Period Things

Summary: Requested: I thought the reader (steves sister, dating bucky) cud b on their period (cramps, maybe mood swings) while steve and bucky are on a mission and everyone else tries helping them but fail and steve n bucky come early as a surprise and comfort them

A/N: Hope it was what you were looking for. Enjoy guys and please, if anyone has any requests just send them across! 

"What do you mean they're going to be another few days?", you growl the words out to Tony.

Tony shrugs as he starts making his morning coffee, "what did you not understand about my statement? They sent a message to say they caught wind of something and were going to stay to check it out."

You cross your arms, "don't take that tone with me Tony."

Tony chuckles but it soon dies on his lips when he turns to look at you. He raises his hands in surrender as Sam continues the chuckle that died on Tony's lips.

Sam walks over to the kitchen island, leaning easily against it, "calm down Y/N, they'll be fine, they're big boys."

You turn your rising temper to Sam, "do not tell me to calm down, Sam. When in the history of everyone that has ever been angry, has telling them to 'calm down' worked?"

You stomp out of the kitchen in order to save the boys from your bad mood. You knew your period would be here any day, not only from the app you track them on but by the whiplash you keep getting with your own mood swings.

The only people that ever knew how to handle you on your rough periods were Steve and Bucky. But neither of them was here...

The next day you were in the lab with Bruce. You had only gone to see what he wanted for dinner, but you ended up staying as Bruce tried to explain the new project he was looking into. You were listening until thoughts drifted to Bucky and Steve still out in the field.

Halfway through Bruce showing you the results to some test you burst out crying. Rivers of salty water running down your cheeks as you turn away from Bruce.

"Uhhhhhh", Bruce awkwardly places a hand on your shoulder, "are you okay?"

"What if something has happened to Steve and Bucky? The message they sent was pretty vague, what if something is wrong?", you say between sniffles as you turn back to Bruce.

He takes his hand back to his side, "I'm sure they'll be fine, back before you know it."

It wasn't really the answer you were looking for. It definitely didn't hit as reassuring as Bruce meant it to be so instead of making things more awkward, you just turn and walk out of the lab.

The next day you wake up to find your period had started which was bad enough without having a sparring session with Natasha.

It was the third time she had taken you to the mat and you were done with the whole thing. You stayed on the floor, curling into a ball as the cramps came in waves.

Natasha picks up a water bottle, "everything okay?"

She takes a swig as you grumble, "period"

She walks back over to you after setting the water down, "ah that sucks. Come one we still have a few things to get through before we end today."

When you don't respond, Natasha gives you a light nudge with her foot. You unfurl and stand with some difficulty, "another time, Nat."

"Come on, push through it. If you were fighting an enemy do you think they would give you a rain check because you're on your period?"

You throw Natasha a scathing look, "well it's lucky I'm fighting a friend and not a foe, someone who can let me have a rain check."

You storm out of the gym and head straight for bed where you plan on staying until the period had run its course. Everyone else was driving you too crazy to be anywhere else.

You sleep through the day and wake up to a clock glowing 23:04 in the darkness of your room. You sigh as you hear a knock on the door and decide to ignore it.

Seconds tick by and you hear another knock, louder and more insistent. You switch your lamp on and snap, "what?".

The door swings open to Steve holding pizza, Chinese, and burgers and Bucky holding a bag of snacks and drinks with your hot water bottle in his other hand.

They give you soft grins as you feel a tear sneak past your defences. No words are exchanged as Bucky jumps into bed next to you while Steve turns on your TV and scrolls across to Netflix before getting into bed next to Bucky.

The boys lay the food out on the bed as Steve presses play on your favourite chick flick. Just as you're about to tuck in, Bucky lays your hot water bottle against your lower tummy and places a kiss to your temple.

It causes more tears to spill as you throw your arms around Bucky's neck and reach a hand out to Steve who takes it, "I'm so glad you're both safe."

Bucky squeezes you to him as he whispers, "always. Besides, we couldn't leave our favourite Dame to face that bitch, Mother Nature, on her own."

You laugh as Steve swipes one of your tears away over Bucky's shoulder. Steve releases your hand as he says, "okay, lets eat before everything goes cold."

The boys always knew what you needed. And it was about more than the food, or the movies or the hot water bottle. It was the love that came with being known so completely, it was the love of someone caring about your pain. It was them you needed. 
