Doyoung: Jaehyun I have to go back

Jaehyun: no what if Johnny hurts you what are we gonna do

Doyoung: for the fifth time Johnny isn't that kinda person he's just a bit drunk Johnny loves me and he'll never hurt me he's probably not even drunk anymore

Doyoung turn around and walked towards the door

Jaehyun: doyoung dont-

Taeyong: just let him go we both knew he wasn't gonna stay here forever doyoung is 19 years old he should be able to live his life and make his own choices

Jaehyun scoffed and went into their room

Taeyong: I'm sorry he's just worried about you that's all

Doyoung ran up and hugged taeyong

Doyoung: thank you for letting me stay here for a few days

Taeyong patted his head

Taeyong: your welcome and you can come back anytime kid

Doyoung walked out to his car and started it leaving the house

Taeyong looked at Jaehyun sitting on the floor

Taeyong: come on you can't be mad at him we both knew he had to leave at some point

Jaehyun turned away from him not even responding

Taeyong: come on don't be like that

Taeyong sat next to him and tickled his waist Making Jaehyun laugh but no for long

Jaehyun sighed

Taeyong: your really ignoring me

Jaehyun just sat there

Taeyong: wait if your mad at doyoung then what the fuck does this have to do with me

Jaehyun rolled his eyes

Jaehyun: you let him go

Taeyong: wait wait I know your not blaming me just because doyoung made his own decision and I respectfully agreed

Jaehyun: of course I'm upset you should of picked my side but no you chose to agree with him

Taeyong got mad

Taeyong: stop talking nonsense you know your wrong. look I get it you love doyoung like a child i do too but if your wrong don't get butt hurt because I won't take you nonexistent side

Jaehyun suddenly did something he regretted deeply

Taeyong felt a hard slap on his cheek

Taeyong looked at him shocked

Taeyong: wow

Jaehyun: I-Im sorry I didn't mean to my hand just I don't know I just-

Taeyong: it's ok

Jaehyun started crying

Jaehyun: no it's not ok I don't like hurting people and I just hurt you and I'm such a terrible person

Taeyong scooted closer to Jaehyun and held his face

Taeyong: hey I said it's fine it was just an accident I know you don't have to be sad I'm not mad baby I was just shocked that's it

Jaehyun kissed taeyong on the lips

Taeyong smiled a patted his head

Jaehyun: does your face hurt

Taeyong: no you hit like a girl

Jaehyun sat in taeyong lap

Jaehyun: shut up meanie

He squeezed Jaehyun's cheek

Taeyong: you love me 

Jaehyun looked down

Jaehyun: I'm worried about doyoung

Taeyong wrapped his arms around Jaehyun waist

Taeyong: I know your worried but he'll be fine and if Johnny bothers him or does something wrong he'll tell us but we'll just have to wait and see what happens


Doyoung pulled up to the house and stood at the door

I'm gonna go in

Doyoung reached for the door and chickened out immediately

Doyoung: nope I can't do it

Doyoung turned around and the door flew open

Johnny: baby

He picked him up and spun him around

Johnny: oh thank god I missed you so much baby

Doyoung giggled and kissed Johnny on the lips regretting it after

Doyoung: tall tree you smell Terrible you smell like alcohol and death

Johnny put him down and they walked in the house

Doyoung looked around the house

Doyoung: you need to clean up behind yourself

Johnny: I'll clean it up but let me shower first

Johnny went in the bathroom 

I wonder if

Doyoung knocked on the bathroom door and Johnny peeked his head out

Johnny: what's wrong babe

Doyoung played with his fingers nervously

Doyoung: w-well uhh I haven't showered yet either y-you know so can I u-ummm...

Doyoung blushed

Doyoung: can I shower w-with you

Johnny smiled at how cute doyoung was being

Johnny: yeah you can join me but don't expect me not to touch

Doyoung turned away

Doyoung: n-nevermind

Johnny dragged him in the bathroom and took his towel off

Doyoung's face turned super red

Doyoung: J-JOHNNY!

Johnny: how else am I suppose to shower actually scratch that we're going in the tub

Johnny filled the tub with water and bubbles and stepped in

Johnny: alright now it's your turn

Johnny grinned and watched doyoung take his shirt off

Johnny: your taking off your shirt so slow it almost feel like your strip teasing me

Doyoung: can you not provide commentary it's embarrassing

Johnny laughed

Johnny: baby hurry up your strip teasing too slow

Doyoung: I'm not- you know what nevermind

He took off his clothes quickly and stepped in the tub across from Johnny

Johnny: did you miss me

Doyoung laughed

Doyoung: no

Johnny: I'm being serious

Doyoung grabbed his hand

Doyoung: of course I missed you I missed you a lot even though-

Johnny: before you mention that I just wanted to say I'm sorry actually I'm deeply sorry I wasn't trying to compare you to him but I guess since he's gone and we started talking about him i think I kinda just wanted to let him know that I won't forget him but I took it too far and I'm really sorry for making you feel uncomfortable

Doyoung smiled

Doyoung: can you bend down a bit

Johnny bend down a bit and doyoung kissed him on the nose

Doyoung: your forgiven now where is the soap bar I actually wanna wash off instead of sitting here

Doyoung reach under the water and grabbed what he thought was the soap bar

Johnny bit his lips and moaned 

Johnny: mmm fuck~ baby that's not the soap bar

Doyoung blushed and turned pale

Doyoung covered his face in embarrassment

Johnny: don't be embarrassed it felt good baby

Doyoung covered his ear

Doyoung: oh my god please stop your making this 1000x worse

Johnny smirked

Johnny: you can touch it again if you want it's not like I haven't touched yours

Doyoung stood up

Doyoung: that's it it's time to get out pervert

Johnny grabbed doyoung's hand and pulled in down putting his arms around his waist and moving his back against his chest

Johnny: let's just stay here a little bit longer

Doyoung: b-but Johnny-

Johnny: shhh just enjoy the moment sweetheart

What are you doing for Valentine's Day?

(I'm buying a bunch of chocolate and binge watching k-dramas)
