built up/ Namjoon

A/N: Sorry for not posting properly in a while, I'm currently in year 11 so things have been a bit hectic. But this is my last week before the winter holidays so I'll have much more time to write.

The last few weeks had been slightly intense between you and your Boyfriend Namjoon. He'd been extremely busy at the company and hadn't been taking care of himself as well as he should have been. You couldn't remember the last time he had actually slept next to you. As well as that, it was clear that he hadn't been eating much at all.

Tonight, you two were meant to have a movie night together. However, it began to get late and you felt your head start to tilt. 

About 30 minutes later, You felt the door slam behind you. It made you jump and you shot up from the sofa and ran to the door. You saw Namjoon come in, dragging his feet along the floor with his head hung, facing the floor.

You went to hug him but he turned away from you, making you feel kind of stupid.

"I need to use the computer for a bit, Don't wait up for me," He said without even looking at you.

You were lost for words. You had enough of his behaviour towards you lately.

"So not even a hello? Are you okay? How was your day?"

He reached for the door handle but stopped to hear what you had to say.

"You didn't even send me a message to let me know you were going to be home late. Have you not looked at your phone? I called you thirteen times Namjoon. Thirteen times! We even had plans tonight! I know things are really crazy at work at the moment but how could you be so selfish?"

"If you think I'm being selfish..." You heard his voice break as he swallowed.

"Then leave."

He still refused to look at you. As mad as you should have been for him wanting you gone, You knew that he didn't mean it. He always played himself off as a strong person but you were the only one that could see through this façade of his.

"Say that to my face," You demanded with a slight quiver in your tone.

Namjoon stood frozen. Not saying a word. It was almost like he wasn't even breathing.

"I'm not going to ask you again... Turn around. Look me in the eyes when you say it."

After a few seconds of silence, you heard a weep escape his mouth as he leant weakly against the door.

"Please Y/N, Please just go now," He shouted between sobs.

You didn't know what to do anymore. Namjoon had never opened up to you but now it was like his emotions had completely taken over. You stood in shock as he broke down in tears against the bedroom door.

Your natural response was to run to him. You tried to hug him but he pushed you away.

"What are you doing Y/N you need to leave, I can't be dealing with this right now."

His harsh words meant nothing to you as you knew that they came from false feelings.

You sat yourself next to him and forced him into a tight embrace. At first, he tried to pull away. Then you placed a hand on the side of his face. Once a few seconds had past, He gave up resisting and let his body relax a bit. His arms fell either side of his body and his head fell against your shoulder. 

"Shhhhhhhh..." You tried to comfort your hysterical boyfriend.

He continued to sob for a while before slowly beginning to calm down. He breathed heavily as his eyes began to flicker.

"I know that what you said to me wasn't really how you felt. So it doesn't bother me. And I know you don't like me seeing you like this... But don't push me away... I love you Joonie and no matter how stressful things get, I will be here to help you through that. But I can't do that if you make me leave, okay?"

He then wrapped one arm around you and sniffed into your shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Jajiya..."

"It's okay. But you really need to listen to me from now on."

He nodded in agreement.

You helped him off of the floor and into the bedroom. You then tucked him into the warm sheets and went back to the kitchen. After about three minutes, you entered carrying a warm bowl of soup.

You led yourself next to your boyfriend in the duvet and waited for him to finish every last bit before letting him cuddle up to you and drift off to sleep.
