To Far

Isabella's P.O.V

We were walking home now. We'd not said a word to each other.
"Isabella Rogers you little piece of-"
"Don't say that word." I interrupted.
"Don't say that word, or i'll tell Mother."
"How did you know i was even going to say that?
I looked at him mischievously.
"I know a lot of things Rogers."
"I could of!"
I snorted with laughter.
"The award for best lying goes to....Steve Rogers!"
He just looked at me and started to walk faster.
"Wait for me jackass!"

We arrived home and i told Mother i was going straight out again to see my best friends Lizzie and Charlotte. For the second day in a row we went to the is our favourite place.
"So," Lizzie began before her and Charlotte started giggling.
"Anything happened recently with Mr. Bucky Barnes?"
They burst into heaps of laughter before i joined them.
"Shut up." I joked and I pushed them both.
"I'm serious." Lizzie said inquisitively, putting her arm on the table and resting her hand on her cheek.
"Ok," I started,
"Yesterday was embarrassing yet amazing!"
I told them all about how Buck had played with my hair and how we kept sharing those awkward glances...
Lizzie and Charlotte just smiled at me, pursing their lips in attempt to not laugh.
"Laugh if you want girls, i don't care."
They yet again burst into heaps of laughter.
"Speaking of the devil!"
I turned around to the door where Lizzie and Charlotte were looking too..and sure was them. My brother and his best friend.
"Hey Isabella!"Steve sniggered.
"Shut up." I replied back and my friends laughed so hard i think their milkshakes went up their noses. Steve and Bucky walked up to us.
"I've come to take you home Bella."
I looked at Steve with my mouth open.
"I'm not going home! I'm always hanging out with your friends."
"And that's a bad thing?" Bucky butted in.
"No no no! I'm just using an excuse." I could hear the girls whispering and laughing behind me so i turned around and put a finger to my lips.
"Fine." I spat, "But you will pay for this Steven Rogers. Bye girls."
"Bye!" They said in unison.

Bucky's P.O.V

Steve and Izzy have gone home now. God, this is so hard. I don't want it to really show it because...well..that would be embarrassing but i sort of want something..just..i don't happen with us..but..we can't. I hate the Rogers Rules. They serve no purpose. Maybe i should tell Steve. You know what? I might tell Steve.
Bad idea Barnes.

Isabella's P.O.V

I was sitting in my room when the asshole came in.
"Was it embarrassing for you today?"
"No..just annoying." I suddenly smirked as i had an idea.
"Was it embarrassing for you seeing Lizzie."
Steve's blue eyes widened.
"You like Lizzie..i see the way you look at her."
"What? No i don't." He stormed out of room then stopped and turned to face me.
"At least it's not true that i have a crush on my siblings best friend."I yet again stared at him with anger.
