A Run In

About an hour later, the four had seen nearly every classroom in the school and visited the cafeteria. They had seen a couple of teachers, and were passing the gym when they met another student. She had wild curly red hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. Mr. Moon and North called her Merida.

Mr. Moon introduced Jack to Merida (who was a junior like he was) before excusing himself to use the restroom.

"Hello," she said through a thick Scottish accent.

Merida was Jack's height, with pale skin and pretty blue eyes. She was wearing a pair of black shorts and a green T-shirt, and looked rearing to go anywhere and everywhere.

"Where are you going Merida?" North asked.

"I'm off to the gym. Bunny offered to help train me for this next season so I'm going to meet him," Merida said.

"Oh!" North exclaimed as if he remembered something. "I must talk to him. May I come with you?"

Merida nodded as a confused frown came across Jack's face.

"Who's Bunny?" he asked.

"Bunny is a senior here," North said. "He is our champion boxer and captain of the boxing team. He also has painted most of the murals you have seen today."

"With Rapunzel," Merida interrupted.

"Gesundheit," Jack said.

Merida shot him a look as Sandy chuckled silently and her phone buzzed. She pulled it out of her pocket and read the text she'd received.

"I gotta go. Bunny's waiting," she glanced up at Jack. "Maybe you should stop in some time. I need some target practice."

"Hey!" Jack said as she turned to go into the gym.

"North, ya comin'?" she asked, ignoring Jack.

North nodded. "Pleasure to meet you, Jack. If you need to find me, please come to my office."

Jack said goodbye to North and stuck his tongue out at Merida, who did the same before stepping into the gym. Jack turned to see Sandy chuckling at him.

"What?" Jack asked as Mr. Moon walked back.

"Well I see you're enjoying yourselves," he said with a smile on his face.

Sandy nodded as Jack mumbled something under his breath. Sandy elbowed Jack in the ribs.

"Ow!" Jack said. "Which reminds me, you guys have a boxing team?"

"Yes. One of the best in the area," Mr. Moon said with a nod. "And we have one of the best boxers in the region on our team," he added almost proudly.

Sandy smiled and nodded in agreement, looking very proud himself. When Jack gave him a questioning look, he made bunny ears with his fingers.

"Bunny?" Jack asked, still not sure of who this "Bunny" was.

"Yes," Mr. Moon said. "Bunny and Sandy are best friends. How did you know about him?"

"Merida said something about him helping her train, and North had to talk to him," Jack explained.

"Ah," Mr. Moon said in understanding. "Yes. Bunny and Merida are very good friends." He waved his hand towards the gym. "Shall we continue?"

The trio turned to the gym and was about to walk through the doors when one opened for them. North stepped through with a thoughtful smile across his face.

"Oh, excuse me," he said when he nearly bumped into Mr. Moon.

He nodded to everyone and held the door open for them as they stepped in. After they passed through, North let go of the door and chuckled to himself as if he knew something they didn't know. Jack gave him a quizzical look and was about to ask him what was so funny until Sandy tugged at his arm.

Jack followed the pair into the gym, which was huge. The basketball hoops were raised on both sides of it, and the bleachers were up against the wall. This made the wood floor seem like an endless rink of polished wood, and made Jack want to instantly tear off his shoes (which he despised almost as much as school) and go sliding across the floor.

"This is our gymnasium," Mr. Moon said as he swept his arm around. He pointed up towards an open space above the locker rooms opposite them. "And up there is out boxing arena and weights room," he finished.

Jack followed the principal's finger to the banister above the locker rooms. He could see a couple racks of weights, but other than that he couldn't see much. But he could hear loud thumping noises, which to him sounded like fists hitting a heavy mat.

"I see Bunny and Merida have started training," Mr. Moon commented with a smile. He turned to Jack and Sandy. "I think it's best we leave them alone, don't you agree?"

Sandy nodded as Jack sighed an inward sigh of relief. From what he'd experienced, Jack had no interest in meeting seniors. They were always jerks.

Mr. Moon turned away from the pair and walked towards the entrance they'd come through. Jack followed, shoving his hands in his pockets. He paused though, when he noticed Sandy's actions through the corner of his eye.

Sandy sighed with what seemed to be relief and glanced back in the direction of the weight room. The movement worried Jack until the senior pulled out his iPhone and quickly typed something out, a large smirk crossing his face. Curiosity shone in Jack's eyes. What was Sandy up to?

"Yo! Sandy!" he said. He jerked his head to the door. "Ya comin'?"

Sandy looked up in surprise and slipped his phone back in his pocket. He scrambled after Jack, obviously trying and failing to hide the grin on his face.

"What's up?" Jack asked as they slipped through the door.

Sandy paused and pointed at the ceiling with a cheesy grin.

"Smartass. You know what I mean."

Sandy waved it away like it was nothing, the light smirk still on his face. He turned down the hallway and waved for Jack to follow. Mr. Moon was ahead of them, and probably hadn't even noticed that the pair wasn't following him.

Jack followed obediently, a smirk across his own face. He loved to tease just as much- if not more- than anyone. He wanted in on Sandy's shenanigans. But Sandy wasn't having any of it, and soon they had caught up to Mr. Moon. The trio visited a few more classrooms and passed by North's office, which was at the center of the school, before finally heading outside.

Once they got there, Jack said his thanks and goodbyes to Mr. Moon and Sandy, who both responded that they would see him on Monday. He gave them a nod and finally headed for home, realizing that the tour had lasted an hour and a half.

Jack's house wasn't far from the school. He'd passed by the building on the way to the city center when he was looking for information about local lacrosse teams. As he walked, he thought about what this new school was like, and wasn't quite sure what to make of it. Sure, he liked Sandy and Mr. Moon and North, but just thinking about the agony of classes was making him squirm.

He was going to have to keep his grades up if he wanted to stay on the team; that was a requirement. That meant doing hours of homework, which he hated, and not purposely failing tests. Yes, he did just that usually. He was a smart guy; school wasn't hard. He just decided to fail.

Jack shoved his hands deep in his pockets as he walked, his lower lip protruding from his face in a little pout. He didn't notice a couple girls staring until he walked by them. One was a cute brunette with giant green eyes, who kind of jumped and giggled excitedly to her friend. Her friend was a gorgeous girl, with eyes almost as blue as his and platinum blonde hair in a long braid.

Jack glanced over at them and smirked, winking at them as he continued on his way. "Ladies," he said. He didn't bother to glance back for their reactions; most girls fawned over him, anyways. He knew he was hot and used it all he could.

He blocked the pair from his mind as he turned the corner, just seeing his house in sight. But then something felt wrong. Jack stopped, digging into his pockets. Not feeling what he was looking for, he did the embarrassing little dance everyone does when they lose their key and began to search every other pocket he had.


Jack sighed and made a beeline for the high school, luckily not seeing the girls as he sprinted along the sidewalk. No, he wasn't looking for love (he didn't believe in it), but first impressions could lead anywhere.

He quickly arrived at the school. The albino skipped steps and slammed into the front door. He gave it a yank and sighed in frustration when it only moved maybe an inch. With a heavy air he turned around and leaned against the door, kicking himself for losing the little piece of metal.

Jack pointlessly stared into space as he puzzled about his situation. Where could he have lost the key? And how was he gonna find it in a freaking school  he had only just taken a tour through? What would his mom do when she found out? They weren't poor, but they were still a little tight on money and that meant his mom would probably give him her key while he was grounded...

He was pulled out of his thoughts when a fuzzy red ball caught his attention. He quickly realized that it wasn't a ball but hair. Wild red hair at that. It was Merida, the girl he'd met in the school. She had been training with the Bunny guy.

The boy began to contemplate if it was worth losing his pride to ask her for help when a thought struck him like hail to a puddle.

Merida had gotten out of the school somewhere.

Jack took off in the opposite direction that Merida was going, praying that there was an unlocked door somewhere. His mind was racing through his tour, hoping his brain had enough sense to look for an exit in every room. Nothing came to mind as he flew around the corner of the gym.

Until he smacked into an open door.

He collapsed to the grass like a falling pine tree (I hope you guys got the joke. Think Pine). He moaned as his hand flew to his face, waiting for the warm feeling of blood to trickle across his pale skin. Great, now his mom was going to ground and nag him for a week.

He kept his eyes shut, trying to force out the pain.

"Ya a'right, mate?"


Hey guys! Here's Chapter 2!

Yes, I will try to write in at least one accent. If I fail miserably please tell me.

Read, rate, and review!

