The exchange/ Jimin

You despised your maths lessons. Not just because you found the subject difficult, but because of the group of girls who sit on the other side of the class to you. They were the popular girls who thought they were better than everyone else. This meant they would constantly taunt the girls that they didn't like. You were one off them. Due to none of your friends being in your maths lessons, the other girls used you as an easy target to pick on.

Today was just another typical day. Or so you thought. 

You sat at your desk, eagerly trying to complete all of the algebra equations on your sheet so that you didn't have to complete it as homework. You were too focused to notice the cute guy walk into your class.

Just then you felt something hit your head. You hesitantly turned your head to see what it was.

"Ew it's staring at us" you heard one of the girls squeal to the other. You were very insecure about yourself so those sorts of comments always got to you.

"by the way, I would pull that ugly skirt down if I were you. You look like a bit of a slut to be honest."

Then your teacher said that he had an announcement to make.

"Class, this is our new student. Would you please introduce yourself."

"uh- Hey I'm Jimin."

You looked up before dropping your pen on the desk out of surprise. 

He was absolutely gorgeous. He had dark brown hair and wore an oversized black hoodie with jeans. His smile lit up the room. You hadn't realised you were staring.

"There she goes again with the creepy staring. What a freak."

Your cheeks turned blood red with embarrassment as you immediately looked down to your desk. 

"Would someone like to offer Jimin a seat?" Your teacher scanned the room for hands up.

"He can sit next to me" shouted the girl who threw the paper at you. You looked up again to see her trying way to hard to look attractive in front of Jimin. She leant against the desk to make her butt look bigger which made you mentally chuckle.

Suddenly you caught Jimin looking at you as you quickly looked down again. 

"Thanks for the offer, but I'd much rather sit over there."

You were so busy trying to get on with your work to notice him walk over to the empty chair on your desk.

"May I?" He said with a wide smile.

You were quite confused at why a guy as handsome as him would ever want to sit next to someone like you.

"Sure... I guess so"

He placed his bag under the desk and shuffled his chair closer to you.

"Does she look pissed off yet?" He whispered into your ear. Him being this close gave you frantic butterflies in your stomach.

"What do you mean?"

"That girl over there. The one that was being nasty to you earlier and throwing paper at you."

You lowered your head past Jimin to see that the girl was blushing with embarrassment and shooting you an evil look. 

You couldn't help but to laugh so you hid your head behind Jimin, giggling into his shoulder.

"I have an idea."

He said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Then he pulled a small piece of paper out of his bag, making sure the girl was watching him.

"Turn around" he commanded you.

You did so, Facing your back to Jimin.

He then gently pulled your hair to the side and placed the sheet on your back. He leant on you for support as he wrote out his phone number on the paper. You heard the girl squeal in anger as Jimin turned you around and handed you the paper. 

"Now as worth it as it was to see that girl get so jealous of you, I want you to save that number to your phone."

"What?" you shot him a confused look.

"You seem really nice and fun to be around. Plus I kinda need to make some new friends if I'm going to have to come here everyday. We should hang out some time..." He looked slightly nervous saying that to you. You couldn't understand why.

You smiled and pulled out your phone. After typing out his number, he took your phone and straightened his arms across the table to get a picture. You hated what you looked like in photos so you hid your face in your jumper.

Jimin handed your phone back to you and sniggered. You looked at the picture and saw that, while you were hiding your face, Jimin had kissed your cheek as his pose for the photo.

You started to blush again. He was so photogenic, you couldn't believe how perfect he looked.

Finally the bell went off which meant you could go for lunch and meet your friends.

After you packed up your stuff, Jimin shouted from the doorway.

"See you tomorrow Y/N!"

You giggled and waved back at him.

You couldn't wait for your next maths lesson.

A/N - This idea was recommended by my best friend lizzie who I miss so much :( LYL Maknae! - Xxx Ellie
