
"So are you gonna man up and ask her out or standing here all day staring at her like a creep?" Steve elbowed Bucky that was standing in the corner looking at you working your magic in the lab.

Even if you had powers, you were very passionate about inventing new tech like Tony. Bucky had been crushing on you since who knows when and you also liked him a lot. Both of you had been best friends since the day Steve introduced the both of you to each other, basically it was love at first sight and everybody else knew straight away but the two of you were to afraid to admit it.

"I want to, I really do but whenever I try to ask her out, it always sounds like I'm fucking shitting bricks." Bucky sighed crossing his hands in front of his chest.

"Language." Steve paused. "What happened to the Bucky I once knew? You were the ladies man, aren't you? Come on, you can do this--" Steve threw his arm around Bucky's shoulder and gave him a smirk.

"That was in the 40's, now things are way different." Bucky chuckled. "Besides, who would want to date a man who's a hundred years old?" he continued.

"A hundred year old man? I'd say a hundred year old fossil--" Steve gave him a pat on the back and left.

Bucky walked up to you, his palms all sweaty and heart racing like crazy.

"hey doll--" he knocked on the glass door before joining you.

"hey bear, what are you doing in here?" your eyes still focused on your laptop waiting for the results of your experiment.

"I've wanting to ask you, if you'd like to--"Bucky accidentally spilled your coffee that was on the table onto your laptop, the screen has gone blank.

"Bearrrrrrrrrr--" you exclaim.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry doll--" he frantically took of his clothes to wipe off as much of the coffee off your laptop as possible. The look on his face was priceless, his body too, so defined so masculine, damn. You can never be mad at him and you don't have to be because Friday can fix the problem anyways. You couldn't help it, you broke out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Bucky paused in the midst of wiping your laptop.

"You're just too cute, that's all--" you moved a strand of loose hair to the back of your ear. "Friday, could you help me with this?" you continued looking at the master computer behind you. Friday removed your laptop from the table using its metal arms coming down from the ceiling of the lab.

"What the--" he watched your laptop being taken away by Friday.

"They'll fix it, they can fix anything--" you stood up standing face to face with Bucky. "As you were saying?" you tilt your head a little looking at Bucky straight in the eyes.

"I--I was wondering if you'd like to--you know--go out with me sometimes?" he rubbed the back of his neck, cheeks blushing from shyness.

"I'd like to, of course. I've been waiting--" you chuckled.

"oh thank God--wait--did you just say you've been waiting?" his face lit up and eyes widened.

"I mean yeah, the truth is I really like you Bear, not just as a best friend but something more than friends--" before you could finish your sentence, you felt his lips connected to yours, he pulled you even closer to him, wrapping his metal arm around your waist and his flesh hand caressing your face gently, you could feel the heat radiating off his body to yours, you both slowly broke away to come up for air.

"I love you y/n--" he paused. "I've been wanting to tell you that but I didn't have the courage to do it, I'm sorry it took me so long to finally say those words to you."

"I'd wait a thousand years if it meant that I'll be here with you just like this--" you gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I love you too my Buckybear--"

"I love you too doll."

"Ehemm--" you and Bucky look towards the source of the sound, you find Steve and the rest of the team standing outside the lab, some even with popcorn in their hands. You and Bucky tried to laugh it off.

"Mission alert lovebirds--" Nat paused. "Let's go, you guys can get back to it later--"

Laughter filled the air and the Avengers were off to mission again.
