Kitten love (shinso x reader)

You were a busy body, or at least when it came to volunteering at the local animal shelter you were. That's why your first time meeting with Hitoshi Shinso was a bit surprising and different; for him.

You were in the kitten room, cleaning the kitten cages. When you heard the door open to the room, however, you didn't dare take your eyes off the kittens who's cage where open as you cleaned it. You were scrubbing away at the piss and poop filled cage. The young cats still were getting used to the litter box at the time. From the corner of your eye, you saw someone approach you, your eyes only really took notice to the volunteer sticker on their chest.

You scooped up the three kittens, including the one that was standing on your shoulders batting your hair. "Hold this." You said turning to the person, who was a bit surprised when your arms were pushed against them as you dropped the kittens onto their arms. The only thing you had taken note of was the purple hair and that this person was a guy before you quickly returned to your cleaning.

Shinso stood a bit surprised as he held the three playful and clumsy kittens in his arms. He definitely didn't expect that when he approach the girl cleaning the cages that she'd toss kittens into his arms. Not that he minded the kittens, after all, he was the shelter volunteer because he liked cats. However, he was still a bit surprised you did that all of a sudden. You didn't eve know him and it was his first day volunteering.

You finished up your cleaning and grabbed the kittens from him; placing them back in the now spotless cage. You turned to him with a smile "Sorry about that, didn't want them walking through the chemicals, rather not have sick babies." As you spoke it have both you and Shinso to get acquainted with one another's appearance. Shinso remarks in his head that you were quite attractive, but also very cute with you slightly messy hair. You took note of the fact that he looked to be around you age, which was a nice change from the other volunteers. Someone you may share things in common with.

"It's fine." Shinso reply was pretty blunt, a little more blunt than he wanted but he was still a little off balance from what all had occurred.

"Oh, names (y/n)." You said with a smile.

"Shinso." He said dully.

Not very energetic, then again he has bags under his eyes. A quick observation you made. "Oh, that's a cool name ... Want to help me with the Rey of the cats?" You were quick to return to your priorities but also the fact that you may have help available now and don't want to lose it. "Once the cages are clean then we can start to actually socialise them." You added, hoping that would keep him there.

"Sure." With that, you wasted no time getting back to work. During the time in which you were both cleaning there was a bit of small talk. You gained very little insight on him but was quick and I pick up on his cold or distant personality. It kind of reminded you of some of the cats you cared for, which only caused you to be more social with him. It was the joking idea of ' I'll make you love me.' Or better translation ' I'll make you my friends.'

After completely cleaning the kitten room, and some of the kittens. You put away the cleaning equipment. When you returned to the room you found Shinso with an arm full of kittens. He seemed to not have noticed your presence yet. He was smiling as he began to take more out. One attempt to jump out of arms, causing him to grab it.  "You don't want to do that little guy. The floor isn't very soft."

You smiled as you approached Shinso. Without asking you took two of the kittens out of his arms, his expression went back to a very expressionless look. "Look like you had a handful." Your voice was extremly gentle and sweet.

It caused a small smile to return, "Thanks."

"Well, let's get these little ones in the socialising room." You have a sweet smile, as you looked down to the kittens you held. After dropping the cats off, you left Shinso to hanging out with the kittens. You had the stuff to take care of anyway. Though you kind of wanted to know him better but you had to remind yourself you had thing to do and that he seems a lot like a cat to getting to know him better would take a while.

A few weeks passed some first meeting Shinso, during that time he volunteered every Saturday and Wednesday. At least that's two of the four days you volunteer that he shows up on. On the days he volunteer with you, you made sure to talk with him. And you two seemed to grow closer. He told you about him going to UA and how he was stuck in general studies. He seemed to avoid the topic of his quirk which made you wonder why but you never pushed the subject.

He talked about when he was in the sport festival and some things about his life. You actually found that he was actually really sarcastic at times. It seemed like everyday you learned something new about him. But unknown to you, Shinso was learning more about you. You were an interesting person, to say at least. You always went out of your way to help, you never stopped that beautiful smile of yours, and as dorky as it sounds you really were stealing his heart. Though there was a little bit of worry that at some point you'd find out his quirk and instantly view him in a negative light.

That wasn't the truth though. When the day came that you had learned about his quirk you couldn't have cared less that it was viewed as a villain quirk. You left the shelter an hour before it closed, also two hours after Shinso left. You wouldn't have left an hour early if it wasn't for you aching to pick up some stuff to cook at home. Just a block away from the store you were stopped by a tall bulky man. You didn't get very many other details because you were grabbed harshly, a metal shard that was coming out from the mans palm was pointed right at your forehead.

" Give me all your money girl or else I'll kill you." He said gruffly. You really wished the area you were in wasn't so deserted. You tried to stay as calm as possible.

"O-okay, just let me grab it from my purse." You said slowly reaching towards your small purse. Your fingers were fumbling for the latch to open it. You could easily sense this man was willing to kill for something just as simple as money.

"Hurry up!" The man barked at you. Causing you to flinch slightly. You finally got it free, when you heard another person shout in the distance. You somewhat recognised the voice but unsure of whom it was from. "Hey, what do you think you're doing."

The large man looked to the person. You were unable to see the person. The villain growled, "stay away or I'll-"

"Step away from her." The villain followed those commands. You taking the opportunity to move away yourself and to take note of whoever was commanding the villain around. To your surprise, it was Shinso standing little ways down the street. "(Y/n), call the police." You nodded, not wasting any time to make the call. Shinso then making another command. "Tie yourself up, then sit down on the ground and do not move."

The police arrived quickly, taking custody of the villain and questioning both Shinso and you. After that, you both were free to go. Shinso was long gone before you could even thank him.

A few days passed before you both were at the animal shelter together. As usual, you were there earlier that shinso. He arrived but seemed to avoid any conversation with you. Why was he distant all of a sudden? This pretty much forced you to corner him.

"Hey. I wanted to thank you for saving me the other day but you ran off before I could."

He seemed uncomfortable " I still had things to take care of." He said bluntly and almost rudely.

You have a small laugh, catching him off guard before you stood on your tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for saving me back there. You truly are going to be a good hero." You said with a sweet smile looking up at the now tomatoe red Shinso.

He stuttered "N-no problem." Followed by a small embarrassed laugh. Let's be truthful here. You couldn't help but think he was the most adorable person in the world at the moment. However, you didn't get to spend much time enjoying the sight before a kitten jumped out of an open cage and onto you. Which consisted of meddle-like claws digging in to your skin.
