Meeting UA And The Tormentors of his Past and hanging out

With Izuku and His Men

Since the Villains and the Nazis Attacked USJ Major Midoriya And His Men Are in Principle Nezu's Office discussing what the Villain and the Jerrys Are doing next since this is the problem for nezu and his staff already

Nezu: So the Villain was the one who brought back the nazi of the WWII era but how is it possible they revived the nazi for what we did to them

Izuku: The German Nazi Officer told me that Japan made his country into a labor camp since the war was over in 1945

Midnight: What do You Mean Izuku can you explain

Izuku: well ok I'll tell you in 1940 when the axis power came the Germans had their Leader of the Nazi party Named Adolf Hitler the nazi called Hitler fuhrer the US And England had the same position as Adolf Hitler Hated the Jews

Nezu And the Staff of UA Knew what he meant

But what did the American And the English do when fighting the Germans Said Nezu?

Izuku Sighed and told his men to bring the projector with the films they brought a projector and movies And put the films on the projector And turned it on And Showed what the US Army and British do when they're fighting The Nazi Izuku showed the video of the US Army And pictures

izuku showed the staff of UA What the Nazi Waffen SS looked like in World War 2

Nezu and his Staff UA Were Impressed by izuku So he had a question for izuku

Nezu: And the villain that revives Nazi Waffen SS Where Are They and how did they revive the german Nazi Waffen SS

Izuku: I Don't Know Probably he Escaped when I tried to apprehend him But the mist guy used his quirk to escape By the Way Uncle you got a call from My Dad and the President of the United States He's Not happy

Izuku put the video call on the President Of The United States And His Dad

Izuku: Sorry For The Delay Mr. President And Dad I wanted to spend time with uncle nezu you two said you wanted to talk with him

President Barack Obama: that's alright Major Midoriya I Believe you Want To discuss something With Me And your Father about the Nazi That the villain revived

Izuku: Mr. President the Villain had A Quirk to Bring Back the Dead he might have restored them, And It's looking for revenge on the United States and Japan sir

President Obama: Can the Villain Be Caught In Musutafu Major Midoriya If Necessary For You The Villain is on the Wanted list Of The United States And they Want you to capture him and send him to the United States for Questioning

Izuku: Understood Mr. President also the Principal of UA Is Here Mr. President I'll put him on Standby

Izuku put his uncle to have a chat with the colonel And The President

Nezu: Mr. President What Can I Do for You if You Don't Mind Me Asking Since we are allies what do you need

President Obama: As You Know Major Midoriya Had been ordered to protect your student from the villain and the Nazi so Don't let those idiots of his Former Family Major tell me about his past or his tormentors I want him to be ready since we have the problem in the United States because if his tormentor or the colonel's ex-wife is here to ask forgiveness

Nezu: Yes Mr. President Does the Colonel Want to tell me about something with his son Mr. President If So Then Tell me what it is.

Hisashi: I'm Gonna Be Arriving in Musutafu Japan In 18 Hours, And I want to tell you about my son's Nightmare Principal Nezu If You Don't Mind To Tell You It's Important For You And My son

Nezu: Colonel What's Going on with Major Izuku Midoriya when he arrived in Musutafu Japan with his group

So Hisashi tells Nezu about his son and the nightmare that His Son has Been Having after he Told him Nezu Was Shocked that his nightmare That his former Mother killed him And His dad

Nezu Was Shocked that Izuku Had a Nightmare that started with his ex-mother killing him and his dad But Nezu suggested that He Needs Therapy. He informed Hisashi that UA has a Therapist in UA Her Name Is Sherry O'driscoll (An: This Is My OC Character) She Has a Quirk that makes her look in her patient's head with consent since she's retired from the hero job she got married and had kids enjoying the retirement but when she got called by nezu telling her about izuku midoriya the son of colonel Hisashi Midoriya about his life. Hence, she became a therapist since her hero career ended, she just wanted to enjoy her retirement.

Hisashi: so the therapist who will help my son with the nightmare he had in his sleep Nezu, Please don't let my ex-wife go near him since he had been neglected at the yagi residence so I got him the house so that he could live on his own but If they find him they'll beg him to forgive them for what they did in the past nezu.

Nezu: I Understand that Hisashi I'll do my best to respect your wishes and not let the bakugo and todoroki twins and the yagis bother your son

the video chat ended and nezu made sure that izuku would be settled in UA Therapy Since Izuku Had Been Traumatized by his ex-sister and ex-friends, Even his ex-family So He And His Men Plus his problem with them About To Start Since his Ex-family and Ex-friends ruined his Life Speaking of the Yagis and the tormentors Let's check on them

With The Yagis And Bakugos And Todorokis

Since they Neglected and bullied Izuku For the past 4 Years They lost respect for the people in City and School but what interested nezu was the school that his nephew went to was his old school Aldera Middle School he got Eraserhead to investigate the school when he informed him about the school he was Furious about the school that treated his nephew in school, the school didn't care about Quirkless people they're just arrogant people who want money, women and being famous Since they don't know that their Country Bombed Pearl Habor in 1941 And still responsible for What happened that day since US Army, Navy, And Marines were winning the war against the Axis Powers since the beginning but Thanks to their arrogant attitude They lost the Brother/Love of their life They Don't Know what to do to gain his trust back

With Izuku And His Squad

Izuku Was Very angry at the Yagis and Bakugo, Todorokis twins they bullied him and used their quirk in public which is illegal for them to use their quirk without a License for it, and did not care for themselves so Izuku's dad found out he went to the hero commission and told them about the kids used their quirk illegal in public, the hero commission are very furious at the kids for using their quirk in public they contacted the heroes and their children and told them about the children used in public but they warned them if their children get to izuku then they'll be in trouble since they are in trouble with Hero Commission They already give them a warning if they approach him they'll even be fired from the Hero Society since All Might and His Wife already screwed izuku once and they don't want to screw again since inko lost the custody of her son to her ex-husband Hisashi Midoriya but, right now he's been really upset with her and also her son as well because of the Negligence that she and all might did to izuku now she needs her son but in order get her son's forgiveness she needs to leave him alone her ex-husband told her about how to get their son's forgiveness

Sir, We need to inform the US President about the nazi headquarters if we know how to find the enemy and the villain who revived them since this is the order from the President, how can we inform him sir said Cpt. Dawson

Well we can contact him with my dad's satellite Phone to contact him I had it with me the whole time said izuku as he pulled the satellite phone

(An: this is what satellite phone look like)

Sgt.Mattson: That's an idea Major Call him to see if he can authorize the operation for the nazi headquarters So we can arrest the villain

So Izuku called the White House and informed the President About the Operation For the Nazi Headquarters The President agreed but they Need to contact the Allies from England to help them then they saw izuku's Ex-Family And Ex-friend who left him to die from the infected Arm the yagi tried to hug him but izuku dodge the hug

Son Why did you dodge our hug we're your family and we know you have been in the situation. I know what izumi and her friends did to you and we want to apologize for what we did to you in the past said, Inko

If that's what you Are saying Mrs. Yagi Did You Remember that You And Your Husband neglected me and you let your daughter and her friends bully me and left me to die, I Hope you and your family have a great day will you excuse me, Said Izuku as he was about to leave but he felt that someone is holding him he look at the person" and that was his ex-sister

"Please Onii-chan give us another chance to be family again we'll promise that we'll treat you like family said, Izumi

"No, I'm not going to give you another chance for the pain you and your friends caused me I had to get my arm amputated because of your friends and your quirk And Tell Shoka And Katsumi That the love I had for them is over the promise for them is broken And I Don't care if their brothers come after me I already had the Army Hand to hand combat so don't get in my way yagi said, Izuku already leaving walking away from the family that cost him pain

Izumi and her family are sad that izuku doesn't forgive them for the pain they've caused him for 8 years since he doesn't trust them what worries izumi is that her brother told her that the promise of his, Shoka, And Katsumi are over now she's going to tell them what izuku told her

With Izuku

" since his encounter with the yagis he has been thinking about calling his dad about what happened today, he called radiomen Hogan to give him the radio to contact his dad so izuku called his dad about what happened and he was furious at his ex for the pain and trying to get their son forgiveness for the neglect and for letting her daughter and her friends bullied their son, He saw his girlfriends waiting for Him they saw him angry

izuku-kun what's the matter asked momo.

izuku saw his girlfriends and decided to tell them what happened the girls are angry at the yagis, bakugos, And Todoroki twins so they tell him

Izuku forget about them You have us, Your Dad And your stepmom (Note: I decided to put Chisato as Hisashi's Wife and Izuku got along with her)

His Girlfriends are correct since they tortured him in the past by the minute he was gone from yagis to midoriya izuku already knew that his father told him about what happened to him and his mother and why he left him and his mother

Flashback Started

Dad why do you call me I was in the middle of training why did you interrupt me said, izuku.

you asked me why I left you and did not take you with me izuku let's say I have to go because your mom cheated on me when we were married she and I divorced I told her that after you are born, I Want your custody but she left and I Didn't get to meet you after you are born I had to send my men to find you so that's why I left izuku, and I didn't get to see you after your birth I'm so sorry izuku" said Hisashi

Izuku was stunned that his mother cheated on his father for the child they had had for 9 years but izuku is the oldest and izumi the youngest but he didn't care about his mother or stepfather or Half-Sister since they ruined his childhood for izumi and, not only the Hero Association warned All Might and Green Psychic about, approaching Izuku

that's what happened to your dad when you got home from your deployment said, izuku.

yes izuku and your mother Had Been like this ever since

With Ochako, Nejire, Momo, Mina

since their boyfriend is back from the US Army boot camp now they want to date him but he's going to ask them first since he's back From Oklahoma hoping he brought something while he was away

Izuku: hey girls how have you been while I Was Away training with dad and his unit did my tormentors bother you again or something

Ochako, Nejire, Momo, Mina: No Izuku-kun we were wondering if you got us anything from your Trip To Oklahoma

Izuku: I did bring you, girls, something while I was in Oklahoma City and many places in Oklahoma They had Clothing stores bookstore, and Housewares they even had desserts so I brought some and a gift from my trip

Ochako you wanted a hoodie right so I got you one said izuku


Ochako: thank you izuku-kun Kissed him

Nejire I got you a Cookbook because I know how you love Cooking in Southern Style Said Izuku

Nejire: Thank you izuku-kun kissed him

Momo: What about Me Izuku-kun Did you get me something from Your trip

Why I Didn't forget about you You said you wanted a mug so I brought three mugs for you and your parent from a housewares store in Oklahoma


Momo: Thank You Izuku-kun I'll make sure my parent love their gift Kissed Him

Mina I got you something remembers you told me about loving country songs when we were little Sees Mina Nod Well I Got You country songs by willie nelson and bill ray Cyrus

Thanks, Izuku-kun Said Mina As she kissed him

also, I Brought something for Jiro And her Family so Where are they girls, Said izuku

She And Her family owns a records store in Musutafu I'll send you the address if you want to say, Momo

That'll be great momo said, Izuku

Momo Sent the address to izuku on his phone and went to the Designation and saw the records Store (Note: this is what Jiro's family record store looked like)

Pretend that Jiro's family's name is on the record store

Izuku Entered the record store and Saw Kyoka And her Parent who were organizing the music but kyoka And her parent didn't see izuku But izuku said hello making Kyoka and her parent saw izuku And was surprised that he was here in their record Store

Hi there, izuku what are you doing here in our Record store and how did you find it Said, Kyoka surprised tone

Momo sent me the address on my phone thought I could come by and give you some gifts that I brought while I Was away from musutafu Said, Izuku

You Were On a Trip while you were in musutafu Where did you go izuku asked Kyoka"

Remember my Dad From the US Army and Retired Pro Hero Ghost Hunter Sees Kyoka Nod he's the one who took me to The United States of America to train me to Become A Hero of our country said izuku.

"What state did you go if you don't mind me asking asked Kyoka"

Oh I Went to Oklahoma in boot camp then I Went to many places in Oklahoma that have music store records and the concert I Got you something Kyoka said izuku"

What is it izuku what's the surprise that you going to give me, if you don't mind me asking asked Kyoka"

Remember that you want a Guitar signed by the musician and your favorite Artists Sees Kyoka Nod as in yes While I was in Oklahoma I Met two Musicians from Oklahoma Willie Nelson and Billy Ray Cyrus they Give me their Guitar signed by them said izuku as he gets the two guitar case and show them to kyoka and her parent

Kyoka and her parent are awed at the guitar that is signed by willie nelson and billy ray cyrus kyoka asks him about the two musicians and how did he meet them

When I was In Oklahoma My Dad took me to a country concert and met them after the concert was over they teach me how to play the guitar and sing very well Flashback starts

The flashback started Concert ended

Izuku went to see his dad but he couldn't find him somebody asked him

???: who are you looking for boy

izuku turned around and saw the two country musicians Willie Nelson And Billy Ray Cyrus

"You're Billy Ray Cyrus and Willie Nelson I'm Your Biggest Fan Said Izuku"

Thank you young man but what are you doing here in Oklahoma If you don't mind us asking Were you trying to find your dad said, Willie

Yeah I Can't find him Do you know where he is told, Izuku

Well we saw him with A Friend of his But we thought Of meeting his son so izuku what are you doing in Oklahoma Said, Billy ray cyrus

My dad usually brings me to see a concert of country musicians which is genuinely said, izuku

Willie has an idea for izuku If he knows how to play the guitar and sing before he goes back to his home

Hey, Izuku Do you know how you play the guitar and sing if not I And Billy will help you how to say, Willie a happy tone😀

No Mr. Nelson I've never known how to play the guitar or sing any country songs that I Was listening to while in my house say, izuku

"Oh please boy just me Willie and call cyrus billy then we'll help you how to play Guitar and sing said, Willie

so Willie and Billy helped izuku play the guitar and sing the songs that he just heard They wanted to tell him before he leaves they Called his Name

Izuku, Wait said Willie, And Billy Izuku Turn around and said what is it, Billy Willie

we want you to have our Guitar since you earned it izuku we've signed our name on our guitar if you want to duet call Miley for it or your friend say billy

izuku was shocked that the two musicians gave him their guitar to him and he took it and izuku went to the guitar store where they had a guitar case for his Autographed guitar that billy and willie gave him his dad told him that it was time to go home izuku waves the two musicians goodbye

flashback ended

so after my trip to Oklahoma Billy And Willie gave their guitar to me because I'd earned it since i now know how to play the guitar thanks to their help by the way kyoka when is the UA School cultural festival said Izuku

I don't know izuku the director said the Festival is tomorrow why you don't mind me asking told, Kyoka

Well I Was wondering if you want to do a duet with me after we pass the provisional Exam since the Training Camp Is going to be with the wild Pussycat we're going right said Izuku

Well yes, izuku I Do want to do a duet with you at the festival and I Hope you picked the songs for the Festival, Cause If The class had picked the music it's worse than kaminari's and Mineta's Pervert thought asked Kyoka

Well, I did pick the 3 songs from the country that I listened to kyoka 1. Ready get set doesn't go by Billy Ray Cyrus 2. Cruel world by willie nelson 3. mammas don't let your babies grow up to be a cowboy by the Gibson bands that's the 3 songs from country i know answered izuku

Okay but You want to keep the two guitars with you because you'll need them by the way izuku can I come to your house when i have time please said, Kyoka

alright I Send my home address to your phone if you want to come to my place with momo and everyone but don't bring Izumi or her friends to my business since this is their fault for bullying me from, the beginning Kyoka said, Izuku

okay, izuku I guess i'll see you later at the Training camp then izuku says, kyoka

yep kyoka also here said, izuku as he give kyoka the 3 concert tickets of willie nelson and billy ray cyrus

What's this izuku says, kyoka surprised

They're Concert tickets for Willie nelson and Billy Ray Cyrus The two musicians gave me those to tell me if i want to see them again since you have never been to Oklahoma you and your family should go there since it was fun over there and the ticket is valid for 1-21-23 so go there Bye. Says Izuku. as he gets in his truck and drives away to his house.

Kyoka wanted to see the singers from Oklahoma And Kentucky so she told her parent that she wants to see the Concert in Oklahoma they packed and went to the airport to get a ticket for Oklahoma

With izuku

as he was driving to his home he got a text from his father about getting stuff for his house that was already there since he brought it for him as he was driving he got a call from his girls he pushed the answer button (Note: It's chevy Silverado 1500) To answer

Hey girls what's up, Do you need something says, izuku as he drives in that direction

Hey izuku We want to know if you want to go out on a date with us said Ochako

With you, momo nejire, mina Said, izuku

Yes izuku can you please say, ochako

What time you girl want me to pick you up says, Izuku

Let's say At 12:34 at the restaurant you want to pick says momo

Alright i'll pick you up at 12:34 Anyway i gotta go i'll see you later bye girls

Bye said izuku as he hung up

as he was driving to the destination of his house finally Arrived at his house and went in to rest since he agreed to date his girls at 12:34 it was a great day for him

An: that's the end of meeting UA And The tormentors of his past and hanging out Sorry for taking so long I've got a question for you guys do you want izuku to meet eri as a baby or a child please give an answer Adios amigos
