Jaehyun: I was supposed to ask you who you were talking to yesterday

Taeyong smiled

Taeyong: I was talking to Johnny

Jaehyun frowned

What would him and Johnny talk about

Jaehyun: what did you guys talk about

Taeyong though for a moments

It's not my business to tell I'm sure Johnny wouldn't want anyone to know

Taeyong: we were just talking about something important that's all

Taeyong shot a smile but it didn't seem to work because Jaehyun was still curious

Jaehyun: something important like what

Taeyong: it's none of your business baby now let's go do something fun

Jaehyun huffed

Jaehyun: are you cheating on me or something

Taeyong busted out laughing

Taeyong: you think I would cheat on you with a tree

Jaehyun: wow I'm glad you think this is funny

Taeyong hugged Jaehyun from behind

Taeyong: come on don't be like that I'm just kidding but I really did talk to Johnny yesterday but it was about something that he probably wouldn't wanna tell people

Jaehyun sighed

Jaehyun: ok fine I'll let it go

Taeyong kissed his boyfriends neck

Taeyong: good boy

Taeyong heard his phone vibrate

Taeyong: baby I'll be back

Who the hell is he talking to I'm sure whatever him and Johnny are talking about isn't serious enough to make him step outside

Johnny: thanks for helping me yesterday

Taeyong smirked

Taeyong: you don't have to thank me

Johnny: but you know if it weren't for that we wouldn't be how we are now I just feel like I should repay you

Taeyong sighed

Taeyong: I bet you already have something planned don't you

Johnny smiled

Johnny: my house at 9:00

Taeyong smiled and hung up but when he turned around he saw Jaehyun rolling his eyes

Jaehyun: got a date tonight at 9:00 wow lucky you

Taeyong: we're you listening to my conversation

Jaehyun stayed silent

Taeyong: you really don't trust me

Jaehyun: I-I do it's just-

Taeyong groaned

Taeyong: why do you sound so unsure

Jaehyun turned and walked away to his room taeyong following behind him

Taeyong: ohh so your gonna walk away from the problem like you always do

Jaehyun turned to him swiftly

Jaehyun: you know your just like how u were in the past always hot headed and angry over nothing I thought you changed but your just the same way you always were

Taeyong don't get angry don't get angry you know you can't control it and you do stupid shit

Taeyong clenched his fist and turned around

Jaehyun: where are going

Taeyong: away

Jaehyun: w-what do you mean away

Taeyong: I-I mean I just need a little break

Jaehyun dropped to the floor in tears

Jaehyun: a-are you breaking up with me

Taeyong: no I just need time

Taeyong walked out and slammed the door

Damn I can't face him now I need to calm myself first I'm scared of hurting him again and i hate losing my temper like this and I know he doesn't like it either

Taeyong sat at the front door meanwhile Jaehyun was inside the house crying on the hallway floor

W-what if he doesn't come back

Jaehyun cried harder

Taeyong: I'm sorry Jaehyun I couldn't risk hurting you again

He decided to go to Johnny's house for a while and
After 2 hours passed taeyong went back inside his house and found Jaehyun sleeping in the middle of the hallway

Taeyong picked him up and put him in bed hugging him and whispering sweet words into his ear

In the morning~

Jaehyun woke up feeling hands wrapped around his waist and he immediately starting crying waking taeyong up in the process

Taeyong: Baby don't cry

Taeyong said in his deep morning voice

Jaehyun: I'm sorry I shouldn't of said those things and-

Taeyong kissed him on the lips

Taeyong: shhhh you don't have to explain anything just lay down and go back to sleep

Jaehyun scooted closer to taeyong and hugged him tightly going back to sleep
