Dance pt. 2 ~ chap 7

A/n ok so remember how I said you work from home a few chapters ago? Well when I said that I meant you were an artist of some kind that does commotions for money

Also you took ballet for about 12 years when you were younger

(it will be brought up so I just didn't want you to be confused)


I wake up to another day.

I wake up at a usual time. Do my usual things.

My day was pretty uneventful. Just making commissions and such. Although I my work was consuming me so much I forgot to eat basically anything.

I kinda have a problem with that.

It hadn't felt so long but my 4:40 work alarm went off to remind me I need to go.

I swiftly put away my materials, got dressed in a cream shirt and brown skinny jeans, and headed out. Only when I got in the car did I notice my hunger.

"Damn.." I mumble then tsk at myself.

Well I guess I'll need to suffer through it.


Once I make it through the streets and to the theater I walk in to see the white mouse, mike, sitting on a chair in the lobby on his phone.

When I entered he look up at me and smiled smugly.

"Well hey" he started looking at me up and down. " pleasure seeing you again."

"hey. You too."

"Say doll, what are you doin' here so late?"

I raised an eyebrow at the thing he just called me and answered, "uhh.. to practice?"

"Ay, just sayin' Moon dosen't have anyone else here this late." He put both his hands up and shrugged.

"Well then why are you here?"

"Mmm, business. But I'd be happy to talk about it after your rehearsal if you're up for it~" he said wooingly.

"Excuse m-" I was about to ask before my last alarm went off on my phone.

"Shit... sorry dude I need to go, I'm late." I told him walking down the hallway.

"Sure. See ya round toots." He waved me off before I left.

Well that was weird...

I shrugged it off and made my way to my empty rehearsal room. I take off my bag and settle into my seat in front of the mirror.

I pull out my phone to look up a karaoke to the songs I'll be performing. I got through about 4 when I heard the door open behind me.

I look to see Buster coming in with his board. "Terribly sorry for my lateness Y/N. I was helping Mrs. Crawley with learning a new computer program."

I laughed at the thought. "That must have been a challenge sir."

"Sure was." He chuckled and sat un the chair he sat in yesterday.

"How are you?" he said smiling, flipping through the sheets in his hand.

"Ah, good! Pretty hungry though."

He hummed in response, "that isn't good. When's the last time you ate?"

I chuckled nervously and looked off to the side. "Uh... yesterday afternoon."

He immediately looked up at me with a concerned look. "Yesterday!? The sun is going down!"

"Heh.. yeah I was busy and forgot to feed myself. It happens sometimes." I tried to excuse it.

He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a granola bar. He tossed it to me, "this is from my lunch but you go ahead and eat it. Can't have you starving while working."

"Thanks dude you're a life saver! I wasn't feeling the best after mike made me late" I laughed.

"Mike's here?" He asked in a totally different tone.

"Oh yeah. Something about 'doing business' hes in the lobby."

He let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes, which REALLY surprised me with how nice he was.

"I'll deal with him in a minute but for now," He drug his pencil down his clipboard. "I've got a few things to discuss with you."

"Hm?" I ask munching on the bar.

"First off, I found someone to do your slow dances and I would like to ask if you have prior dance experience?"

"Well I know ballet."

"Oh! That would be perfect." He scribbled something down on his paper.

"Alrighty.. second, when you come I want you to practice the songs on the piano every other rehearsal staring tomorrow. I'll show you the way there in a bit." He got up and walked to the door.

"And last off," he said dragging in a bin that was in the hall. "Costumes."

"Costumes?" I asked.

"precisely!" He smiled then opened the bin. "I don't want your act to come off to boring when it's just you singing and playing piano, so it would be best to wear something with a bit of flair."

He pulled out some of the things in there and showed them to me. Most of them looked like suits with fun colors. My favorite one was a black sparkly one.

He then dug down and pulled out some tight-like pants and a matching skirt with holographic rhinestones.

"Here this would be for when you for when you do ballet." He said placing it on the pile and handing it to me.

I took them and set them on the chair. Buster went into his pocket and handed me his phone. "Can you try on the outfits and take pictures of yourself in them so I can see how they fit? You can do that while I sort out this 'business' with mike.

I simply nodded before he headed out.

I lock the door and pull down the blinds on the glass window and do what Buster told me to.

I tried all the suits on and took mirror selfies. Lastly I put on the white rhinestone outfit. It fit me SUPER snug and hugged every crevice of my body perfectly.

I snap the photo and take off the shirt when I heard a knock on my door.

"Y/N I'm back!" Buster called from the other side.

"Coming Mr. Moon!"

I unlock it and he started to say "hey I told you to call me Bust- uh.." he cut himself off when he looked at me.

He looked at my bare chest then quickly made eye contact with me giving a large awkward smile.

Blush covered my face as I realized what just happened, "oh crap! Sorry I still need to get in my normal clothes." I explain hiding myself behind the door.

He cleared his throat and put his sight to the ground, "Uh no worries. You should probably do that."

"Yeah!" I blurted and quickly shut the door.

I face facepalmed and let out a sigh. Stupid.

I get dressed as fast a possible and let him in.

"Here." I handed Buster his phone back.

"Thanks," he stuffed it in his pocket. "Now let me show you the way to the piano."

I followed him up the stairs to his office space he shared with Mrs. Crawley. In the room there was a big brown shiney piano.

"Wow.." I whisper out at the sight of it.

"Yup, she sure is something. We were able to get a new one with Nana Noodlemen's donation." He informed me gently stroking his fingers along the instrument.


I ended up 'practicing' there for the rest of the time but we really just talked to each other.

What stood out was when he told me how he lived here in what was an extra dance room. It definitely intrigued me.

I left after that and looked to see new texts from Ash.


(Holli was that fox that got the part too if you forgot)

-hey dude
-Do you want to come with me, Johnny and and Holli to a diner tomorrow

-depends, what time?

-around noon

-yeah sure
-but why is Holli going?

-Believe it or not I got a date with them

-wait if you're going on a date why is Johnny going? Lol

-I'm way to scared to go by myself but I don't want Johnny to be third wheeling
-so like a double date

-im not going on a date with Johnny.

-Y/N L/N you know what I mean 😭


<end text>

I put my phone to the charger and start to finish the commission I was doing before I left.



Alright bye. Love you readers :)
