
k a i t l y n

"I don't know why you're mad at me. I attempted to get them off your back"

He continued a few steps in front of me. "Would you stop walking!" I bark at Kit, grabbing and pulling his arm backwards to get him to stop.

"You still ran, and they didn't do shit to you" He glares, looking me up down, before trying to keep walking.

"I've been here for six years. You've been here a couple of weeks at most!" I push closer to him, making him step backwards.

"Think of it like this, for a while, my treatment was electroshock every single day. My brain is fried. I can't remember any of my schools' names. I can't do multiplication. I forgot how to spell my name for three years. How'd you think I got the nickname? You think I like it? My therapist used to make me spell it and K A and T where the only letters I could remember. Kaitlyn is just the shell of a human I'm in. So you tell me again that they haven't done shit to me. Jude likes me because she feels bad for what she did to me" My finger pressed against his chest in anger. His face had fallen softer than the expression he had previously worn.

The music stops making us both turn to see Sister Mary Eunice.

"Sister Jude has asked me to make an announcement. There's a big storm heading our way. And when it hits, half of you are going to be too scared to move. The other half, wont be able to stop. It would be chaos. And we can't have that. So Sister Jude has arranged for a distraction. A movie, Friday night, when the storm will be at its worst. We're all going to be together in the dark. Watching The Sign of the Cross."

"Oh god no" I mutter under my breath.

"An movie full of fire, sex, and dying Christians. What fun" She smirks devilishly, glancing to me and staring for a moment. Sister turns on her heals and exists the common room.

"There won't be a lockdown and everyone will be occupied" I bite my lip to hid a smirk forming.

"We just tried to escape and I took all the blame for it" He tells me still holding the grudge. "They won't expect it so soon though. We need Lana"

"And Grace" He reminds. My eyes roll at her name but nod to appease him. Lana and Grace walk over, in the middle of an argument.

"You ruined our chance of getting out of this place"

"I'd do it again if t meant keeping him from killing again"

"Lana, I don't think he's a killer" I state and shake my head, "I've seen murderers before, he doesn't have that look in his eye, you know?"

"You're a child" Lane over to me in a fit of rage.

"Can't say I blame you. I would have done the same thing if I believed what you do. But I'm innocent" Kit repeats yet again.

"Walker! Dr. Arden wants to see you" Carl, one of the orderlies walks in.

My eyes widen as Kit turns back.

"She looks worried, why?" He looks at Grace and points to me.

"Kat knows more about this place than any of the orderlies. I'm sure she has secret rooms she goes in and watches people from, creep" Her eyes send daggers to me.

"I don't watch people unless I want to know what they're doing. Go" I tell Kit, "before they pull you out"


"What are you doing?" Kit asks Arden. Slowly, I crawl out of a broken vent and move behind a wall. "It must work on some magnetic principle. Have you noticed any other lumps or protrusions?"

"No" Kit answers him looking up and meeting my eyes, only to see me struggle to get behind a shelf.

He laughs slightly.

"Who are you working for?" Arden questions Kit, pulling his head to focus on him.

"What?" He asks. His voice summing up the amount of confusion I felt. "Come, come, Mr. Walker, let us not play games. This isn't the first time someone has tried to infiltrate my labs. Your laughs don't help"

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Kit screams as he puts something in his neck.

"You were approached by someone. Somehow knew you were being sent here. They implanted this technology in you, so they, could spy on me" Dr. Arden stabs the needle in and out of Kit's neck. "No, you're wrong."

"Was it the Stasi? The East Germans have a particular talent for surveillance. KGB? I understand there are even elements within the US government. Oh yes. Jews, and fellow travelers. Who was it?"

"It was no one, I swear" Kit's voice turned to panic. "You can swear all you want, Mr. Walker, but I will get to the truth, and in here, we have all the time in the world."

Arden places the knife on Kit's neck and starts to cut into the already formed scab on him.

A murderous scream releases from his mouth, I slowly raise to my feet and move back. Hus screams mix with the a crash of thunder, the storm had begun to move in.

Only wanting his pain to stop, I grab the jar on the shelf, smashing it. It smashes opened and glass shatters everywhere.

Arden stops and moves his head up a little, I drop down and hid behind the shelf again, being still and silent.

He begins to glance around, trying to find the source. I look to the other shelves to see more jars and begin to pray in my mind that the storm could make them drop, but there was nothing. My escape had no access without him taking notice. Closing my eyes, I waited for the to fall, pulling my hand backwards as if it could help.

There was a sudden loud crash. 

My eyes open to see everything was pushed down and turned sideways. Arden's eyes move to it.

"Jesus is real" I mutter, crawling to the vent and running back down the corridor.
