Baby Moon

The two woke up the next morning calling in vacation time before packing Emily's 2011 Audi A7. The two started the drive to the airport. Emily was practically bouncing in her seat with the prospect of a beach. The two simply enjoyed each other's presence. The two passed parking lot after parking lot. JJ asked "Uh Emily, Love of my life, Mother to my child where are we going."

Emily smiled cheekily sayin "Well Jennifer, twinkle in my eye, beat of my heart, soulmate, mother of my child we are going to the airport."

JJ laughed saying "I know babe but where are we parking."

Emily winked saying "Now now I can't have my baby mommy walking through a crowded airport. Plus our plane isn't exactly accessible through the airport."

"Emilyyy what did you do?"

Emily pulled into the airstrip and a Dassault Falcon sat in wait

"Emily you didn't!"

"Oh I did."


"Love did I not tell you I have connections."

They stepped out of the car as men took the keys from Emily and luggage from the trunk. Emily came around the car opening the door for JJ. She took JJ's hand pulling her out of the car and leading her to the stairs of the jet. Standing beside the steps was the pilot. He held out his hand saying "Mrs. Prentiss it is nice to see you again and Mrs. Jareau-Prentis it is very nice to meet you."

JJ shook his hand saying "Likewise."

The pilot looked at Emily saying "We are supposed to have two stewardess but your bull headed wife refused."

JJ laughed saying "This does not surprise me."

JJ and Emily sat side by side as the plane zipped through the air. Emily patted her legs saying "Come here."


"JJ I want belly time so come here."

JJ rolled her eyes standing up. Emily threw her legs up on the couch as JJ sat between them leaning her back onto Emily's chest letting her head fall back resting on Emily's shoulder. Emily put her hands on JJ stomach kissing JJ's neck. Emily laughed into JJs ear saying "Someone is very active."

"Baby loves flying."

"Uhm she's a smart lady."

"She gets it from her Mama."

After the long flight the two napped before changing into swin suits to go to the private beach. Emily wore a one piece with cutout side sand and a long cover and her usual sunglasses while JJ wore a black two piece with her Aviators and silk beach robe. The two laid out on the beach in a long chair. Emily was rubbing on said "Baby do you want me to get your back?"

"Of course."

JJ took the sunscreen and rubbed the cool lotion onto her hands before touching Emily's hot skin. After JJ was done Emily took the bottle into her hand. She pushed JJ back. Emily walked over straddling JJ's legs being careful not to sit on her ankles. JJ bore eyes into Emilys as Emily started lathering her hands. JJ gasped at the coolness of the lotion on her chest. . Emily rubbed all over her chest being sure to just barely go into the suit narrowly missing JJs sensitive nipples. JJ's eyes were closed and content sighs escaped her lips every few rubs. Emily moved her hands down generously rubbing JJ's smooth bump getting impossibly close to that place just below JJ's naval. Emily leaned forward kissing JJ's neck. JJ tilted her head giving Emily full access. She nibbled on JJ's ear. JJ let out a slow and low moan. 

Emily whispered "Shh you will wake the baby."

"God mmm I don't care."

"He has nothing to do with what i'm doing to you now."

Emily continued her assault on JJ's neck before pulling away. JJ whimpered at Emily's absence. Emily moved down the chair straddling the very end of it. She kissed down JJ's smooth tan legs rubbing the lotion across her trail of kisses. JJ was a withering mess and Emily knew they wouldn't last on the beach long. JJ whispered "Em. Please." Emily looked up to see her wife's chest moving up and down quickly. Eyes closed and lips partially open. Emily could see her perfect teeth and never in Emilys life had she seen something so beautiful.


"Anywhere. Just soon."

Emily got up gathering their things walking towards the house leaving her wife out on the beach. JJ watched her dumbfounded. As Emily walked she started slipping the straps of her suit off her shoulders turning back to gaze at JJ. Even from where JJ was she could read that look. The one that told JJ that tonight was going to be a long one. Emily's eyes were nearly black with desire.

JJ let out a strangled groan quickly rising walking into the house.

A/N: That is as close to MA content I will get!
