Arrival in United States Oklahoma and saving UA Students

With izuku
Since Inko And That Douchbag All Might neglect their son luckily since his father had custody of him and but he had to go to school which is the United States Military Academy and Culinary school so his dad called an old friend But He Manage to pass the hand to hand combat Plus he even knows how to shoot the M1 Garand And The M1A1A And Springfield m1903

He Graduates from The military Academy And went to the Culinary Institute he learned how to cook and serve customers after that he told his dad about the UA School since he missed his girlfriends luckily for him if it wasn't for ochako and mina and the entire who found him in the woods he would've died and Medic healed him and Gave him new prosthetic arm And New Eyes Since his Arm And his eyes were destroyed by bakugo's Quirk And He beamed at him and his sister but how could he love shoka and Kasumi since they bullied him for not having quirk but he got a quirk his dad said that he Inherited from his Grandfather

His dad wanted to talk to his son about the school he's going to That's not with the ua high in Japan He Told Him That He's Going to UA In Musutafu Japan so he told izuku that he brought a house for him and his harem so that they live together and if they want since they are 15 Boyfriend and girlfriends but he received a message from nezu telling him that his Staff And students were attacked by the villain and he needs help so he sends izuku and his team to help them At the USJ That was Attacked by the villains His Team that his dad recommended is an Assault And Medic And Support While He's Recon And His Dad wanted to Help his Friend who he knows Masaru and Mitsuki and Sunaji And Juno And Mark And Hana And Of Course Mandy And John (An: Sunaji and Juno And Mark and Hana And Mandy are Momo's and Ochaco's And Mina's And Nejire's parent) so they took the plane from 1941 to fly to musutafu japan the pilot of the WWII fly over Musutafu Japan And Izuku, His team Arrived in Musutafu Japan They put on the Parachutes waiting for the green light After they turn the green light The Soldiers jump out of the Plane As They Parachute And landed on the ground They Are Ready.

Major Midoriya We're in Position Give Us A Signal To Go Said Sgt. Mastton

Izuku Signal the Assault Team put the Dynamite on the Door And They covered And Pressed the Dynamite Handle And Destroyed The Door izuku ordered his men.

Go go go ordered Izuku.

His men went in and attacked the villains and injured red them but izuku saw something that he didn't want to remember, the Nazi Waffen SS

Sgt. Mastton Yelled izuku.

Yes, Sir what you need, Major Midoriya said Sgt. Mastton

Look through the binoculars and tell me what you see said Izuku.

Sgt.  Mastton Looks through his binoculars and sees what Major Midoriya

What The hell That's the German Nazis Waffen SS how did they get here, We need to report Colonel Midoriya And tell him or we'll be Dead Said Sgt. Mastton

Izuku is thinking about how to defeat the Nazis look at Sgt. Mastton and told him.

Sgt. Masterton where's Radioman Hogan said izuku

He's over There Sir Said Sgt. Mastton

Izuku Went over to the Radiomen Hogan and told him to call Colonel Hisashi Midoriya
Gave his radio and said

Colonel Midoriya this is Major Midoriya, can you Read me over said Izuku

Loud and Clear What's the situation in USJ over said Hisashi.

The villain Had been Defeated but they had reinforcement It's The Nazi Waffen SS Colonel Midoriya, And we need to know how to stop them Said Izuku

Sir You might want to see this it's bad, and they're coming this way said Pvt. Song

Izuku grabbed the binoculars and see the Panzer IV

Oh, Shit Panzer Pvt. Song where's the bazooka Team Said Izuku

They're Wounded Sir the Medic is treating them, and We Need The Sherman To take out the Panzer Said Pvt.Song

Hogan get on the Radio and called in the Tank support and Have them Ready said Izuku

Yes sir said Hogan As he got on the radio

command This Is Alpha Tango 2,5 Requesting Tank Support On our Location Over said, Hogan

Copy that Alpha Tango 2,5 The Shermans On their Way Hold Them off in 15 Minutes Said Hq

Sir, We Need to hold them off until our Tanks Arrived Said Hogan.

How much longer until They Arrive Radiomen Hogan Said Izuku

15 Minutes Sir Said Radioman Hogan

Okay hold the line until our Boys get here said Izuku

Yes Sir Said Army Rangers As they hold the line but the Nazi Shot their bazooka man in the leg and one, Rifleman Went and helped the Bazooka Team Out Of Here, the Medic is treating them.

Panzer IV Is almost there to kill izuku and his men but something destroyed the Tank

Guys what The hell was that said izuku

The support team saw something and it's their Tank Shermans

Sir, it's Our Tank Shermans said, Support team

They are happy their Tank Arrived

After the US Army treated the Wounded and captured the Nazi Waffen Officer they interrogate him

Why are you in Japan and not In Germany Said Lt. Van Linde

The German said something in German

Wir sind hier, weil der Bösewicht uns erzählt hat, dass die Helden in USJ nur darauf warteten, zu töten

Why did they want to kill All Might what he Do to them said Major Midoriya

Ich weiß nicht, ob er in der Vergangenheit etwas getan hat

Izuku was thinking about what the german said but he was Going to give him an answer so He Asked Again to the Nazi

Why Did you Come to Japan and not other countries what did japan do to you said izuku?

The Nazi said to Izuku about what Japan did to Germany

Japan hat unser Heimatland zu einer Fabrikarbeiter-ähnlichen Arbeiterschaft gemacht said Nazi Waffen

Izuku feels Bad for what Japan did to Germany, so he asked him about it

When was this said izuku The German told him in German

For neun Jahren, dem 11. Oktober 1945, dem Tag des Endes des Zweiten Weltkriegs, Said Nazi Officer

After they interrogate him Why they inform Colonel Hisashi Midoriya about the Plan

Dad the Nazi Was the deal that Villain made, Plus He Said That The villains wanted to kill All Might And Green Psychic said Izuku

Hmm That's why the german Couldn't be Alive since WWII was Over izuku, How can the german Be here for said Hisashi

Well we manage to tell him to give us some information about the Incident on USJ Said Izuku

And, What you found out Son Anything That can help us, or something Said Hisashi

Well the Nazi Waffen Officer managed to give us some, information about the Attack and how the Nazis and Panzer IV
Got here said Major Midoriya.

What you found out from the Officer Nazi Waffen son, is there anything you can tell us, Said Hisashi

According to the german, He said that the villain was in the USJ to kill All Might And his wife they send the Nazi, Panzer IV to our Location but, we manage to get the heroes out of the way said Major Izuku Midoriya

Well done, Son also you and your squad Have the order from the president of the United States, he wants you and your team to protect Class 1A from The Villains and the German Nazis, and have your men and Sgt. Masterton trains the kid's hand-to-hand combat said Hisashi.

Understood Colonel Midoriya I'll Inform him said Izuku

As He Give the Radio to Hogan Informed Sgt. Mastton And His Team About the Class 1A they had to protect them Since The Villain and the Nazis Waffen SS Are After Them and they need to train to protect from the Villain and Nazis, Izuku Went to Principal Nezu and Eraserhead about what happened in USJ

According to what the Officer told me the villain wanted All Might And His wife Dead but we manage to stop them, there's A problem Nezu Said izuku

What Kind of Problem are we talking About Major Midoriya, is it bad said Nezu

When we Defeated The villain Had reinforcement is the German Nazis Waffen SS from the WWII Era I don't know how they're here but someone revive them and give them their Revenge on the American Soldiers said Izuku Nezu and the Staff of UA Are shocked that the league of villain revive d the Nazi Waffen SS so Izuku Told The Staff of UA about protecting the Students from the villain And the Nazi Waffen SS

I Agreed with Major Midoriya that if the villain and the Nazi Waffen SS were here too and hopefully The US Army will Understand About the situation like this, we'll try and inform them about the Nazi And Villain Meeting Adjourned Said Nezu 

The Staff of UA Left Leaving Izuku and his Ex Family since they did the damage to him when he was a child hopefully they didn't bother for an apology for what they did to him he ignored them for the rest of their life he saw his girlfriends Ochaco, Mina, Momo, Nejire.

Hey Girls How you been Said Izuku 

The Girls Didn't Say Anything they Tackle him into a hug and they cried since he returned from the US And Returned Home to them Izuku Correspond the hug and said 

It's ok girls I'm home and I'm not leaving you, girls, again Said Izuku 

An: That's the End of chapter 2 sorry for not publishing the stories I had to be in the Mexican states to visit my family sadly my aunt died from bacteria on her leg and organs I'll upload more chapters when I can adios amigo y viva México Pero viva México libre 
