Authors (Part 2)

This chapter is for works grouped by author that are NOT part of a continuity. Some of them are a little ambiguous on that note, so I based my decision on whether the player character in each story has the same name. If they're not named in one or just don't show up, I decided not to conclusively assume it was a continuity even though it was likely intended to be one. See how much thought I put into this? I feel like the narrator of The Telltale Heart.


Call Me, Call Me -

The Replicated Man discovers something on a mission, and can't handle it in his poor robot brain. (Warning: FO3 spoilers)

The Wasteland Survival Guide: Robotics 101 -

We're gonna learn about ROBOTS with the LONE WANDERER. Fun if you're a nerd and/or a synth sympathizer. A synthesizer. No, that's an instrument. (Warning: does not give adequate warning about the horror that is FISTO)


[Spoiler Title] -

A poem about Dad. I would recommend it to everyone. Everyone. Super short. (Warning: FO3 spoilers, obviously)

To Fight, To Win -

The captured NCR ranger from Ranger Station Charlie muses on how she's managed to survive this long. (Warning: Legion sucks)


Child of the great salt lake -

Joshua tells baby Dead Sea how he entered the Legion. (Warning: lizard abuse)

In darkness -

The NCR tries to "fix" a young Legion POW. (Warning: ahhhhhhhhhhhhh)


Snapshots from the Mojave -

"Tiny glimpses into one bad day in the Mojave" Also might be one of my favorites on this list. (Warning: not strictly canon-compliant, since Mr. New Vegas is an AI - UNLESS the last scene takes place entirely within Mr. NV's perception.)

Eddie, My Love -

Six gives birth with only ED-E to help her. (Warning: labor)


Betrayal -

Also one of my favorites. It's time to initiate new Praetorian guards, and Lucius knows his protégé will make it. Also, Arcade shows up. (Warning: will break your heart and make you love Lucius.)

Guardian's Dilemma -

ALSO one of my favorites. Lucius has a bad day at work. Caesar is a bad boss. (Shippy alert: Lucius x His wife)


Why Don't You Do Right? -

Ellen Deloria OD's, James and Jonas are the only responsible adults in the entire Vault. (Warning: baaad parenting, radroach abuse)

22nd Century Blues -

A 20-year long character study of Ellen Deloria. (Warning: color theory)


Prelude -

Brief unfinished work about growing up in Vault 101. From James' perspective. (Warning: toddler)

On Being a Hero -

The Lone Wanderer's fragmented thoughts after Trouble on the Homefront. LW is always so pure of heart in books like these. I love them. (Warning: stream of consciousness from someone who probably shouldn't be conscious)


Monster -

"Appearances are deceiving. You have to pay attention to find out who the real monsters are." (Shippy alert, kinda: One for My Baby retelling)

Idle Hands -

What, exactly, the companions were doing while the Courier was in Zion. (Warning: jargon)

The Lucky 38 Babysitters' Club -

The Courier leaves her baby in the tower for a day, and the companions long for death. (Shippy alert: implied Six/Ringo. But, like, she's got a baby. It had to have come from somewhere.)

In Which Boone Is Feathered and Scripture Is Abused -

In which Boone is feathered and scripture is abused. (Warning: Boone? Feathered. Scripture? Abused.)

Veneer -

The Courier asks too many questions, Arcade doesn't want to answer. (Warning: For Auld Lang Syne spoilers)
