
After a long tiring first day of classes in Hogwarts, jungkook made his way back into the ravenclaw common room. He sighed as he plopped down on one of the couches and placing his hand on the back of his neck stretching it. His knee jerked to a burning sensation residing in his leg, he pulled out a parchment revealing words burning itself on the paper
Hogsmeade with me? It said
"Taehyung" jungkook sighed

He made his way out of Hogwarts with a dark blue sweather with a white t shirt underneath it. He saw taehyung waiting for him on the castles ledges near the quidditch field, he wore a v neck cream knitted sweather and hair wavy plopped on his head he seemed to be invested doing something that looked like paper planes, he cupped one in his hand and blew on it as it flew away. His head then turned towards jungkook who was walking to him.
"You came" taehyung said with a huge smile on his face
"I wouldnt let down a chance for a butterbeer" jungkook grumbled, taehyung suddenly shot up and was facing jungkook they barely had any height difference.
"Your mad at me" taehyung concluded "i just dont know why" jungkook simply rolled his eyes and chuckled as in disbelief he then crossed his arms and glared at tae
"Two months" "I didn't hear anything from you in two months" jungkook said
"Not even a letter nothing and i- jungkook extended his finger pointing it at taehyung "i sent you a shit load amount of letters"
"What kind of best friend dosent write back" jungkook scoffed wow I can be really dramatic sometimes jungkook thought

A confused expression was plastered on taehyungs face before it melted to an understanding look "its all a misunderstanding jungkookie" he said placing his hands on jungkooks shoulders. "I didnt receive your letters becuase i was on vacation elsewhere with my family and we had no owl service there for me to send you letters" taehyung explained
"I was going to explain it to you first thing when we arrived here but you ignored me the whole day yesterday" taehyung said with a small pout on his face
"Oh" jungkook replied a little embarrassed "right then" he rubbed his neck
"So are we good then?" Taehyung said cheerfully
"Whatever" jungkook mumbled walking forward before taehyung grabbed his arm and hugged him from behind "are we gooddd jungkook" taehyung asked teasingly locking jungkooks arms from behind
"Yes! Yes! Whatever were good" "now get off me" jungkook yelled struggling from taehyungs grasp bursting into laughter before setting him self free from taehyungs arms and running to hogsmeade with taehyung chasing him from behind.

Hogsmeade was windy and chilly but then again it always felt like, jungkook rubbed his hands together and blew into them as taehyung was walking close to him looking at the shops around them noticing new ones opened.
"Oo could we stop by honeydukes for a sec i wanna get something" taehyung said pointing towards to shop to jungkook
"Sure" jungkook mumbled before they walked into the magical candy shop.

Taehyung immediately grabbed a stock of pumpkin pasties and cauldron cakes and carried all of them in one hand

"What?" He asked confused looking at jungkooks vagued expression
"Nothing" jungkook mused turning to the other side whispering to himself "my friend really never changed" before grabbing three liquorice wands.
"Kookie come here!" He heard taehyung call. He walked over to a shelf as taehyung pointed to a whole row of cockroach clusters "they look nasty i can't believe people actually eat them" taehyung said
"I suppose we should get one for seokjin" jungkook said picking one box and smirking
"Jin hyung is easily scared he would get frightened by these things" taehyung said,
"I know" jungkook said teasingly before squinting his eyes at taehyung "thats why we should get this for him" he said and taehyung playfully punched him the shoulder, they were both laughing together when they noticed a boy who appeared at their corner and picked up a box of cockroach clusters.

He didn't notice jungkook and taehyung there until he read the contents of the box and lifted his head to jungkook and taehyung staring at him
"Oh sorry" yoongi muttered before picking up another box
"Oh h-hi yoongi" taehyung said softly
"Hey" yoongi replied back staring at the box uninterested, jungkook didnt say anything he simply looked at yoongi studying him at least. He didnt like yoongi very much but he didnt want to be the one to stereotype someone by their character and house their in jungkook parted his mouth to say something when he heard park jimin at the back calling for yoongi
"Yoongi! Did you get my cockroach clusters? What's taking you so long?" Jimin complained at the back
Yoongi didnt say anything and simply made a lip shut straight smile before walking off to jimins side

"That was scary" taehyung sighed
"You didnt have to acknowledge him if you didnt want to tae" jungkook said still looking at jimin and yoongi walking out of the store far gone
"It would be rude not to say anything" taehyung mumbled, "plus i dont think their that bad just intimidating" tae concluded
"Well we dont have to think much about those slytherins" jungkook said wrapping an arm around taehyung and nudging his head "cmon I'm craving for butterbeers"

They were walking out of honeydukes on their way to the three broomsticks, the sky was getting dim as dusk came. Taehyung was talking to jungkook about his sketching hobby and how he received a lot of support from hosoek and hermoine
"Hermoine huh" jungkook smirked "looks like you still have a crush on her" he sighed
Taehyung immediately blushed "i- i do not" he defended.
"Tae weve been at this for such a long time" jungkook started "you've had a crush on her for what now two years?" Taehyung closed his mouth unable to argue anything
"And yet you still havent confessed to her" jungkook let out a big sigh.
"I cant" taehyung said "i dont want to ruin our friendship" "and plus i dont think she has feelings for me" taehyung said softly looking down. Jungkook looked at him with a pitiful pace before patting his back, "if its hurting you on the inside you should forget her tae, i dont want to see you get hurt" he said.
"I'm not" tae said looking up a smile returning on his face "I understand our friendship and I'm happy with where we are, i dont mind silently crushing on her as long i am" he said.
"Well fine but just dont make it so obvious" jungkook said
"Is it that obvious?" Tae asked with a worriful expression jungkook simply gave him a are you kidding me face before they made their way into the three broomsticks for a nice cup of butterbeer

Sorry for this short chapter guys i just wanted to show a little on tae and jungkooks bond and all, i will be updating the next chapter tomorrow we will be a little bit on jimin now :)

Thats it for this chapter anyways here's my favourite picture of jungkook and taehyung of thier little trip in hogsmeade <3
