You're safe now.

I paced anxiously around the bare room with my head down and biting my nails.
"What do we do Steve?" I spoke up all of a sudden. Steve was obviously in shock too.
"I-i don't know Bella." I didn't realise I was crying until I saw a tear fall slowly to the floor.
"You heard Colonel." Peggy muttered quietly.
"They're in the most heavily fortified territory in Europe. What do you plan to do? Walk to Austria?"
I looked at her with tears in my eyes.
"If that's what it takes. I can't lose him Peggy, I can't. that the other soldiers are there too...I feel like i've failed."
Peggy looked at me sternly and Steve and I shared a knowing look.
"Ok." Peggy stated. Steve and I stared at her in shock. "Let's go and get them."

We were sitting in the plane with Howard Stark and Peggy.
"The Hydra camp is in Krausberg, tucked between these two mountain ranges. It's a factory of some kind." she told us.
Steve walked up to the door and prepared himself for the jump.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I screamed at him, the wind muffling my voice.
He gave me a goofy smirk.
"What? You not coming?"
I looked at Peggy and Stark and rolled my eyes and smiled.
Peggy looked at me in shock.
"Bella you can't be serious? That's absurd! You are actually listening to him!"
"Yeah." I began, "You know why? Because he's Captain America. And he's my brother."
Stark turned around in shock taking his eyes off the steering wheel.
"Never take your eye off the wheel and sky Stark." I shouted, smiling.
Peggy still just stared at me in shock.
"So are you coming?" Steve gestured to the dark night sky.
"You bet I am Rogers."
I smiled devilishly at them before uttering,
"Cheerio!" and jumping out of the plane.
In a blink of an eye, I felt the hard ground i under my feet.
"Are you gonna be ok?" Steve worriedly mumbled, putting his hand on my shoulder.
I laughed at him smugly.
" think I can't fight?"
We saw Hydra agents running towards us so I decided to show Steve how strong I really could be. I knocked out 6 out of 8 and Steve was a bit ahead of me with casualty count but...he is a Super-Soldier.
"You're good at this." he said nodding his head.
"Well...what can I say...what does 4 years in the army give you?"
We both ran towards agents and knocked them all out one by one. I ran into a vandalised and derelict building from where I had been informed the soldiers had been captured...or killed...
No will be fine. They can't be dead.
I ran into the building to find it was guarded by agents yet again.
"Shit." I cursed under my breath.
"Hey boys." I commented before knocking each one out as I made my way towards the door.
As I wiped excess blood off my hands I saw a shaking agent who still stood his ground.
"Now, let that be an example. Where can I find unit 107?"
He pointed a shaky finger over to a door to the right.
"Thankyou kind sir." I started to make
my way towards the door before turning round to face him; our faces a couple of inches away.
"You look like a smart boy, do you really like working here, hmm?"
He shook his head anxiously at me.
"Oh honey," I continued placing a hand on his cold, chubby cheek.
"I can tell," He moved his cold hand up to mine.
"You know how?" I added before twisting his hand and arm and knocking him onto the floor, leaving him gasping for air.
"Because your an idiot." I walked off to the door and saw a man of about 5'7 lying strapped to a metal chair. He breathed in shaky, sequenced breaths; as if he didn't want to be heard.
I entered the door with my gun at my side.
I made my way towards the chair and was prepared to shoot when..
It was Bucky. He looked so different. What had they done to him? I'm gonna kill those sons of bitches.
"I-izzy?" he began shakily.
I kissed him right there, in the Hydra base guarded by over 100 guards..or more like 50 now.
"It's gonna be alright Buck." I unstrapped the tape which was holding him down and placed his arms around my shoulders to help him walk.
"What did they do to you?"
"I-i don't know..."
"None of that matters. You're safe now."
