Taehyung POV

I walk around the dealership and inspect the cars. A few other customers are walking around as well. Considering it is the middle of the day, the dealership is less packed than it would usually be. The dealership's walls are completely made out of glass and the floor is white and shiny. I know I want a decent-sized car, not too small but a little bigger than average. I prefer cars with a common color, a color that will make me proud to drive my engine. I continue to inspect, trying to find a car that feels like home. Immediately, one catches my eye; a gey Lexus NX.

Not only is it sleek and sturdy, but it is also my favorite color.

I walk over to it and look at the description stand.

Nice features.

I then open the door and start to inspect the inside of the vehicle.

Sleek and modern, my style.

I hop out of the car and look for a salesperson. After a couple of moments, I see one walking in my direction with a blue tailored suit and brown slick back hair. The man I wave him over and he makes a face before changing into a false smile. He says something to his colleague and walks to me.

What the fuck is he making that face for?

"Hello, how are you today sir?" The man asks with a commercial smile.

"I'm doing well," I reply.

"Splendid. Now tell me, sir, are you lost?"


"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Tell me, where are you supposed to be?" He clarifies.

I don't understand....

"Excuse me?" I question one more time in an attempt to understand this weird situation.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, it happens to everyone. Let me help you." He says as if he is speaking to a child.

What the hell is this man talking about?

"I am here to buy a vehicle." I try to clarify.

"Are you sure?" He raises a brow.

No, I just came here for my health. Of course, I'm sure!! What kind of salesman is he?

"Yes." I voice, trying not to let my annoyance slip out.

"You would like to buy a vehicle here?" He asks, looking me up and down skeptically.

What does he mean by that?

"Is there an issue?" I inquire. He looks me up and down.

Do I have something on me or something? I don't see anything wrong....

"Pardon my manners, but do you think you can afford it here?" He speaks to me as if I am out of place; like I don't belong. Similar to a rag in a chest of riches.

How does he know that?

"I walked in here to buy a car"

"You don't look the part."

Oh, he's saying I look poor! Is this what money does to people?

I look down at my attire. I am wearing a simple white tee and jeans. Over my tee is a waxed cotton jacket and I am wearing classic high top black and white converse.

I might not look like I own a private yacht, but I don't look like I live on the street either! And what does my attire matter if I want to buy a car or not?

I look back at the salesperson and narrow my eyes.

I hate to be the one to do this, but this asshole needs to have his ass handed to him.

"Let me speak to your manager," I command. The man throws me a mocking smile.

"My manager? That is quite unnecessary." He answers.

"I want to speak to them." He tilts his head at my statement and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Do you think my manager will think differently, young man? It is a hopeless case. Now, please run along elsewhere."

"I will not leave until I have spoken with your manager." I grit out. The man sighs and drops his arms.

"Very well then, since it seems that is the only way to get rid of you." He rolls his eyes and gestures with his hand for me to follow him, like how an owner does to his dog.

Patience Taehyung.

I follow him to a side of a dealership where a blonde stalky man in a maroon suit. His hair was parted and his smile was genuine. As we approach him, he is talking to some other customers. When he is finished, he walks up to me and the salesman who lead me here.

"Hello, is everything alright?" The man asks.

"Frank, this man said he wants to speak to my manager." The salesman points to me.

"Hello, I am Kim Taehyung." I introduce myself and hold out my hand.

"The name's Frank Barnes, nice to meet you." He shakes my hand. "What seems to be the issue?"

"Your employee insulted me when all I was trying to was buy a car."

"Oh really? Are you sure it wasn't a misunderstanding?"

"He kept looking me up and down as if I was ready to steal at any moment. His exact words were that I didn't 'look the part'." I raise my hands to make quotations.

Frank's face turns hard. He then turns to the salesman for confirmation.

"Frank, can you blame me? Look at this man!" The salesman says, gesturing at my attire again. Frank's face grows dark at his words.

"I came here to buy a car and pay upfront on the same day. However, I don't feel like I am a valued customer anymore. Maybe I should take my money someplace else?" Frank looks at me, regret in his face.

"Sir, I greatly apologize for my employee's behavior. I assure you, this is not what our company stands for." The salesman looks at Frank in shock and Frank glares at him. "Robert, in my office, now."

"But-" Robert starts.

"I said, now."

Ha, asshole. You're lucky I didn't report you.

"Again, sorry for the inconvenience. Now, would you still like to purchase a car?" Frank turns to me and smiles. I smile back at him.

"Sure, why not?" I reply.


I pull up to a parking lot in my new car.

Wah, what a good feeling. My first new car.

I park it and walk towards a large clear food tent. Since the tent is placed on the parking lot, the floor is made of pavement. The tables and seats are low and made of metal, the seats are circular stools. The inside of the tent is strung with white lights and towards the far right is where the cooks make the food for all to see. I've been coming here ever since I was a kid. Afterschool, it was the hottest spot for broke middle schoolers and high schoolers to go. It has great food, service, and cheap prices. It also has heating and AC inside the tent. The best place to get street food is always from a tent or stall, convenience stores could never compare. I look around and see Seojoon and Jungkook already seated. I walk over to them and sit in the empty seat beside Seojoon and diagonal from Jungkook.

"Hey rich boy, how's life in the hills?" Seojoon greets and nudges me with his elbow.

Yeah right, you act live you don't make several times of what I received.

"Apparently pretty good, considering he told us over the phone and not in person. We haven't hung out since before your case ended. Doing wealthy people things made you forget about us that easily huh?" Jungkook mocks.

These guys here....

"Haha, very funny. You know it's not like that, it's just that a lot has been going on." I answer.

Just then, I see a man shorter than me with blonde hair enter the tent. He has on a long puffy coat, one of those fashionable kinds, and his hair was parted. He is looking around for something.

Oh, it's him.

I wave my hand in the air.

"Aye Jimin, over here!" Jimin comes over and bows at the others.

"Hello, I am Park Jimin. It's nice to meet you." Jimin initiates.

"Hey, my name's Park Seojoon." Seojoon introduces himself and bows in his seat.

"Sup, I'm Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook gives his name as well. Jimin takes the seat beside Jungkook and across from me.

"He's the friend you've been telling us about, right? The one that works for Y/N?" Seojoon asks.

"Yeah, he's the secretary," I reply.

"You talk about me to your friends?" Jimin questions, raising his brows.

He's something, this man.

"Not really." I deadpan. An ajumma comes up to our table with a black apron. Underneath, she is wearing all black attire, simple pants, and a long sleeve top. She has short wavy grey and black hair. She has on a kind smile.

"What would you young men like to drink today?" She asks.

"A bottle of soju and three beers please." Seojoon orders for us with a smile.

"Of course, I'll be right back," Jimin smirks at me when she leaves.

"So, you talk about Y/N to your friends then?" Jimin asks. He props his chin up with his hand, elbow supporting him on the table. I pause for a second, trying to think carefully.

Do I? Nah....

"No, I don't"

"Are you sure about that?" Seojoon asks, lifting his brows. Jimin chuckles as his response.

"Y/N did this, Y/N did that. Y/N's so this when she does that." Jungkook mocks me and rolls his eyes.


"I don't do it a lot." I try to defend myself.

"Yeah, if you don't count every time we hang out."

How come I never noticed?

I stay silent for a few seconds and answer the only way I know-how.

"Shut up."

"You act like you like her or something," Jungkook says. The ajumma comes back with our drinks and places them on the table.

"Would you all like to order now?" She asks.

"Yes," Seojoon responds without a second thought. People from this area like us come often, a menu isn't necessary when you already know what you want.

"Tteokbokki, fishcake, blood sausage, and dumplings." Seojoon orders for us again. Since he's older, he has this fatherly mindset towards Jungkook and I. So everywhere we go, he often orders for us if he knows what we're going to get. Which is pretty often, we have been friends for a long time. Seojoon looks at Jimin. "Would you like anything else?"

"Just an extra serving of fishcakes," Jimin says. The ajumma nods.

"I'll be back with you soon." She says and leaves.

"It's not like Taehyung has a chance anyway, she has Namjoon." Jimin comments.

"Who's Namjoon?" Seojoon inquires.

"A sly motherfucker who has Y/N wrapped around his little finger," I mutter.

"Y/N's love interest," Jimin explains.

"If he's just an interest, why doesn't Tae stand a chance?" Poses Junkgook.

"There are many factors but the most critical, Namjoon met her first. Taehyung met her weeks after Namjoon did thus, growing closer to her before Taehyung can."

Really? Only weeks before? It seemed like longer. Just maybe....

"It's only a week, not months," I say, opening a can of beer.

" It's a rule of the universe; the one who meets her first gets the girl."

"Rules are meant to be broken."

"Jimin has a point though, it's unlikely." Seojoon points out.

That's not a fair rule.

"Oh...." I mumble.

"It doesn't even matter, it's not like Tae likes her anyway." Jungkook dismisses.


"With that aside, tell us about the firm you work in." Seojoon directs toward Jimin.

"Not many exciting things inside of work hours. You know, I schedule meetings, appointments, and other things. Y/N is very lenient so I can do things like dye my hair, request days off quicker, and most importantly, tease her when I feel like it."

"I like him," Jungkook says and sips his drink.

"Thanks," Jimin replies.

"If work hours aren't exciting, what is?" Seojoon asks.

"Oh, would you like to know?"

They shouldn't have gotten him started.

Jimin starts to talk about things that go on in the office as well as what he's heard from other firms. At some point, I tune him out and sink into my thoughts. Jungkook's words stir in my mind.

'It's not like Tae likes her anyway'.

I take another chug of my beer and place it back on the table.

If only my heart could deny the statement as easily as my mouth can.
