Part 3

You start to walk towards each other.

E- ok lets just get this out of the way I didnt meet up to fuck you this time he says then winks

you scoff and roll your eyes

E- ok not a joker got it

J- so what did you exactly want

E- I was wondering if you would maybe want to go on a date with me sometime like an actual date not just a sex session then leave

J-  ummm....

E- Im saying this from me its not a deal im done with being a fuckboy im sick of girls thinking that all i want from them is sex i want a real realationship and i want it to be with you

J- you know what fuck it, sure ill go on a date with you

E- wait really? I was thinking you were going to say no

J- did you want me to say no?

E- What no!

J- really cause it seems like you did

He then leans in and kisses your lips and it didnt feel like what you felt when you and Shawn kissed this actually felt like he meant it and not like I was just his toy

E- does that answer your question

J- yes it does

you both had large smiles on your faces

E- ill pick you up tommorow at 7

J- ok, goodnight Ethan

E- goodnight jord

You both turn around with huge smiles and drive off. You walk into the house and see Hayes and Nash sitting on the couch. You look at the clock it was now 11 o clock. You close the door and Nash stands up facing you looking dissapointed.

N- is that really how you feel, that we arent your actual brothers

you stay silent

N- Jordyn be honest with me, with us do you hate us?

J- what no! I love both of you no doubt about it i just could use some space right now. Im sorry

You look at Hayes who has bloodshot eyes from crying and then back at Nash's bloodshot eyes. You walk upstairs and to your room you lay in bed staring at the blank cieling while starting to doze off.You wake up the next morning to your alarm again. You get up and wash your face, not wanting to take a shower. You change into jean shorts with a Maverick tank top and white high top converse. You woke up at 5:30 to make breakfast for your family since your mom worked last night and you felt bad because of what happened last night between you and your brothers. 

After the pancakes,bacon,eggs and toast are done you put the plates of food on the counter and connect your phone to the speakers that are all through out the house and speak into it.

J- Breakfast is ready come and get it im leaving

You disconnect the speakers grab a waffles and 2 pieces of bacon and a bottle of water along with your keys and walk out. Amber wasnt feeling well so you went to school alone. You walk into the school doors but are soon pulled into the boys locker room and pushed up against the wall and there before your eyes you saw Ethan. You smirked at the smirk that was placed on his face. He kisses you passionantly. Soon the kisses are moved down to your neck. He then started to suck on my neck leaving 3 hickeys. He made his way back up to your lips. Before it could go any further Cameron the twins friend walked in

C- oh im sorry did i interupt something

J- no

E- umm ya

you guys said at the same time

J- no ill go 

but before you could leave Cameron pulled you back by the wrist

C- you probably want this he says chuckiling and handing you his sweatshirt

J- shit thanks you say glaring at Ethan who was leaning up against the locker smirking at you

you walk out to your first class

****Ethans POV****

C- dude you cant use her like that shes actually one of the good girls

E- I know this might sound crazy but im not I dont  want to I think I actually have feelings for her

C- well this is going to be intresting

Before i could ask what he meant he was gone out of the locker room

****Your POV****

You were sitting in your 3rd hour class again when you get a text from Ethan

*text messages*

E- im looking forward to more of what happened this morning

you laugh to yourself and glance across the room to see him smirking at you

J- me to

you say and shut your phone off

**Graysons POV**

I saw Ethan and Jordyn smirking at each other. Oh hell no he is not going to steal my girl. Jordyn is mine. She cant actually be falling for him can she? I cant let him use her she deserves someone loyal not a fuckboy.
