Chapter three: A new friend

I haven't drawn a lot since I became blind. It takes a lot of effort to be concentrated enough for it. The sun was shining on me and a smile crept onto my face. Suddenly I heard some noise from behind me, as if a branch broke. 

You: "W-Who is there?"

Taehyung: "I'm Taehyung. I'm sorry to disturb you. I was just curious to see what you were drawing. Who are you? I saw you walking here with Sihyeon earlier..."

You: "I'm Y/N... Sihyeon is one of my best friends. Do you know her?"

Taehyung stood in front of me now. During the conversation he switched his position, I could tell when he was talking. The direction in which his voice came changed.

Taehyung: "I just know her name... We both share the same class for math. Can I take a seat next to you?"

You: "Sure..."

Taehyung: "I like the way you draw. The threes look really beautiful."

You: "Thank you. Do you like to draw as well? Or do you only appreciate art itself?"

Taehyung: "I'm really bad at drawing but I love to watch it though. You're really good at it. Did you take classes?"

You: "No I didn't... I just like to draw in my free time. Is the courtyard still the same? I tried to draw how I remembered the place to be."

I handed him over my sketchbook. I guess he stared at it for a while because he didn't reply fast this time.

Taehyung: "It's almost the same. There are a few new benches, and some trees are gone and replaced with others."

You: "It's good to hear that this place hasn't changed in three years."

Taehyung: "Why did you leave the school?"

You: "I went to another school. I had an accident three years ago... Since then, I'm blind but I bet you already noticed that."

Taehyung: "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked."

You: "Don't be sorry, it's a normal question to ask."

Taehyung: "I heard about you this morning. A lot of people were talking about you in the hallway."

You: "Don't tell me what they said, feeling their stares is hard enough as it is."

Taehyung's pov

I had two free hours because the teacher was absent today. I decided to go outside, to the courtyard. The weather was good today so why not enjoy it in my free period? I lied down on one of the benches, trying to stay out of sight. I don't want anyone to notice me. I'm not a really social person. Ever since we came to this school a lot of girls took their interest in me. Not only me though, also my friends get a good amount of attention of the female students here. Those girls really changed me... I didn't want to be popular at all. Some of my friends became more social because of it, my reaction was the opposite. I tried to hide myself from everyone except my friends. I couldn't handle the pressure that comes with popularity. That's why I changed myself. I started to wear hoodies all the time. I tried to avoid as much as people as I could. And this only because people thought I looked handsome... Some boys tried to befriend me, just to gain the popularity as well. A lot of girls tried to ask me out, but I rejected them all. They don't want to know the real me. They only see the outside, not the inside. My eyes were wide open, staring at the clear blue sky. No cloud to detect, making my mood only better. Suddenly I hear two girls talking. I got up and looked over to where the voices came from. I recognized Sihyeon from math. She was guiding a girl to a bench. I don't know her name, but I saw her this morning. She was walking with E:U to class. She's blind, the girl. Everyone talked about her when she passed by in the hallway. Sihyeon left her alone, after the unknown girl sat down on the bench. She had her sunglasses on, she also wore them earlier inside. The girl took something out of her backpack. I think it's a sketchbook. I don't know how long I was staring at her. She was smiling while she was drawing something. It gave me a smile as well. Before I knew it my feet had dragged me closer to her, curious to see what she was drawing. I was too busy looking at her that I didn't saw the branch in front of me. I stepped on it, causing it to snap. It made so much noise, gaining the girl's attention immediately. She seemed anxious for a moment. 

???: "W-Who is there?"

That's how our conversation started. I dared to ask her name. I don't know why I felt comfortable around her. Maybe it's because she's blind and can't see what other people see? She can't judge me based on my looks like everyone else does. She has a talent for drawing. Even without her sight she's still good at it. Her beautiful smile made me smile once more. The conversation continued and she told me she had returned to this school after three years.

Y/N: "Don't tell me what they said, feeling their stares is hard enough as it is."

I had told her that people were talking about her earlier. She seemed upset when I mentioned this. Her smile disappeared in a split second. 

Taehyung: "They didn't say anything bad about you. On the contrary, the only said positive things."

Your pov

You: "They did? I can hardly believe it..."

Taehyung: "Really! Trust me. They all think that you're brave for being here again. That you're a strong and hardworking person." 

You: "They said that?"

Taehyung: "They did and even without knowing you, I can tell that they're right about that."

You: "Thank you."

Taehyung: "Can we be friends Y/N?"

You: "Of course we can be friends."

We talked for a while there. He's really easygoing and also funny at the same time. Before I knew it our free hour was over. It's finally lunch time. I was hungry, I can't lie. 

You: "Finally, we can eat!"

Taehyung: "Are you that hungry?"

You: "I skipped breakfast this morning. I was too nervous to eat something."

Taehyung: "Should I bring you to the cafeteria?"

You: "Sihyeon is actually coming back. She would guide me there."

Taehyung decided to wait until Sihyeon was here. We talked some more until I heard Sihyeon's voice.

Sihyeon: "Y/N? Oh? Am I disturbing you?"

You: "No, not at all. We were waiting for you."

Sihyeon: "We should go now..."

Taehyung: "Bye Y/N! I'll talk to you later."

You: "Bye Taehyung!"

Taehyung left us alone, Sihyeon took that opportunity to take my hand and guide me back inside.

Sihyeon: "So he talked to you first? He was staring at your drawing?"

You: "For the third time yes. What's so special about it? We just had a conversation."

Yiren: "Who had a conversation with who?"

The sudden voice of Yiren startled me for a second. Apparently, she saw us walking and came up to us. Her arm immediately intertwined with mine. 

Sihyeon: "Taehyung talked to Y/N!"

Yiren: "He did? Wauw! That's really rare. He doesn't talk to other people much except his friends."

Sihyeon: "She didn't only meet him. She also talked with Jungkook and Namjoon."

You: "Yeah! Talk about something else. They're not special, just normal students like us."

We arrived at the cafeteria. Yired and Sihyeon guided me to a table. The others were already sitting there. Yirend and Sihyeon both left to grab us some food.

Yiren: "Here is your food Y/N and your wallet."

You: "Thank you!"

Mia: "How was your first day so far Y/N?"

You: "Really good! And how was yours so far?"

Suddenly I heard a lot of voices in the cafeteria. As if many people came in at the same time. It were mainly girl's voices that I could identify. 

You: "What's going on?"

Onda: "It's nothing Y/N. BTS just walked into the cafeteria with their fan club behind them?"

You: "Who? Fan club?"

Sihyeon: "Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook are a part of the group."

E:U: "Did you also met Namjoon and Taehyung?"

BTS pov

Jin: "The food today is really good."

J-hope: "Since the old cook has retired last year, the food has improved a lot."

Yoongi: "I'm glad this is our last year at high school. I'm so tired of all these girls following us around."

Jimin: "Me too... At the beginning it was fun but now I got enough of it."

Taehyung: "I had a great day so far. I met someone new and now we're friends."

Yoongi: "You? You talked to someone besides us?"

Taahyung: "Yah! Like you're such a social person."

Jin: "Don't mind Yoongi he's just in a bad mood because school has started again. Who were you talking about?"

Taehyung: "I met a girl, her name is Y/N."

Jungkook and Namjoon: "Y/N?"

Taehyung: "Do you two know her?"

Jungkook: "We met during history, she sat next to me."

Namjoon: "I met her during biology. We're also project partners for that class."

Jimin: "Y/N? That name doesn't sound familiar. She isn't one of those girls that's following us around, right?"

Jungkook: "No she isn't, she's kind of new. And she wouldn't follow you around."

Jimin: "Why not? Or are you scared that she wouldn't be interested anymore in you after she met me?"

Taehyung: "Jungkook doesn't mean it like that. She can't follow you around because she's blind."

J-hope: "How can she even follow class?"

Jungkook: "She records the lectures with her phone."

Namjoon: "Don't underestimate her. She may be blind but she's very smart."

Jin: "Now I want to know who you're talking about. You made me curious."

J-hope: "Me too! Even Taehyung talked to her, so that must mean something."

Yoongi: "Is she sitting here in the cafeteria?"

Taehyung: "She's sitting over there, in between Onda and Yiren."

They all looked over at the table that Taehyung had pointed out. They saw her sitting with her sunglasses on. She was holding onto Onda's arm while laughing with something. It also delivered a smile on their faces. 


Thank you so much for reading the new chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! :)
