The astronomy tower

There was a deafening silent
He could only see a blue silhouette
It became brighter and brighter as it moved closer to him

"Mom?" Yoongi choked the words seemed rough and difficult to escape through his mouth

"Mom?" He said again
He could suddenly hear sounds
He heard waves crashing
The sound of birds

Yoongi wiggled his toes and felt sand between them

By the seaside the blue silhouette faded into his mother

She was laughing with the wind in her hair wearing a white sundress

"Yoongi ah!" She called out and picked up a baby Yoongi

Baby Yoongi laughed and giggled in delight as his mothers face smushed into his cheek

Yoongi watched from afar
He tried to call out her name, but the voices drowned back in him
Tears rolled down his cheek
His mother couldn't see him

"Yoongi, yoongi" a voice called out to him but it wasn't his mother
"Yoongi" a mans voice called out
It sounded familiar

Yoongis eyes shifted and fluttered open
Everything was a blur he kept blinking

He could see the ceiling, it looked like hogwarts hospital wing

His eyes finally opened and came to focus
He turned his head slightly and the first person he saw was hoseok

Hoseok shot straight up from his seat when he saw yoongi

"Yoongi!!" Hoseok exclaimed
"I- i was calling you I didn't know you were gonna wake, oh god I was so worried" hoseok rambled on in which Yoongi just stared back at him in pure confusion

After hoseok finished rambling yoongi finally spoke
"Wh- what happened"

"You- you don't remember?" Hoseok said in disbelief

"Well i remember being attacked by the dementors and the rest- well it's a blur" Yoongi said

"You were given the dementors kiss" hermoines voice peeped from behind

Yoongi didn't notice hermoines presence there at all

"Oh, hi" Yoongi said awkwardly in which hermoine just smiled back

"You fell of your broom yoongi" hoseok said seriously
"About a 100 feet above the sky"

"H-how am i still alive" Yoongi said surprisingly

"Well i happened to be in the field at the same time and I managed to cast a floating spell on you so you don't hit the ground" hoseok said

"That's true, except the part where hoseok didn't coincidentally happen to be there he heard from seamus and he started panicking and running like a mad man to save you" hermoine said smirking at the end

"Mione!!" Hoseok hissed turning red

Yoongi smiled at hoseok appreciatingly

"So I'm okay right? The dementors kiss ddint do anything right" he asked

"Well it did manage to suck on your soul but thankfully it didn't leave any permanent marks some medicine and treatment from madam pomfrey and you should be fine" hermoine said

"And we gotta mak-

The door busted open and jimin ran in with his slytherin uniform and silver hair a mess from running

"Wheres my Yoongi! Where is he! Is he okay!" He pushed through hoseok and hermoine and looked at a startled Yoongi sitting slightly on the bed

"Jim- Yoongi started but jimin straight dashed and hugged Yoongi by the neck suffocating him

Hoseok and hermoine stifled a giggle amused

"Jimin- Jim- i can't breathe" Yoongi choked from jimins tight hugs embarrassed because hoseok was looking at him

"I was so worried sick of you you know that" jimin said still hugging Yoongi burying his face in his neck
"I was in potions class when I heard the news, I almost flung my cauldron at snape startled you know"

Jimin finally let go of yoongis neck and looked straight at yoongi

"Why would you even do something stupid like that? Why would you go on a broomstick you don't even like flying" jimin scolded Yoongi

Surprised Yoongi looked at hoseok who shared an understanding look smiling

"N-no reason" Yoongi said looking back at jimin blushing

"Well I'm so glad your okay now" jimin said pulling yoongi in for another hug

"Just take some rest for the rest of the day, I already informed professor macgonagall" hermoine said

"And make sure to eat your medicine, whatever madam pomfrey gives you" hoseok insisted

Yoongi nodded
Suddenly he felt like a child being nurtured by parents

"Namjoon jungkook Jin and taehyung will come later, their in classes right now" hoseok said smiling

Yoongi simply nodded
He doesn't expect them to come
It's not like he was the best friend to them

"Well, we should go now we have classes, see you later?" Hoseok said grabbing his bag

Yoongi returned a smile
"See you guys later"

Jimin squeezed yoongis hand a little before letting go and walking out of the hospital wing along with hoseok

The wing was now empty with just Yoongi and hermoine

Yoongi looked at hermoine awkwardly wondering what she's still doing here

Hermoine rummaged through some medicine
"Need anything else?" She asked with her back turned

"No im fine, you can go" Yoongi replied unintentionally cold

Why do I always do that

Hermoine turned around and chuckled
"Well your welcome" she replied sarcastically

"What do you mean" Yoongi said

She bit her lip
"Who do you think casted the patronus"

Yoongi frowned, he remembered a blue flash the dementors scrambled before he fell from his broom

"That was you?" Yoongi said

Hermoine smiled
"Just happened to be at the right place in the right time"

Yoongi bit his lip
"Thank you hermoine" which sounded genuine for the first time

"Your patronus charm, its impressive" he added

"I've just been practicing, I'm just glad it worked" hermoine said adjusting the medicine bottles

"You really are the smart ass" yoongi chuckled

Hermoine frowned offended before breaking into a small chuckle

Yoongi smiled
"Thanks hermoine"

Hermoine nodded before breaking a smirk

"Anything for the hobi simp"

Yoongi frowned
"Your back to being annoying"

Hermoine laughed
"Seriously you need to find ways to be less obvious, i think everyone knows your whipped for the hufflepuff except the hufflepuff himself"

"Oh shut up" Yoongi said in a small pout

"So" she said placing the hands on the bed rail
"Are you going to tell him"

"Maybe I- i don't know" yoongi said confused by his own words

"Well you should tell him how you feel Yoongi, hoseok is popular among the girls and guys you don't wanna lose him" hermoine advised

Yoongi scoffed "its not like a stand a chance"

"Listen" hermoine said
"I've been best friends with hoseok since our first year in hogwarts, he's the kind of guy that is nice to everyone and befriends everyone, but he is also a very private guy that doesn't like to share or get too close with anyone. Only the people most dear to him"

Yoongi stared at hermoine

"Seeing how he is with you" hermoine continued
"You seem to mean a lot to him"

Yoongi blushed and couldn't help but let a corny smile slip out

"Your really okay with me liking him?" Yoongi said looking back at hermoine in confusion
Isn't she supposed to hate us

"Why wouldn't I be" hermoine said swaying her hands
"I'm not dumb enough to believe some rumors"

Yoongi bit his lip
You should

"I see" Yoongi said softly

Hermoine smiled
"What do you see In him anyways"

Yoongi looked up
"Hoseok? I don't know there's just something about him, he makes me all bubbly inside like alive, since the day he saved me from those bullies I couldn't stop thinking about him looking at him, his hair his soft face his beautiful smile-

Yoongi stopped midway he realised he was sharing to much
He looked at hermoine who bursted into a small chuckle

"Oh shut up" Yoongi said distastefully

"Oh god you are so whipped" she said still laughing

"I am not!" Yoongi shot back face flushed

"You even took up flying for him, how cute" hermoine extended her lips In a pout teasing yoongi

Yoongi picked up his pillow and almost threw it at her
"You are so annoying!" Yoongi shot back

"Whipped like whipped cream" hermoine sung as she made her way to the exit

Before she walked out she turned back

"But hey yoongi" she said and Yoongi looked at her

"Hoseok is my most dear friend"
"He means the world to me" hermoine said , yoongi just stared at her

"Whatever it is, don't hurt him, and don't get him hurt" hermoine said lastly with a serious expression

Yoongi bit his lip as a dark expression fell over his face

"Please yoongi, hes my best friend and i don't know what secrets you guys are holding, I just don't want to see him hurt" hermoine added

Yoongi gripped his blanket
"I-i won't don't worry " he said in a low voice

Hermoine returned a grateful smile and left the hospital wing


The sleeping pills really helped yoongi to sleep, he slept for a few hours

He shifted his eyes when he heard muffling voices

Someone's voice was particularly close to him

"Do you think he's dead?" One whispered

"You idiot, how can he be dead if he's still breathing" another familiar voice hissed

"I'm just saying!" The other said

"Guys don't be too close to his face" another voice slightly far

"You know when he's sleeping he looks less grouchy, almost peaceful" one said

Yoongi shifted his eyes more as they fluttered open
His eyes came into focus as he saw taehyungs face right on him

"Woah!" Yoongi said startled by him and accidentally smacked taehyung in the face

"Oww" taehyung cried holding his face where Yoongi smacked

"Told you you shouldn't be so close" jins voice appeared from behind

Yoongi looked around the room and saw taehyung and jungkook by his right side, jin infront of him and Namjoon seated by his left side

"Wh-what are you guys doing here" Yoongi said surprised

"To see you of course! We heard about the news we were deadly worried" taehyung said

"Are you okay?" Namjoon said softly

Yoongi nodded smiling assuringly

They actually care about me?

"Well um" jin cleared his throat to alert his presence since Yoongi seemed to be avoiding eye contact with him

Yoongi looked at jin with annoyance before he noticed a bag hes holding in his hand

"I-um when I heard the news I bought a stock of medicine and pastries for your fast recovery" jin said placing the supplements on his bedside table avoiding yoongis eye contact

"That's so nice of you hyung!" Taehyung chimed

"Thanks" Yoongi simply replied in a low voice not looking at jin

Awkwardly jin returned to stand behind Namjoon

"Well uh you should be discharged today according to madam pomfrey" jungkook cut in sensing the awkward tension

"Unfortunately we have more classes so we can't stay too long, but we had to visit you" taehyung said smiling

Yoongi nodded
"Well uh thanks for coming"

Soon everyone left except for Namjoon

"Yyour not going?" Yoongi asked as Namjoon adjusted his seat next to Yoongi

"In a short while" he replied revealing a dimply smile

Yoongi smiled
He couldn't explain the comfort he felt when Namjoon was around, it felt incredibly corny and he hated it

"I uh i got you something" namjoon said pulling something out of his bag

Yoongi adjusted himself upwards smiling at what Namjoon was pulling out of a bag

Namjoon took a black book out and handed it to Yoongi

Yoongi took it a slight confused

"Um jimin told me that you lost your diary a while back, so I got you a new one" Namjoon said smiling shyly

"Oh" Yoongi said slight surprised

I swear that jimin can't keep any secret
He said in his head

"I know it's not your diary, but I hope you can continue writing in this until you find your diary back. I know what writing means to you" Namjoon said stroking the spine of the book

"Wow- Namjoon I don't know what to say" Yoongi said with a surprised face

"No one has ever done this for me" Yoongi said looking up at Namjoon with doe eyes

This was the first time Namjoon saw within the hard shell, pure innocence in those eyes

Namjoon simply smiled back
"It's no trouble"
"Perhaps one of these days you can read to me one of your stories"

Yoongi smiled and flipped open the book feeling the pages
"Most definitely" Yoongi said confidently

Namjoon stayed for a while accompanying Yoongi

They laughed and exchanged stories

Yoongi felt protected and warm around him
He should be hating this vulnerable feeling
But he can't

Namjoon finally got up to leave

"Duty calls, got some extra classes to attend" he said

Yoongi nodded and thanked him for the gift

On his way out Namjoon turned around and faced Yoongi

"You know something Yoongi" Namjoon said as yoongi perked his head up looking back at him

"Your my favourite slytherin" Namjoon said smirking and revealing one dimple

Yoongi blushed slightly, he didn't know what to say
He was overwhelmed

Namjoon didn't wait for a response and left smiling

Yoongi sat in the wing Alone and for the first time he felt very warm in a long time


Yoongi got discharged in the evening, he felt better after a good rest in the hospital wing

He was unsure of what to do he wandered roamlessly in the corridors swaying his hands back and forth

He suddenly had a desire to go to the astronomy tower
It was his safe place
The place he could unwind

He made his way up and was welcomed by the peaceful scenery by the balcony
The sun was setting beautifully in the back

He took a deep breath and exhaled through his mouth, he walked to the other side and lifted a board

Underneath the board was a small hole filled with books he reads in his past time
Yoongi made this place as if it was his own

He bent down and rummaged through the books to find a particular one

"Feeling better already?" A voice echoed from behind

Yoongi whipped around startled by the voice

He saw hoseok at the entrance, he was wearing his hufflepuff scarf and leaning against a wall

"Oh hoseok" Yoongi said surprised

"Sorry didn't mean to startle you" hoseok said smoothly making his way in

"No no it's okay" Yoongi said rubbing his hands awkwardly on his thighs

Hoseok looked around
"Huh, I never come to this place often but it's beautiful"

"I like to come here to unwind" Yoongi said

Hoseok looked from the ceilings down to Yoongi
"I see" he said smiling cheekily at him

Yoongi blushed a little from his gaze and looked away

"Are you sure your feeling better?" Hoseok asked placing his hand on yoongis forehead

Yoongi chuckled nervously
"Yeah I am"

Hoseok paused from checking his forehead and simply gazed into yoongis eyes

Yoongi felt like dissolving into liquid right there

"Um" Yoongi cleared his throat and walked away from hoseok to the opposite direction

Hoseok simply followed him amused

Yoongi turned around unsure what to do
He just stood and stared at hoseok

The sunset rays was hitting his face perfectly

His brown hair shined golden
His eyes illuminated a honey ray
Everything about him was just perfect

He was too distracted by his looks that he didn't notice hoseok coming close to him

"I had fun the other day" he said looking straight at yoongi they were only a few inches apart

"Me too" Yoongi said softly

He could feel hosoek getting closer to him

"When we were in the locker room t-there was something that i wanted to do" hoseok said staring at yoongi then his lips

Yoongi was as red as a tomato he could feel the walls closing in, suddenly the astronomy tower felt tiny and it was two walls closing in hoseok and yoongi

"Yoongi" it slipped out of hoseok softly

Yoongis heart was racing out of control


Before he could finish hoseok crashed his lips into yoongis
Hoseok was hesitating doing this for a while
But at this moment
He can't take anything back

He kissed Yoongi and didn't intend to pull away
He placed his hand on the side of his waist as their lips interconnected

For Yoongi
It felt like everything inside him imploded

Hoseok crashed his lips into his
He went wide eyed, he could see hoseoks eyes were close but his were wide open
In shock
He didn't have time to process this
His face was completely flushed red

Hoseok finally parted and open his eyes
He was nervous if he did the wrong thing

Yoongi just stood staring at hoseok for a while
"Wow" was all that came out of his mouth

Hoseok smiled nervously
"Um- we should probably go" he said but yoongi held onto hoseoks arm

"Wait" he said as hoseok stared at him

"That kiss" he said suddenly springing up every ounce of courage he has feeling a little more braver
"Maybe you should do it again"

Hoseok looked at him surprised before smiling sheepishly

Not another word their lips connected again
This time Yoongi closed his eyes and kissed hoseok back hard

Hoseoks hand held on to yoongis waist firmly as yoongis hand travelled up hooking on hoseoks neck

They both breathed in as their lips parted and reconnected again, yoongis heart pounding could be heard as hoseoks lips lingered on yoongis , they stayed like that for a while before they parted.

They both smiled

They took a second before hoseok broke into a small chuckle, followed by Yoongi
The sun was setting behind them as it was getting dark.

"We should probably get back" hoseok said smiling


So um what did you guys think about this chapter *awkwardly taps foot on the floor*
