Stories About Sad Vault People

Yeah, that was my working title for this category and then I just didn't change it. Everyone is so dang sad. So these are largely James-centric, sometimes branching out into other vaulties. Expect lots of sad.

     To the End by giuseppimezzoalto -

Badly injured in the radroach infestation, with no doctors left in the Vault, Paul has a talk with his intrepid leader, Butch. (Warning: pain)

     it runs in the family by qhostmilk -

A brief account of Tranquility Lane's aftermath. Short and sweet. (Warning: Liam Neeson's random accent.)

     Where Your Heart Is by sunsolace -

Tranquility Lane aftermath retelling - there are lots of them, but this is the best one I've found. (Warning: stubborn dad being stubborn)

     Remember This, Remember Me by TheFaerieChild -

That one scene from James's point of view. (Warning: I guess James thinks at 1000 words per minute or something. But like, poetic license.)
