06. subota

Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
December, Winter 2004


Time went by so fast that I didn't notice it was almost Christmas.

Best time of the year, the most jolly, merciful time of the year.

As a young teenage boy, I believed the apposite.

I didn't really think that Christmas was a wonderful holiday.

I had thought that Christmas was only for little kids.

Only for immatures who believe a fat man would come down from their chimney,

And put presents under their oh-so-called Christmas tree.

The mere thought of that makes me laugh uncontrollably.

It is absolutely ridiculous, ludicrous, absurd and foolish.

Now why would a man― a fat one too and not to mention ancient ―would be able to come down from the chimney without getting caught or making sound― in that matter.

And the reindeer with his 'magic' sleigh. .

It was too silly for me to even enjoy Christmas.

Like I said,

The most ridiculous, ludicrous, ab

"I'm sorry, Edin, but I have to disagree on that." Iliana interjected, crossing her arms across her chest as she leaned forward on his breakfast counter.

"Stvarno?" Really?, I had asked, imitating her move as he leaned forward, closer to Iliana.

"Um, yes, duh," Iliana rolled her pretty eyes of her and bit her lip to prevent a smile from forming but she was failing so bad and I swear she was trying to seduce me or something with that not so chaste lip bite.

"Why are you disagreeing with my most logical explanation of why Christmas is ridiculous then?" I raised my brow and drew closer to her.

The usual smell of vanilla and caramel seemed to find its way to my nose and honestly, I don't mind it.

I wondered if she tasted as good as her smell?

Her skin seemed to be glowing, so it must had been true.

"Well, mister Džeko," Iliana purred,

I swear, there was no denying that she was trying to seduce me.

"I think, Christmas is the best holiday of the year." Iliana raised her brows, straightened herself from leaning on the counter.

"And why's that, Georgija?" I arched a brow, a playful smirk plastered on my face and leaned more toward her. If that's even possible.

"Well, for starter," Iliana hoped off the stool and leisurely traipsed her way over me, Goddamn her and her exposed legs, I straightened myself and braced for the best, "My birthday is on December."

"That's is?" I arched a brow again watching patiently as she got nearer to me.

"No," She scoffed, rolling her eyes as she placed her hands behind my neck and I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me.

"Then what else?" I asked, smiling up at her gorgeous face.

"Second, there's no school so I can spend my time with you more,"

I nodded in agreement at that.

"Third, I can have you all to myself," She leaned closer to me as I leaned in toward her, my smile still perfectly there as our lips brushed.

It was still as magical as our first kiss.

Our kisses were always magical.

Maybe that's why our love was surreal.

I mean, even our kisses felt enchanting.

Maybe, she was an angel.

Nah. . She was just too beautiful that I started hallucinating.

But she was. . She was my everything.

