gone (bakugoxreader💥💥)

Blues, oranges, and yellows smeared like strokes of paint into Musutafu's harsh industrial skies. His strong, barren hands gripped tightly at the caps of his knees. He was panting harsh words into the cool dusk air, piercing his handiwork with a fire burning relentlessly in his irises and determination woven deep into the thick of his brows. He could feel the clamminess of his sweat as it cascaded all along his body, tugging at the ragged wife beater sported loosely around his physique; the damn thing was drenched, and fuck, he was beyond exhausted.

The ash blonde rolled his neck, grunting at the glorious popping sensation that crackled down his spine. He did a few arm circles and grit his teeth when his body promptly reminded him just how sore he was.

Truth be told, he still hadn't completely recovered from his latest encounter with the League of Villains, but lying around like a damned bum just wasn't his style. He wasn't about to sit around and do a whole lot of nothing while those damned extras were training their asses off to get stronger.

Pain pulsed through each and every nerve in his fingers, tension wired through each of his palms and winded through his wrists. His hands were trembling, but he didn't know if it was the ferocity of his movements or the exhaustion chained to his bones.

"RRRGGHAAHH!" He burst forward like a bullet, eyes wild and bloodthirsty-fixated on the massive cliffside he was annihilating. A massive explosion rang out, and with it a nasty bite of pain shot through his hands like lightning. He growled deep in the back of his throat, and roared with the emotions boiling out of him.

"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" Each of them was punctuated with their own burst of intense flames, "I fucking hate it!" He extended his palm again, fingers flexed wide open, but all that ignited was a huff of smoke. In a fit of rage he lashed out against the jagged, unforgiving rocks with a trembling fist. A portion of it crumbled, but his body scolded him with a searing pain that slashed through his entire body, singing his nerves.

Katsuki clenched his shirt, palm trembling over the stupid fucking organ that was driving him wild. He grit his teeth, twisting the cloth around his fingers.

They flashed in his mind-their patient, forgiving smile and the brilliant light that glimmered in their irises. They were always finding a way into his mind's eye...

Ba-bump. His heart started to tap against his ribcage, its knock steady, and slow.

He remembered well how it felt. How pissed he was. He was gonna blow that stupid fucking villain's head off.

Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

Clouded memories flashed in his mind; a hazy recognition of their face. It was all bruised up, and the bandages were soaked in their own blood. Scorching burns were cooked into their flesh, having blackened in different spots all down their arms. His eyes had never been wider, that day, nor had he ever lost so much sleep.


"WHY!?" He roared, his vocal chords ripping, "Why the hell did you get in my way like some fucking moron!?" He ground, cracks splitting his voice into varying fissures. He pounded the rocks again, ignoring the throbbing pain in his knuckles, "I know exactly what you're going to do when you wake the hell up. You're gonna look me in the fucking eyes and smile, and say everything o-fucking-kay. DAMNIIIIT!"


Another searing explosion blasted through the air, and with it enough force to rattle his entire skeleton. A fuzzy cloud engulfed his vision, a ringing violently struck his eardrums. He leaned heavily against the shattered cliffside, his shoulders slumping, before Katsuki finally let himself collapse into the rubble and its bed of dirt below.

Maybe, just this once, he would finally find some rest.
