
A/N: Bakugo is sexy as F■ck...anyway thanks for reading. Oh and i'll try to post as soon as possible.

Le time skip~
Katsuki pov:
I opened my door to see- Deku and (y/n)?! "Huh?!!..." was all I can say. "Oh hi k-kachan" "Hey, Bakugo ready for our assignment?" (Y/n) said sitting down on our floor kinda table thingy... How did you (y/n) go here? "Wait how did you guys get in here?? " I was like a stupid not knowing the ABC. "Uhh-" Deku was trying to speak until my Wacky Mom intrupted "Ohh!! Bakugo don't be so harsh of your friends, espesially your girlfriend is here!" my mom flashed a smile to (y/n)."She not My girlfriend!!!" I shoated making (y/n) blush making fums go out of my ears and making me blush as red paint to the face. "Really? Oh im sorry my dear its just that you too look so cute" the hag said leaving the living room. "Oh and Katsuki treat them well... unless you want
A beating." She said smiling at me while you could see a vein popping up her forhead and leaving us the fuck away. "Tch" never in my life would My pride go down just from my mother. "We should just ingnore that lets start already."Deku said. Then a few mins. Then it hit me.

How the fuck did you get here" me pointing at (y/n). (Y/n) stood up and walked up to me and smirked, "Deku brought me here since him and your parents say that you guys are childhood friends. Ka-tsu-ki~!" (Y/n) brushing her lips in a delicate way making me blush and iratated. "Whatever lets do the work already"I said sitting down following was (y/n). (Y/n) was reading the first question, "Okay,choose two representative to right down their quirks.

You pov:
I said, I look at Midoriya his smile went to a worried look and seems to be sweating a lot? "Deku, are you alright me and Katsuki could write our quirks." I said looking Deku smile again... aww cute. I wrote Bakugo's qurik which was explusion then I put mine. "(Y/n) what your quirk?"Bakugo said his face resting on his palm."oh! My quirk is Chloeafoam (I do not know how to spell that and I have no care to change it...peace).
I can make people faint with a bit of my qurik and make them dizzy,and etc." I said smiling at them but then I lower head and Bakugo and Deku look at me conceard. "B-but people say that my q-qurik is perfect for villans... people say I might be the perfect villan so I became an outcast when I was at ki dergarten but I know that I can be a proHero someday
!" I Said having more hope than before. Deku smiled patting my shoulder while we answer the rest of the Questions

×××Le time skip×××

"Bakugo, im going to the restroom. Can you come with me there I don't know the way through your house" you said feeling your ganna piss your self.(DO YOU KNOW THE WAE) Bakugo stood up and held your hand when standing up; "Fine. Just because you friking don't know where it is"Bakugo sighed and walked out of the room still holding my hand. I stare down to our hands him leading me to the restroom, I feel like my cheeks burn this warm tight feeling...I don't know why?

I finally got to courage to tell him about our hands but somehow deep inside I diden't want to let go. As I was about to speak "Bakugo I-" cut of short by hothead here. "Here, you can use the restroom. Hurry the fuck up its so tiring" Bakugo said, then he realised He was still holding my hand. He blushes and lets go of my hand, never the less and looks cute. He is such a tsundere ."S-shit sorry" was all he said making me giggle and went in the restroom.

Hello there yes everytime I will upload it will be mostly 2 at a time. Hopefully I get my story together.
