, walking out. Espresso fell back into his bed and grabbed his pillow. He put it over his face and screamed in it.

"I kissed madeline!!" Espresso screamed. Latte could hear his muffled screams, and Latte covered her ears with her own pillow.

"But why did I enjoy it!?" Espresso screamed into his pillow again.

"Espresso, SHUT UP!" Latte screamed from the wall. But espresso wasn't listening, all he could focus on was how it felt. He had a tingly feeling in his stomach, his heart was racing and his lips felt so odd.

*the next day*

Espresso felt too awkward to talk to madeline, and so did madeline towards espresso. Madeline was anxious that espresso didn't like it. Espresso got to school, trying to take cover from madeline as much as possible. But unfortunately, madelines friends weren't having it. The entire group left madeline in a spot and chased espresso. Sparkling grabbed his wrist and started dragging him to madeline. They made espresso stand infront of madeline, and they both gave eachother awkward smiles.

"GO on, one of you guys ask eachother out!" Vampire said impatiently. Madeline and espresso were desperately hoping for the bell to ring, and they didn't say anything to eachother.

"Soooo? Did any of you guys enjoy the kiss~" Sparkling asked, winking. They didn't expect an answer, but Espresso said somthing.

"Yeah..a little." Espresso said quietly.

"How did madelines LIPS feel?" Sparkling asked.

"I don't know...soft?" Espresso answered awkwardly. Madeline blushed harder and scrunched his fingers in.

"How about you, Madeline?" Herb asked.

"Huh? What? O-oh, uhm...same answer as espresso." Madeline answered, laughing awkwardly with a smile.

"Would you guys do it again?" Mint asked. Madeline and espresso blushed even harder, and they were obviously avoiding eye contact.

"Well, I- I mean, ye-yeah, sure." Madeline said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Y-you would!?" Espresso asked.

"Sure.." Madeline replied. They both looked at eachother, both hypnotised at eachothers eyes.

"Well, if you would, DO IT NOW!" Vampire said. The group wouldn't stop pestering them until madeline and espresso would at least press their lips together.

"I'm not doing it, okay? Just stop pestering us" Madeline said.

*ring ring ring* The bell rung. Everyone went to their class, and things went on normally. But madeliene and espresso couldn't get the words vampire had suggested out of their head.

'One of you ask eachother out'

Those words were spinning around Madeline and espressos head, and Latte did have a point. Why just kiss a boy and leave it there? When it came to lunch time, espresso and madeline sat in opposite seats the furthest from eachother, and they completely ignored eachother.
Soon it got to the end of the day, without speaking to eachother as much. Espresso headed to the library, but it said it was closed due to maintenance reasons. Espresso decided that he'd go for a walk instead, so he did exactly that.

He took a walk around, and he ended up on the same tree lined street from where he talked to his mom. He could hear the pepples beneath him crunching as he stared into the distance. After a while, he started to notice that he could hear another pair of shoes crunching the pebbles behind him. He looked behind and saw madeline, walking up to him.

"H-hey, espresso. I need to..ask you somthing." Madeline said. Espresso got nervous and stopped. He looked at madeline right in the eyes, and he suddenly felt his hand being grabbed.

Madelines heart was beating faster, and so was espressos. Madeline took a deep sigh and scrunched the hand that wasn't holding espressos.

"D-did you enjoy our..m-moment from yesterday?" Madeline asked with all his confidence. Espresso blushed harder.

"...I- wha-what kind of question is that!?" Espresso screamed.

"W-what I'm meant to say is.. *deep inhale* will you take the honor to be mine?" Madeline asked, scrunching his hands even tighter. He didn't realise he was still holding espressos hand, so he kinda squished it too. Espresso stood quiet, making Madeline worried and anxious, had he came all the way here to embarass himself? Was espresso going to say no?

Espresso was blushing, hard.

The thought of madeline and him being together was bouncing around his head. Madeline was about to let go of his hand, thinking he felt uncomfortable, when espresso closed his hand on madelines.

Espresso took a deep sigh, sweating as if he was in the Olympics.

"Sure...ill take the honor to be yours." Espresso said quietly, cringing at his words.

"What? Really?" Madeliene asked. Espresso got annoyed. He didn't want to repeat his answer, becuase he thought it was cheesy and embarrassing.

"I'm not repeating myself!" Espresso snapped.

"Okay okay, jeez!" Madeliene said, smiling. He was just happy to hear that espresso accepted. Silence was erupting, and all they could hear was the wind blowing leaves.

"So, I'm the strong one of this relationship, arent I?" Madeline asked.

"That's really the first thing you say when you just got a boyfriend? Thats pathetic." Espresso said, arching a brow.

"Hey! I've had experience of getting a lover before!" Madeline said.

"Your making me regret my decision."

"Okay okay I'm sorry!" Madeline immidiately apologised, he didn't want to break up with espresso right away. Espresso tried to hold a fit of laughter, Madeline really thought he'd actually change his decision.

"So I'm the strong one, your the cute one!" Madeline said. Espresso blushed and let go of madelines hand to cross his arms.

"How about when I'm angry?" Espresso asked.

"Your cute either way." Madeline said, smirking.

"Oh, you flatter me." Espresso said sarcastically, putting out his hand with a flying coffee bean on top. He was trying to hide his annoyance and was basically threatening Madeline.


Espresso got home late, and Latte was already waiting for him.

"Where did you go now!? The library was under maintenance, and you still got home late! What's the matter now!?" Latte asked, putting her fists on her hips angrily. Espresso wanted to tell Latte of what madeline said, but he cringed thinking of his own answer.

"So!?" Latte asked.

"I-...m-madeline asked be..his. And I just spent some time with him.." Espresso said, blushing and studdering on his words.

"What? *dramatic gasp* REALLY!?" Latte gave a dramatic gasp, placing a hand on her mouth. Espresso just nodded and latte ran over to him.

"Aw I just knew you and madeliene would end up together! Remember when you used to deny it all the time? Aww!" Latte acted like a complete fangirl.

"How did you even end up falling in love!?" Latte asked.

"Well, when madeliene left, I realised how much I missed him and how much trouble it caused when he wasn't here." Espresso cringed as his sentance, but latte thought it was cute. Meanwhile, Madeline haven't confronted his mom about him kissing espresso, let alone asking him out. He thought I'd be best to tell her since he couldn't really keep their relationship a secret, so he called his mom into the living room.

"Yes, my darling?" Vanilla madeline said, taking a seat next to Madeline.

"I didn't tell you this..but" madeline was afraid of telling his mother becuase he didn't know if she's support him or not.

"You what? You what, darling?" Vanilla madeline asked.

"I kissed a..boy." Madeline said, vanilla madeliene gasped cupped her mouth.

"Oh, and I have 2 more things." Madeline said.

"What are they?"

"I asked him out, and the boy is..espresso." Madeline said. He bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes, waiting for a lecture, but instead, he heard sniffing noises. He looked at his mom, who was crying for some reason.

"Mum, why are you crying?" Madeline asked.

"In crying because you feel safe enough to tell me." Vanilla madeline said, patting her tears with a tissue dramaticly. Vanilla madeline hugged her little boy and scuffed his fluffy, long hair.

"AW MY BABY BOY IS GROWING" Vanilla madeline screamed. Madeline smiled a bit, and hugged her back.

(Back with latte)

Espresso was sleeping, and Latte was sitting in the corner of her bed. She stared at the moon, which wasn't a full one since the full one occurred yesterday.

"Mom, I really wish you were there for espressos first kiss. I wish you were there when madeline asked espresso out. I wish you were there for us in our happiest moments, I just wish you were here." Latte said.

Guys idk how to End this chapter lol.
