Feild trip

Part 1
Edit: Nov 23.2018 : Sorry I fogot the bame of the guy in the leauge of villans that can make a portals
Edited: Nov 24.2018

Your pov:
I finally Went home ans so far this week was really intense, I walked inside my apartment seeing my little pet (dog/Cat) barking/meowing meaning to say they're really happy seeing me. Hehehe They really know how to cheer me up huh?

" I should probably do something productive......hmmmmm" I scratched my chin thinking of many things U can do .In the end I just changed my clothes then just watched tv the rest if the time.
"So much for 'Prouductive' ." I said to myself sarcasticly rolling my eyes to myself.


'Huh...A message, who could that be?'
I open my phone to see an unkown message.... ok, Oh its Aziwa sensei.

~Open chat~

Aziwa: Hello, (l/n) . This is your Homeroom teacher. Aziwa

Y/n: Oh hi sensei? How did you get my phone number??  Le gasp. Did someone tell you!!

Aziwa: Of course not! I got it in the student's record I wanted to tell you that I will watching a close eye on you since the occuring events lately.

Y/n: Oh thats okay....
Anything else to add up AZ Sensei??

Aziwa: Don't call me that
And my apolagies about the misunderstanding the incident awhile ago.

Y/n: uhhh..Right, It okay sensei your just doing your job

Aziwa:  Oh yeah another thing, Im telling YOU in advance but everyone in Class A will be going to a felidtrip wearing their hero outfit. So I need you to be extra careful tommorow you don't know if the villans will be attacking in mid-Daylight. PROBLEM CHILD...?

Y/n: Ohh haha umm....yes Sensei. Promise to be extra careful going to school tommorow. Anyway night Sensei!

Aziwa: Night

~Ended the Chat~

"Well that was intresting..."
I said as I  put down the phone and stood up the couch, ate my dinner (F/F) with a side of (F/D).  Im soooooo tired. I mentally scream to myself to tired to think and do anything productive aside from Eating cause you kbiw its a priductive thing. A ding was heard from my Phone.
"Waf ish it Nroaw...?" I said to myself while my mouth was full of (F/F) looking up to see another message but From Chiko.

~Open chat~

Chiko19: hey (First name)! Will you be availabe tommorow Afternoon for a shift??

Y/n:Oh maybe...im not sure, I might be busy later. I'll probably just go there if im free or I could just text you.

Chiko19: Awwww but I wont be able to see you again why is that...?

Y/n: Do U not know???????
Du I forget to mention it to you?!

Chiko19: Know....what?

Y/n: I got Accepted in UA high!!! Aren't you happy?!

Chiko19: W-what Really...? Thats so cool, was that why you been busy lately..?

Seen 7:36

Chiko19: Hey you there, come on this isn't funny...

Y/n: Haha sorry Just got back to get something, anyway anything else you wanna ask me??

Chiko19: Just A quick question, what is your class by any chance....?

(A/n: Oh no. Are you guys know what i've been thinking?? Lets find out shall we....)

Y/n:Hahah oh~
You wanna visit me or something~

Chiko19: Something like that.

Y/n: Well im not telling you.
Anyway I gatta go I need to have some sleep cuss tgus week has been Stressful, anyway Byeeee!!

Wait comeback I still want to talk to you!!

Seen 7:41

Chiko19: Come on!!!

Seen 7:42

Fine have a goodnight (y/n)....be safe.

~Ended chat~

Chiko's pov:
(A/n: Wow its been a bumpy ride isn't it??? Its been so long since this POV.)

"Kousuke! When did this happen..." I mummbeld, I had to be fustrated scratching my head like a maniac if only I knew she was going to be part of UA the plan woulden't have a problem...

"Whats the problem Young Scout" ___ asked me he was so calm always cleens hus mini bar everyday. "Yeah,your mood wants me want to disintegrate your face...heh... whats your problem anyway??" Shigiraki said taking his shot that___ gave him.

"Sir,Well.... since you know I scouted (y/n) (l/n) umm...right? Well....she also got In UA but I thought she was about to apply to a  school for college but I didn't know It was in UA, I only got the information now...sir" I only call My buddy Shigiraki 'Sir' If I did something wrong after all he is my Boss. " What!..augh.... sigh. No matter, the plan can still work. By any chance which class in she??" He said as he turned to face me, oh no he looks intimidating . "Sir, she told me nothing in which section she was but told me she would be busy tommorow for UA thow"

"This could still work, we would still be attacking UA in the ======= tommorow even si gather the troops and preapere for blicking the signals even If precious (l/n) will be there" Sgigiraki said to stand up and walk away with his hands in his pockets. My guilt. I still love this leauge they accepted me...as a family when nobody did. Before Shigiraki left I called up to him.

"If (y/n) were to be there..... You woulden't hurt her...right???....." He stood still, silence. It took him awhile to face me agian, he knew why I asked him that.

"That depends wheather or not She will choose to be cooperative or does something Irational..... maybe. Anyway im leaving Chi (short cut for Chikohi, nickname:Chiko. Lastname:??)

A/n: Wow this Pov~ what is my hand boi been thinking about

Shigiraki Pov:
' Chi I know you liked (y/n) for awhile but.... no girl will get in the way in Killing All Might' It tgought as I left Chi to himself with======.'


Your pov:
Beep beep beep beeep BEEEEEEEP!!
*click* "Sorry clock I've beeten you today, I've been Awake 1 hour ago. Im too exited!! I can't wait!! " I said as I ran down stairs already ready for Today's  FELID TRIP.

~Time skip in school~
I was sitting in class Talking to one of the girls cause I haven't talken ti much girls so I talked to Froppy.
"Hey Froppy, my name is (l/n) (y/n) but you can call me (y/n)" I said smiling to her. She faced me and introuduced her self too.
"Kero. You can call Tsuyu Asui but you can call Tsuyu. Kero Kero". ' She seems nice until one of the boys walked up to me was Midoriya-Kun.
"Ohayo, (l/n)-chan!"
"Ohayo gazaimasu Midoriya,  Btw just call me (y/n)" I said as his face seems to blush a bit of pink before waving hand and his other hand scratching hus head.
"Sure. (Y/n)
By any chance you have any the finished Assignment given weeks

(A/n: Don't worry you finished the rest cause you didn't want another Embarassing momment)

"Yeah, I got it here" as I pointed to my bag; deku came closer to get a better look. The class door slid the door open as Bakugo came inside the classroom.
He looked at me then to Midoriya his faced scrunched up.
He walked up to us, but Midoriya don't seem to see Bakugo behind him... till he shouted. "What do think your doing Deku?!?!" Bakugo screamed making tiny explosins on his hands. "K-kachan i'its not like that! I-I -i was um g-getting the assignment we were assigned too" Midoriya said being a nervous reck infront of Baka-hoe. Oh I had enough of this!' I was about ti speak when Bakugi just clicked his tounge and grumbled and walked away to his seat yet before that he glance at me.

"You still owe me that Coffee you still spilled it on me... you can repay me by Going with me to the coffee shop you work in later after school " Bakugo said finally going to his desk.

I just stayed in my seat just to process what happened until that school already began.

Katsuki Bakugo's pov:
I walked in class to see Freaking Deku's body so close to (y/n),my heart just felt like it was hit with a rock. I need to get this strange feeling out of me.
~Time skip~- After he saud hia speecg and what not to you

I sat down to my desk and looked out the window until class Started. Aziwa sensei got up from his  bag thing . It was at the corner of the class. He stood up and began class to anounce something. "Anyway class... today will be training somewere not UA sooo everybody dress up in your Hero suit cause where going to go to a felild trip". He said opening the doors ro our outfit. 'YES! This is going to prove im the storngest'

Okay that was preety long U will make cahpter part 2 if Feild trip

Just fininished now 9:16 at the night
Thank you for supporting me all the way!!

Just a bit if Advertisment go follow my account and suggest what Fandoms I should do. Thnak you guys bye!!!
1565 words
