
k a i t l y n

Christmas music played on the record now making me throw my head into the couch. I wanted nothing more than the holiday season to be over.

Mary Eunice blew her whistle making everyone groan until she stopped because we were slight.

"I have exciting news! Christmas is back. Now after last years debacle" She glances back to me, I smile as she continues, "Sister Jude said we'd never celebrate here again. But to that I say, Bah Humbug. We need a little spirit. And luckily, we're under new management. Everyone line up!"

Everyone rises expect me.

"Kat, come on, have a little cheer" She walks over. "Isn't it Christ's birthday. Why are you celebrating?" I spat back softly, "I have nothing to offer anyway"

"What about that necklace you keep in your room?" She kneels to meet my eyes. I open my mouth to speak before shaking my head, of course she knew. If she was the devil, she'd know all.

"Come on now Kat, wouldn't want Jude to find out would you?"

My eyes narrow as I stand up, pulling the shirt down to cover my stomach. "That a girl!"

I send a smile back before walking out the room, directly to my room, only to grab the necklace and head back into it.

"Bah humbug!" I yell into her face, tossing the cross at her. Mary Eunice, jumps back from it making my arms cross. "Guards, take her down to the hospital ward, she doesn't look to good"

With a snap of her fingers my stomach starts to rumble, my eyes grow heavy. And as they grab me, my vision goes black.


"Kat! Katlyn!" A voice yells making my eyes open to Lana looking frightened.

"Oh god, I'm dead" My voice speaks, sounding distant. "No, no, you're alive looking at me" She snaps getting my eyes to drift back. "How- where did you go?"

Lana shakes her head back as I hug her, tears welling in my eyes.

"I did something bad, I don't know if she's going to help get Kit back" I speak into her before she pulls away. "Kit is here? Who told you they'd help?"

"Sister Mary Eunice" I sit up, "where is Kit?"

Lana looks to the curtain making me push up, still weak from whatever she did to me, yet I push through and rush to Kit.

He was loopy, trying to sit up.

Before he could, I rushed to hug him.

"What happened? Why were you on death row? Thredson tried to take me over as a patient. Did he do it?"

He stares at me, laughing when I was done speaking. "You have a way of making people smile" He musters out before Lana walks back over. "I need to get a phone, Kat it's a very long story"

"To cut it short, Lana claims that Thredson is really Bloody Face" Kit speaks slowly. "But why- oh my god"

"Kat what?" Lana looks down to me as I fell on to floor. "That's what he's lying about. I felt it all over him?"

"Felt?" She rises an eyebrow. "Another long story" I look to her.

"I'll be back, I'm getting to a phone"


"She's been gone to long, it feels wrong" I look over to him, he glances back, shaking his head, still unsure of everything.

"Come or not, I'll find her" I stand and start out, he follows me as I push through an old, forgotten door. After a few minutes of walking and listening into wall, Lana's wail comes through making me start to sprint towards a door, pushing it open to find Thredson.

My hand pushes out and to the side making him slam against the wall, knocking him out for a moment. Lana stares at me for a moment, before managing to push herself up.

"We have to kill him" She speaks quickly, Kit grabs her. "Stop it. Wait! Lana"

"You have to let me do this" She whimpers, I made sure to keep him pressed to the floor. "We need him" Kit speaks again. "He's the only thing standing between me and the electric chair"

I glance back, unsure if now was the best time to mention that I'd made a deal with the devil to make sure that wouldn't happen.

"Why is there still a manhunt? Why haven't they turned you in" Lana questions him.

I wanted to blurt that part of it was because our loving Sister was choosing to help me, but when my mouth opened nothing came out.

"Let's just move him, who cares why, he's here" I release my pressure on the man and walk to grab him.


Once we moved him to a dusty old room, Kit and I headed back down to the infirmary so we wouldn't be caught.

"I may be no witch, but I can still feel tension radiating off of you" He looks over at me. "Sister May Eunice is why the police weren't called. It's complicated, and I will tell you as soon as I can, but you need to trust me on this, you won't be fried in a chair, Kit. At least not for being Bloodyface"

We reach the room, he gives me a slight smile, "I think you're underestimating this, a little"

"I'm not" I push forward, hugging him tightly. "I swear to god, the three of us will get out of here"


idk what's happening in this chapter and i honestly dont have it in me to care.

im reaching out to say please please please, speak up rn for blm, it's so important, and i know it's overwhelming but we all have to do a part in making this better. it's unfair that black people still face inequality. i have a link in my bio of a thread of petitions to sign and if you want to read some tweets i've found important pleas feel free to reach out to me. i still have A LOT to learn about all of this.

if you're protesting please stay safe! it's scary that's happening right now with the police and all.
