
Mamoru's pov.

After the conversation with the hokage, it seems that the villagers start to interact more with the clan members. It's a good thing that the problem is resolved without any force.

"Enter" I enter to-san's office with my Anbu uniform. "Oto-sama" I greeted. "Ah. Mamoru. What do you need?" He stand from his desk and sit on the couch infront of his desk, that's arranged infront of a coffee table. "I believe that the mission you give me is accomplished" I said. "Yes it is. Great job" he pour 2 cups of green tea. "Take a seat. I promise that I won't take much of your time" he start to sip his tea.

Just as I sit on the couch, "How's your Anbu duty?" "Mostly S-ranked, but also few A-ranks occasionally" I put down the half empty cup of tea and stand from the seat. "Mamoru" "yes to-san?"

"Never forget who you are"

"Yes I understand" I said and leave his office.

You're the eldest son of the main head family.

You're an Uchiha

You're Fugaku's eldest son

You're Mamoru Uchiha

... the Heir

Of the Great Uchiha Clan

I promise.

That I won't pass on this burden to you,



Fugaku's pov.

After he left my office, I looked at his unfinished tea.

"What do you see of this cup of tea, to-san?" A 5 year old Mamoru asked me as I was having a shogi match with him.

"A Half-empty cup of tea" I said while moving a piece of the pawn.

"Wrong" he blocked my path in our match.

"Then what is it?" I ask and move another piece.

"It's a half-full cup of tea" he said and trapped my king.

"To-san, when people are too focused in looking for answers of their problem, they won't realise that the problem itself is it's answer.

Imagine if people don't belittle anything in this world.

I believe that this world will be suitable for us to live happy for the rest of our lives.


That's a world I will make into a reality"

I believe in you mamoru.

I believe that,

You'll be a perfect


For our family.

Third hokage's pov.

*knock* "enter" I put down my papers and look at the visitor. "Ah. Fugaku-sama. It's pleasure to see you. is there something that I could help you with?" I offer him a seat and he seat on the chair infront of my desk. "There's something I need to discuss about Mamoru" he said.

"Yes?" "I want to resign him from any duty that he have now" he said. WHAT? "But, what is the reason?" I ask. "As you can see hokage-sama, Mamoru is my eldest son. He'll be the heir for the Uchiha clan. And I need to prepare him for it" he said.

"Very well then. However, I need to tell you few conditions to do so" I wonder, How could the Uchihas be so calm. I guess it's their blood trait. "Since Mamoru is the first Uchiha to join the Anbu, the result of his works are actually boasting the Anbus records and also strength. So, if you may, please place another Uchiha in the Anbu before you resign Mamoru from his duty"

Fugaku's pov.

"... So, if you may, please place another Uchiha in the Anbu before you resign Mamoru from his duty" the hokage said. Fair enough. "Okay then. I'll make sure of it" I said. "And also, isn't it unhealthy to just decide without the person involved in the agreement?" The hokage ask.

"I will make sure to bring Mamoru with me during my next visit, Hokage-sama" I said. "Alright then. Be careful in your way back Uchiha-san" he said before I close the door of his office.

~That Night~

Mamoru's pov.

I think I'm start to get attached with A-rank missions since it doesn't require much chakra compared to my usual S-rank assassinations. Anyway, right after the mission, I went straight back to the compound. It's already passed mid-night. I hope that I won't wake anybody up.

As I walk softly throught the squeeky wood floor, father seems to be awake in his room. Politely I knock his door and wait for his approval to enter.

"You're early" he said while sipping his tea. "Yes to-san. The A-ranks doesn't require as much time as my usual S-rank missions" I said. "Good. So, how's working in the Anbu Black Ops?" I know there's something within those words. "What do you want to-san?"

"I want you to resign your Anbu and getting started to take over the Uchiha police division" he said.

"I understand. If that's all you want to say, I'll be excuse" I stand up and walk to the door. "Don't forget, we have a meeting with the hokage tomorrow" he said. Without wasting more time, I close his door and went straight to bed even if there's still blood stain on my face. Blood stain of my enemies.

You're the heir of the Uchiha Clan.

You're born to be a leader.

This is my fate right?

The burden that I won't pass to my brothers.

The burden of Fugaku's eldest son.

~The next day~

"Morning to-san" I greeted and enter the dining room. "Mamoru-nii, when do you arrive?" Itachi ask me while he's busy setting Sasuke down on his chair. "Just last night" I replied and start to eat my food. "Itachi-nii! You said that you're going to teach me a new jutsu!" He poked itachi's forehead "next time. Today I'm busy" he said. Sasuke just pouted and continue his breakfast.

After finishing our breakfast, to-san start to get ready with his police uniform. "Mamoru, get ready with your Anbu gear" he said. I quickly wear all my gear and waited infront of the house. "Let's go" to-san said and go out of the house. I could see Itachi walking behind him. Letting to-san to lead the way, I walk side by side with Itachi. "What are you doing Itachi?" "To-san said that I need to follow him today" he said.

No way, I know there's something wrong with all to-san said last night. I keep silent all the way to the hokage's office and thinking any possible scenarios that could happen.

Hey y'all!

How've everyone been?


Yeah. Me too.


If you'll be so kind to help,

Check out my other naruto fan fic...

The title is [Ice Cold Tiggress] from the Ice Cold series.

If y'all my little fellows interested to read them,

Go read 'em out.

One tip for y'all,

Read the first book [Ice Cold Kitten] before reading [Ice Cold Tiggress].


So that y'all understand what's going on.


I'll be having a short break until the january 2017.


Because I have un-expected agenda that requires me to do tasks and also attend classes. In other words, I'll be having a short 'school'.

And they promised me homeworks.

So basically I'm going to classes and a camp for this 2 weeks.

My life sucks.

Please bear with me T_T


Do you like 'em?


Comment! (Ps. I see EVERYTHING *insert evil laugh*)

Share them with everyone!



Ja ne~

-Author N
