Chapter 10

Clarke's POV

We were all sitting in the dining room but I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, and well, Bellamy.

What am I missing? Something clearly happened with Bellamy.

Did he really betray us just like that? Or was he just playing his part really well? After all, Bellamy has always been good undercover.

Would he really go as far as to put me in m-cap if he really still cared?

What have they done to you Bellamy?

"Earth to Clarke!" I was startled out of my thoughts by Miller.

"Sorry, did you say something to me?"

"I asked if you were fine. Octavia here was just telling us about Bellamy turning on us and taking you to m-cap. Would you like to talk about it?"

"Oh. Uhm yeah I'm as good as I can be. Thank you for asking though Miller, really."

"So, did they manage to find out anything in there? Not that we'd blame you if they did but it'd be ideal that they don't." Raven finally asked what everyone wanted to say.

"Fortunately they didn't. I tried hard to think about anyone other than, well you know. That ended up with a lot of memories with, someone else, and while I didn't really wish sharing those it kept her safe. The flame is still safe for now."

"Someone else huh? It wouldn't happen to be a certain traitor?" Murphy chimed in, with no bitterness in his voice despite his words.

Looks like I'm not the only one who still believes in Bellamy.

"Watch it Murphy. That's my boyfriend you're talking about. As if he and Clarke are anything more than friends." Echo warned Murphy.

Friends. Yeah. That's how Bellamy sees me. Well, saw me as now I'm probably not even that to him apparently.

"That's your boyfriend but I don't see you caring too much that he's either betrayed us willingly or he's brainwashed. You only care about him when Clarke is mentioned?" Emori jumped in to her boyfriend's defense.

That earned a glare from Echo. Without adding anything else she stood up and asked a guard positioned outside the door to escort her back to her room.

An uncomfortable silence fell upon us with Echo's exit. Someone needed to break the ice.

"So, uhm, how did I get back after the m-cap? I fainted in there and then I woke up in our room?" I turned to Octavia, who had been silent so far.

"Uh, what's the last thing you remember?"

"Hmm, I think they were seeing a memory of mine before I blacked out. I have no idea what happened next."

"So this might not mean anything okay? Maybe he was just instructed to do so, maybe he wanted to I can't know for sure."

"What? Octavia you're not making sense."

"Bellamy. He brought you back. I don't know much, just that he entered the room holding you up."

"B- Bellamy? Holding me how?"

"Well, you know. Like, bridal style?"

My cheeks heated up at that. Bellamy's always been confusing but never so much.

What the hell is going on Bellamy dammit!

"Oh. Yeah uh thanks for telling me yeah.
Uhm so Jordan what have you been doing while we were at school?"

And no, I wasn't changing the subject.

Jordan beamed at me.

"I've been waiting to tell you guys what we found out but, well you were a bit preoccupied..."

"Jordan! Just tell us what it is."

"Well while Levitt, Gabriel and I were looking at the anomaly we figured out that there is no last war. But the anomaly does lead to a survivable planet that they don't have the code of yet. Maybe that's why Cadogan wants the key."

"Wow. That makes so much more sense than transcendence." Raven pointed out.

"Do we think the disciples know about this?" Diyoza spoke up.

"I think Levitt would have told me if he knew." Octavia observed.

"They probably don't know. Neither Orlando nor Dev ever mentioned they believed in anything but transcendence." Hope added.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure no-one but us knows, thanks to Jordan here." Gabriel concluded.

"So we tell them." I suggested. "That way we're free from disciples, from Cadogan and basically everyone. Plus, they deserve to know that they've been lied to their whole lives. That their life purpose isn't real."

"How are we supposed to do that. They believe in transcendence so fiercely that they'll definitely think you're lying. And it's not like the old man will just admit that there is no last war and he's just power hungry." Murphy remarked.

He does have a point.

"We need to collect proof. If there's evidence they're gonna believe us, they are not dumb, they just have faith."Raven reckoned.

"You're right. But we can't do it on our own. We need inside help." Emori thought of.

"We do have inside help. We have Levitt. Plus Jordan and Gabriel are practically disciples now." Octavia mentioned.

"We need more than just Levitt."Murphy said.

"Oh my god" I exclaimed, "That's it!"

"What's it ?"Miller looked at me like I was crazy.

"We need Bellamy."

"I don't know if you've noticed," Murphy snorted, "but Bellamy isn't exactly with us anymore."

"Could you please shut up for a second so I can explain?"

"Ugh fine just don't expect me to agree if it's a stupid idea."

"So, first of all we need to find out what's going on with him. If he's brainwashed, or a willing participant in that weird cult thing."

Everyone nodded at me so I continued.

"Then, if he's doing it willingly it probably means he believes in that transcendence bullshit, so we simply tell him what Jordan told us.

If he's not, then it's gonna be a bit harder to bring him back but with the technology here and all of your brilliant minds, well some of your brilliant minds, we'll bring him back to normal."

"That doesn't sound half bad."

"Why thank you Murphy, it's amazing to see how much you believe in me. So, is everyone in?"

Everyone once again nodded at me and a few yeah's responded to my question.

That settles it then. We will fight for Bellamy and at the same time we will do the right thing. Now, if only it was as easy as it sounds.

