tlitlek ~ chapter 14

"You down?" I asked.

"Oh! Yeah- uh.." he looked down at himself.

"Uhm.. you get dressed. I'll head to the car." I decided and made my way out.

When I got to my car I was radiating joy. As soon as I shut my door I squealed and kicked my feet in pure happiness. I was definitely a love struck fool in this moment.

"Nananan~ I got mooooonnnn~" I sang out and continued celebrating in my seat. That's when I heard the door open.

I cleared my throat and moved as if I was sitting holding the wheel.

"Were you having a party in here?" Buster laughed and climbed in.

"Eh.." I blushed I'm embarrassment and Start to drive. We continue to have conversation and even sing a little the whole way there.

We made it to my home, of course I made my vegetarian matzo ball soup I was so craving. Buster even helped me... Though he wasn't exactly talented at cooking.

We finished up eating our food and made it over to the living room. "So want to watch a movie or something?" I offered picking up the remote.

"Sounds great. You can pick!" He told me and we sat down together. Close together I might add.

I put on (you can change it) the Corpse Bride, one of my favorites. Buster told me he's never seen it which I find insane.

I curled myself up to get more comfortable and leaned back. "... Buster?" I requested his attention hesitantly. To which he hummed in response. "Um... Are we a thing now?"

We made eye contact and a comfort fell over us. "...if you want to be"

"I do!" I blurted out as soon as he finished. "Oh! I mean I'm down~" I tried to sound cooler that time but it definitely didn't work.

Buster let out a little laugh and scooted up to me placing a kiss on my jaw. "Me too." He gently shifted his wait onto me.

...this has got to be the best day ever.


Oh me oh my I'm so sorry for the short chapter but I hope you like it anyway!

Please read:
I really want to start a TMNT x reader but I can't pick which one so can you guys possibly out of the kindness of your heart give me your favorite turtle? (If you have one)

And don't worry this shouldn't put a damper on this story because it's my absolute favorite to make!

Good bye my loves! Don't forget to comment your thoughts through out the chapters!

See you next update

TikTok: @sir.daddy.bean
