Part 2

***Hayes POV**

At football practice. You walked into the boys locker room and changed into your football gear and walked out onto the field with Cameron. You started warming up when Shawn walked over to you.

H-what do you want

S- I know your little secret

you stopped throwing the ball and walked closer to Shawn

H- what secret

S- don't play dumb Grier I know your just her foster family she told me and don't think I wont tell everyone else if she doesn't take me back

H- you wouldn't dare

S- oh I would


you softened your voice

H- That's my baby sister no matter what you say 

Grayson then walked up

G- what did I just here him say Mendes I warned you this morning 

Grayson then punched Shawn right in the jaw causing him to fall on the ground

G- Now leave I dont want your slutty ass around her or her family

Shawn got up and walked away holding his bloody jaw

H- Thank you I didnt know you cared so much for her

G- ya neither did I

he says quietly almost in a whisper and walked away. We finished practice and changed. Nash and I drove home and walked into the house. I walked in and saw Jordyn sleeping on the couch with ice cream sitting on the coffee table. Nash picked it up and put it back in the freezer. It was currently 4:30 so I sent Nash to get Taco Johns since it was Jordyns favorite and mom was working the extra late shift at the hospital and daed was still deployed in Afghanistan. I sat next to her and turned the TV on and played Fortnite till Nash came back with the food. I woke Jordyn up and handed her her favorite 2 softshell tacos with potato olays cheese sauce and a Dr.Pepper. Her face glew up and she put it on the coffee table and hugged Nash and I.

J- thank you I need this

H- anytime lil sis

N- Just know i went and got it and payed for it

J- ill remember that she said letting out a little chuckle

I turned off my video game and turned on Logan Pauls newest video while we ate. Seeing her aughing at his stupid jokes and actions made my day 10 times better. After we were done it was already 9 o'clock. She got up and threw the garbage away.

J- Im going to get ready for bed. goodnight

H- Night

N- GOODNIGHT he said yelling

H- bro why so loud?

N- dont know im just hyped

***Your POV***

I went up stairs changed into short shorts with a tank top and washed my makeup off, brushed my hair and put it back into a messy bun. I turned on Vampire Diaries but i barely made 10 minutes of it before I heard my phone ding

*message from unknown number*

?- hey, meet me at the Hollywood sign in 10 min

J- who is this?

?- oh ya sorry Nash gave me your number its Ethan Dolan

J- ok why do you want to meet me?

E- just please come i need to talk to you

J- ok ill be there in 10

You grab your sweatshirt from earlier today and throw it on along with your white high top converse not caring that your still in booty shorts. You walk out of your room and to the living room where Hayes is still sitting on his phone. You grab your keys and start to walk out before Hayes stops you. 

H- and where do you think your going

J- out

H- Jordyn dont do this I dont know why your starting to cut me out suddenly but just plz tell me where you are going

J- you know what Hayes im sick of you and Nash always babying me I dont know what happened with your last foster sibling but i dont always need you babying me and acting like your my dad because your not what the hell your not even blood related to me at all so id you dont mind im going to leave now

you say turning your back to him and walking out. You didnt know why you blew up at him youve been feeling like that for awhile but didnt expect to tell them like that. You got to the hollywood sign and got out of your car and saw the biggest Fuckboy of the school get out of his black jeep Ethan Dolan....
