Chapter seven: A rejected offer

Yoongi: "It's the group chat with my friends. We're going to Jin's place apparently. We're meeting in the hallway. Would you like to join us Y/N?"

You: "Uhm, I don't know. I barely know you and your other friends might not like the idea of me joining."

Yoongi: "I bet they would like to meet you."

I'm thrilled by the idea of making new friends and expanding my friend group. But after what happened with those two girls, I'm not feeling comfortable yet. Without my sight I can't defend myself physically. Who says no one else will bother me if I hang out with them?

You: "I'm waiting for Onda now. She's picking me up after cheer practice."

Yoongi: "Can't you ask her? Or we can wait for her in the hallway if you'd like?"

You: "I can let her know I'm waiting for her there but I'm not sure yet if I'll join you later."

Yoongi: "Alright, you might change your mind if you meet the others."

Yoongi softly grabbed my right hand. My hands were resting earlier on the side of the chair we were sitting on. He made me stand up. For a moment I was startled again. Yoongi handed me over my cane.

Yoongi: "Let me guide you back to your seat."

I didn't say anything and just let him guide me back to my seat. He released my hand so he could grab his stuff as well. I heard him walk away, but his footsteps stopped not so far away from me. I opened my bag and took out my phone, sending Onda a message through Siri. 

Yoongi: "Do you always use Siri to navigate yourself on your phone?"

Apparently, Yoongi was done packing his bag. He was standing next to me when he spoke. I placed my phone in my back pocket and threw my bag over my shoulder.

You: "Most of the time. I always use Siri to send messages or to call someone."

Yoongi: "But how do you know what she will reply later?"

You: "I have this app on my phone that will read my messages and notifications out loud when I receive them."

Yoongi: "I'm sorry if I'm asking stupid questions, that was probably obvious."

You: "It's fine, you're just curious. Stupid questions don't exist."

Yoongi: "Should we go now?"

You: "Sure..."


You: "It's really quiet."

Yoongi and I were walking through the hallway. He insisted to hold his arm while he guided me. My left arm was around his and in my right hand I was holding my cane.

Yoongi: "Most of the students already left."

You: "Your friends must be in a club as well, otherwise they wouldn't be here anymore."

Yoongi: "Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung are actually not signed up for a club. They always watch the others train. Jungkook and Jimin play football and J-hope plays both football and basketball."

You: "Why aren't the others joining a club?"

Yoongi: "Taehyung isn't interested. Namjoon likes to focus himself on his schoolwork. I don't know actually why Jin isn't joining a club... His drawing are really good."

You: "You're the second one to compliment him on those skills..."

Namjoon: "Hey! Yoongi!"

I immediately recognized Namjoon's voice. His voice clearly came from behind is. Yoongi turned us around, facing Namjoon's voice. 

Namjoon: "Y/N? You're also here?"

Taehyung: "Why are you with her hyung?"

I didn't notice that Namjoon wasn't alone, I hadn't focused myself on the footsteps earlier. Apparently, Taehyung was standing next to him. Does that mean Jin is here as well? Or the others?

Yoongi: "We met at the piano club."

Taehyung: "You play piano as well?"

You: "I do... But I'm not that good."

Yoongi: "Don't lie to them, you have talent."

???: "I'm I just going to stand here un-introduced?"

Namjoon: "Right! Y/N this is Jin, Jin this is Y/N."

I took this chance to untangle myself from Yoongi's arm. I found it a bit strange to hold on to his arm when we're not walking. I hold my arm out in the direction where Jin's voice came from. He gladly shook my hand. 

Jin: "I'm glad I finally get the chance to meet you. I heard a lot about you."

You: "I could see the same thing, apparently you're drawing are really good."

Jin: "Well Namjoon and Taehyung told me you also draw and that your work was nice to look at."

Namjoon: "Y/N are you heading home? Should I give you a ride?"

You: "I'm actually waiting for Onda. We're walking home together. We don't live so far away from each other."

Namjoon: "Well if you ever need a ride home, you can always call me."

You: "I'll keep it in mind. Have you read the text yet for our presentation?"

I've been working on our text the past few days. Even Sihyeon and E:U both checked it for me on spelling mistakes. They both assured me it came out great.

Namjoon: "I've read it, it's a good text."

Suddenly the hallway was filled with some noise. It was not the same noise as I've heard at the cafeteria a few days ago. It were only male voices that I could identify. They were talking loudly while laughing at something.

Yoongi: "There are the others."

Jungkook: "Y/N! What are you doing here? It's good to see you again."

Yoongi again explained the story to the others that just joined, filling them in why I'm here. As soon as Yoongi was done explaining some introductions followed.

J-hope: "Hey Y/N, my name is J-hope."

Jimin: "And my name is Jimin."

You: "Hey, nice to meet both of you."

Jungkook: "Y/N? Are you joining us? We're going to Jin's place to hang out together."

Yoongi: "I already asked her..."

I think everyone could guess my answer with the way Yoongi said that sentence. Back then I wasn't convinced to join them, and that feeling hadn't changed so far.

Jungkook: "Please Y/N? It will be fun, I promise."

You: "Let's hang out another time."

Jin: "Another time it is then. Don't push her Jungkook, maybe she has other plans already."

I heard my phone rang, so I quickly took my phone out of my back pocket. Onda's voice was being called out by the robotic voice, announcing to me who's trying to reach me. I picked up.

Onda: "Hey Y/N! I'm done with cheer practice. Are you still waiting for me at the hallway?"

You: "I am... I'm not far so away from the piano club."

I didn't know exactly where I was. But we hadn't walked that far away from the piano class before Namjoon called out Yoongi's name. 

Onda: "Alright, I'll find you in a minute then. I just changed my clothes so I'm leaving now."

Onda ended the phone call, so I placed my phone in my back pocket once again.

Yoongi: "Is Onda on her way?"

You: "Yes, she just left the changing room. She'll be here any moment."

J-hope: "It's sad you're not coming along with us though."

You: "I promise to join you another time."

Onda: "Y/N?"

Apparently, Onda just arrived. I didn't even hear her approach us, probably because she's alone. Yiren must have left already since she doesn't walk the same direction as us.

You: "Oh, you're here. Should we walk home?"

Onda: "Sure... Why are you guys here?"

Onda walked over to my left side, taking my arm in hers. She took over my cane. Yoongi still stood on my other side.

You: "Yoongi is also in the piano club."

Onda: "Oh really? How was your first club meeting?"

You: "I really enjoyed it!"

Onda: "What were you guys talking about before I got here?"

J-hope: "I just said that I'm sad that Y/N wouldn't join us."

Onda: "To where?"

Jin: "My place, we're going to hang out there."

Onda: "Huh? Why aren't you going with them?"

You: "Did you forget? You were going to help me with my homework after school."

My hand softly squeezed Onda's arm, signing her that she needs to act along with what I'm saying.

Onda: "Yeah, right! I totally forgot for a moment."

You: "We should get going now. Bye guys, have fun! We'll see you around."


Onda: "Are you finally going to tell me why you lied to them?"

Onda has asked me this question for at least ten times by now. I was waiting until we had walked far enough away from the school. 

You: "Fine, I'll tell. I'm just a bit scared."

Onda: "Why would you be scared of them?"

You: "Not from them, but from those girls."

Onda: "Did they bother you again?"

You: "No, they didn't. I just can't forget what happened the other day."

Onda: "If they bother you again just tell us."

You: "I will..."

Onda: "Y/N, they can't decide who you want to be friends with or not. That's up to you."

You: "You're right, I shouldn't let them decide what I'm doing. Thank you for the talk, Onda. I don't know what I would do without you, or the others."

I hold her arm a bit tighter against me. She's truly the best friend someone can wish for. With that we walked towards my house, with those positive words lingering in my head.


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