
Jack Frost sighed as he stared up at the front door. Another new school. Another new army of clichés and dramatic relationships. Another new semester in hell. And it wasn't even a school day! It was Saturday; the last thing he wanted to do was tour a High School with the principal, who would probably hate him anyways.

Speaking of hate, Jack hated school. He'd always had. He honestly couldn't care less about the Pythagorean Theorem or Napoleon or Mitochondria. He wasn't going to use them later in life. Sure, he didn't know what he was going to do later on, but he knew for sure that it wasn't going to involve any of that.

The only reason why he was here was because of his family. His mother was happy he was attending school. She thought it was good for him and that he was making friends (which couldn't be further from the truth; after years of constant moving, he'd learned that being a loner was the best option). All he wanted to do was make her happy and proud of him, no matter what.

Meanwhile, his sister meant the world to him. After their dad had died overseas mere months before she was born, Jack had promised his mother that he would take care of his little sister. That meant attending this hellhole called school as well as taking the time to play with her when he wasn't playing lacrosse.

That was the only other reason why he was here. Jack loved to play lacrosse, and apparently he was pretty good at it. His dad had taught him how to throw and catch the ball expertly; everything else came smoothly afterwards. After they'd moved to Burgess, Jack had immediately began searching for a lacrosse team. The only one he could find was here, at the local high school.

Jack frowned as he ran his fingers through his white hair (yes, it was natural).

Well, might as well get this over with he thought.

He climbed the steps and was about to pull open the door when it opened for him. A short, pudgy old man in a cream-colored suit was behind it. The man, who oddly reminded Jack of Uncle Jesse (without the beard) from the original Dukes of Hazzard TV Show, gave him a broad smile.

"Hello Jackson!" he said, opening his arms out almost as if he were a stage performer.

Jack was a little surprised at how open the man was. Nobody had ever been like that to him.

"It's Jack," he corrected, trying to not come across rude.

"Oh. Excuse me," the man replied. "My name is Guy Moon. I'm the principal here at Burgess High School. I'm glad to meet you."

He smiled again and offered Jack his hand to shake, which he took. Jack couldn't help but smile back at the old man. He had this air about him that seemed... almost grandfatherly.

"Thank you, sir," he said.

Mr. Moon led him through the door and into the hallway, where he explained that they were waiting for a couple more people for their tour. In the meantime, he showed Jack all of the trophies the sports teams had won over the years-primarily those of the lacrosse team.

"I'm sure you'll like it here, Jack. Your mother told me you liked to play lacrosse," Mr. Moon said as they came up to the picture of the lacrosse team. "We needed another player."

Jack had stayed silent the entire time, admiring the many trophies that decorated the hallway. He paused when he saw the lacrosse team, taking particular interest in the guy at the center of the photo.

"Who's the guy with the grey hair?" he asked, pointing to the person he was talking about. The teenager, or, rather, young man, was very tanned and muscular with dark grey hair. He towered over his teammates and his coach, and he looked extremely serious and almost threatening.

"HEY!" a voice suddenly rumbled through the hall. "There he is!"

Jack jumped, which made Mr. Moon chuckle. They turned to see a large man lumbering down the hallway towards them, his long white beard swinging as he walked.

"Jack Frost!" the man said with a smile.

His Russian accent was almost as big as he was; the man was at least 6'6". He wore worn black pants and a red shirt with the sleeves rolled up at the elbows. It didn't take him long to get close enough to offer a hand to Jack.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," the Russian said.

Jack, meanwhile, was shocked to say the least. The man's hand was as big as his own face and was a good 9" taller than him. He shyly took the man's hand and muttered a greeting. Mr. Moon came up next to the new person.

"Jack, this is Mr. Nicholas North. He is our guidance counselor and manages some of our sports teams," he said.

Mr. North, who wasn't quite as old as Mr. Moon, waved away his words.

"Bah. Please, call me North. Have you been here long, Jack?"

Jack shrugged. He instantly liked 'North.' The man had a... fatherly air to him that Jack had missed since he was 6... when his father had died.

"We got here a month ago. My mom wanted us to be settled in before I came here," he said.

Suddenly a door closed behind him. He turned as the men glanced behind him.

"Ah! Sandy!" North said, clapping his hands together.

The short teenager smiled and waved. His face was a little round with pudgy cheeks, wearing big black glasses around light brown eyes. He wore khaki pants and a light yellow button-up shirt and a black bowtie. He had on a black bowler hat that covered wild curly blonde hair. His black shoes were shined and obviously well-taken care of.

He looked over at Jack with an excited twinkle in his eye. He smiled and offered his hand to the white-haired teenager.

"Hello," Jack said awkwardly as he shook the newcomer's hand.

Sandy smiled broadly, even more so than North and Mr. Moon had combined. He looked extremely happy to meet Jack.

"And this is Sanderson Sleep. He is a senior here at B.H.S.," Mr. Moon said. "He will be your senior chaperone for your first few weeks. He will help you around the school once you start on Monday."

"Oh, ok," Jack said.

He could've guessed that, but a question was nagging at him. North stepped forward and clapped a hand on Sandy's slim shoulder.

"Sandy is mute. He cannot speak," North said gently, answering Jack's question.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Jack said. He smiled at Sandy and tried to be friendly.

"It's nice to meet you," he said.

Sandy signed something to him, which North translated as:

"It's nice to meet you too, Jack. I'm happy to be your senior chaperone. If you need anything, come find me."

"I hope you don't mind learning a little sign language," Mr. Moon said. "I asked Sandy to use simple signs for the first few days in order for you to understand." He smiled. "I don't think you will have any trouble, though. Sandy is probably the most expressive person here."

Sandy raised an eyebrow and smirked, giving Jack a wink. The other three laughed. Sandy was awesome. Jack probably wouldn't have considered hanging out with the senior due to the way he was dressed, but since he had met the guy he realized just how cool he was.

"So," North said, clapping his hands together. "Shall we begin out tour?"


So this is my first AU. Read, rate, and enjoy!

Also, thank you to Jelsa4Ever (iFunny) for helping me with the plot for this story!

Give her a sub!

