
A/N: Fun fact this is the first part I wrote for this story. Everything else is built around it. Its just a small gem ive kept protected for a long time.

Emily walked into her living room and stopped at the sight before her. She had truly seen nothing more incredibly beautiful. Her wife JJ was sitting cross legged on their couch in nothing but Georgetown sweatpants and a sports bra with her hair thrown up in a messy bun. She was bare faced and looking down affectionately at their week old daughter that was clinging to her breast. Emily took a picture of them secretly then snuck up beside JJ placing a kiss on her temple then rubbing their daughters head as she continued to nurse.

"God she's so perfect"

Emily said "She looks just like her Mom"

JJ said "I wouldn't go that far. She's way cuter"

JJ and Emily just kept gazing at her until she detached from JJs breast. JJ places the burping cloth over her shoulder then gently patted Grace's back. Grace let out the biggest burp that seemed to startle her and she started crying

Emily said "Oh baby girl did that scare you. Come Mamas got you."

Emily then motioned for JJ to place the crying baby in her arms so JJ gently lifted her off her shoulder gently adding her to Emily. She placed the bra back into place then took the towel to the kitchen. Emily bounced around the living room speaking to her in French. JJ could only gaze at them paralyzed afraid, making her presence known ruining the moment. Grace nuzzled into Emily's chest as she sang to her.

"I'm gonna go take a nap"

Emily walked over and kissed JJ and said "yeah baby go rest I got her.
After JJ was upstairs Emily sat on the couch placing Grace in the crook of her thighs. She just examined her stoking her face. After a short few minutes Grace started to get fussy Emily went ahead and checked her diaper seeing it was dirty she changed her. Grace was still pouty tears running threatening to come so Emily said "oh baby you just wanna cuddle '' so she unbuttoned her shirt letting her daughter lay against her bare chest.

"Mama promises to protect you."

When JJ wandered down two hours later refreshed and ready to see her girls she was brought to tears at the sight of her dark haired wife laying on the couch asleep with her top unbuttoned Grace laying against her bare chest Grace was curled up with her legs under her butt her face turned towards the couch she had a little smile on her face. Emily's hand was protectively on Grace's back. JJ quickly snapped a photo carefully not to get anything too revealing then she gently lifted Emily's legs, sat down and placed her legs on her lap.
