I'm sorry.

You have just recovered from your injuries that you got in the previous mission at a Hydra base. Just when you thought you could rest for a while, your next mission had come in, this mission was highly classified, you weren't allowed to discuss it with anyone besides Steve and Sam who was on the mission with you. The mission was also very dangerous even for Steve, you know you might not come back alive. You were assigned to this mission because they believed that you were the only one that could bring down Hydra, with the help of Steve and Sam. (just imagine you were the strongest Avenger with powers. eheh)

They also believed that the lesser the people loss in the battle, the greater chance the others could strike back again with more knowledge on Hydra's weakness after reviewing the reports from this mission.

"hey doll." he came into your room to check on you after your recovery.

"hey bear."

"Soooo, are you like...on a break now or something?" he sat next to your bed asking.

Bucky had been trying to ask you out but it would never happen because both of you were always on missions. He liked you for the longest time ever and you too had been crushing on him since the day you met him.

"Not really.."you shrugged, letting out a little sigh.

"What is it?" worry written across his face.

"I'm leaving soon--" you paused. "to Sokovia."

"Hydra?" he grabbed your hand looking more worried now.

You nodded. Silence spread across the room for seconds that felt like days. Bucky stared outside the window, clenching and unclenching his fist. "You know I won't let you, I can't." he said looking down at your wounded arm.

"y/n, it's time." Steve's voice came from the door, he eavesdropped your conversation outside.

you got up from your bed, avoiding eye contact with Bucky. You know if you made contact with his icy blue eyes, it would hurt you more leaving him behind because you were madly in love with the one, James Buchanan Barnes.

"y/n--"Bucky pulled you back to the bed and stood face to face with Steve. "I'll go." he continued.

"Bear--" he turned around and wrapped you in his arms. He's shaking, you know that he's scared, but you couldn't live with the thought of Bucky not being in your life anymore. " I'll be fine--" he mumbled into your ear.

"I know you'll be fine, I know you'll live a happy life, I'm sorry, I can't let you do this--" before he could registered what you've just said, you put him to sleep instantly with your powers. Steve helped you carry Bucky to your bed and tucked him in. You planted a kiss on his forehead, tears starts to well up in your eyes. "I'm sorry--" you whispered into his ears.

"You sure about this?" Steve asked.

"yeah, let's go." you quickly blink away the tears. "I'll make them pay for what they did to my love, once in for all." you looked down at Bucky who was sleeping so peacefully in your bed, this was the only time he was sleeping so soundly. The pain, the struggles as well as the nightmares that he had to go through was finally going to end for good for your Buckybear.

Before you left, you made a visit to Nat's room.

"hey Nat--" besides Steve and Bucky, the person that you really trust was Nat. She's been there for you through thick and thin and she was one of your best friend too.

"leaving already?" she asked.

"yeah, can I ask for a favour?"

"Bucky?" she smirked a little and became serious again.

"Please take care of him for me, tell him I love him if I don't make it back alive--" tears in your eyes made your vision blurry.

"Don't say that, you'll make it, I believe you'll have the chance to tell him yourself--"

"Thanks Nat, I'm counting on you" you hugged her tight because this might be the last time you'll ever see her again.

---off to mission---

stories continue in part two.
