The Truth About Burdens

Summary: Request - if you don't mind would you mind writing a oneshot or drabble where Bucky discovers you've been sharing your problems and worries with a guyfriend and not with him your fiance?

Warnings: Angst, Fluff 

You were supposed to being going out with one of your friends Daniel but it was raining when you woke up and never stopped. You invited him to the compound instead since everyone was away on their own missions.

You were sitting at the kitchen island on opposite sides nursing coffee mugs. His was a latte and yours a tea as sweet as you could stand.

You had been talking about anything and everything when there was a pause in the conversation. You sipped your drink when Daniel gives you a look, "spill it".

You put the mug down and give him an offended look, "how dare you? I know you don't like tea but come on Dan".

He gives you a knowing smirk, "don't avoid my real question. Something is bothering you, what is it?".

You sigh because you've never been good at hiding anything from Dan, you had been friends for years, "I don't know, Dan. I was briefed on a mission this morning and I think it's too risky, but alas the powers that be think it'll be fine".

"Did you express your concerns?", Dan says with a frown.

You nod, "yeah, I told them exactly why it was too risky but they think my scenarios are unlikely and the result would be worth the risk".

Dan rolls his eyes, "you spoken to anyone else on the team? Bucky?".

You look down into your mug before looking back at Dan, "you know I don't like to worry him. He has enough to deal with, without taking on my worries. Especially when it could involve me getting hurt. It's fine, I'll do it. I could be wrong, and I would be worrying him for nothing".

"You know I understand right? But he is your fiancé-".

You cut him off before he can finish, "he is, and soon he'll be my husband and I'll do anything to protect him from whatever I can. There's so much I can't protect him from but this? I can and I will".

Dan could see you wouldn't budge, and he understood your logic, so he just nods and steers the conversation onto lighter topics. About an hour later Dan leaves and you wander back to the room you share with Bucky.

When you walk in, you see Bucky sitting on the end of the bed looking less than happy.

Your shock at seeing him keeps you rooted to the spot, but your concern allows you to speak, "Buck? Is the mission over already? What happened? Is everything okay?".

When he doesn't answer you start to move towards him but when he looks up the hurt and anger you see on his face stops you in your tracks, "why do you find it easier to share your concerns with another man?".

His words bounce around in your head in a jumble. None of them make sense and your face twists to convey that, "what? What are you talking about Buck?".

Bucky stares so hard at you, it practically burns a hole, "I heard you with Dan earlier, telling him your worried about your next mission and how you weren't going to tell me".

His words finally make sense but relief doesn't follow with that understand, only dread does, "Buck, I was-".

Bucky stands abruptly, anger obviously forcing his limbs to move, "you were sharing your problems with another man! When we're about to be husband and wife!".

You shake your head, "I was talking about a problem with a friend. I've known Daniel for years and you have too now! You even like him-".

"That's not my fucking point!", Bucky shouts, cutting you off again.

As the confusion in you deepens, it brings out an anger in you too, "then what is your damn point Barnes? Because you've lost me".

You see the fight drain out of him as he sits on the edge of the bed again, "I share my problems with you all the I just a burden to you?".

His voice comes out small, frail, broken and it breaks your heart. You go to him, falling to your knees so that you could peer up at him. You take his hands into yours and squeeze them, "oh sweetheart, no. You could never be a burden to me. You give me too much to ever be a burden".

He looks at you helplessly, "then I don't get it. If me sharing my worries isn't a burden to you, why would it be any different the other way around?".

You sigh. When he puts it like that, he's right but it wasn't as simple as that and you didn't know how to explain that to Bucky. You suck in a breath, " do so much for me Bucky, and sometimes you don't even realise it. Just the way you are, who you are, gives me a reason to fight another day. You give me so much and I don't feel like I do enough for you. All I want to do it protect you from every bad thing that could bring you down and that includes unloading more worry on you than you already carry. I share it with other people so that I don't bring you down because as your fiancé, as your wife I want to be the one that lifts you up".

Bucky's steel blue eyes flick between your eyes until he pulls his hands from yours and cups your face. He sinks to his own knees so that yours are between his thighs. He brings your forehead to his and you stay like that for what seems like forever but can't be more than a few seconds.

When he finally speaks all the hurt and anger is gone, the gentleness of love is all that remains, "Doll, you-you do more for me than you can possibly imagine. Just the way you look at me, with that smile of yours, like I'm the only person on earth that you love. The way you used to rock me to sleep when I had my rough nights. The way you used to clean me up after a bad mission because I was too-because I didn't think I deserved it. You do so much for me that I'm the one that feels like I don't do enough for you".

He pauses to swipe a tear that had somehow escaped down your cheek, "we're about to be husband and wife and that means we share everything. The good, the bad and the downright ugly. The reason I know I can take your burdens is because you make me a stronger person. So, from now on, its everything or nothing okay?".

You nod as much as you can between his palms and whisper back, "everything or nothing". He smiles at you as his hand slides to the back of your neck. He brings your lips to his and you swear you can feel forever in his touch. 
