It was a long day but here you were dressed up and all dolled up to go out on your date with Tenko, curious still as to what he may have planned for you two tonight. You couldn't help it but excitement was building up inside you making you nervous as if this was your first date.

Your phone buzzed at 7:30 with a message from him letting you know that was downstairs waiting for you. So you quickly walked out without making it seem like you were as nervous as your knees made you feel.

"Hey!" You said to him as he was looking out into the street not hearing you locking up the doors behind him. He didn't look any different than he usually does, but somehow the moonlight and your nerves really transformed him into something like out of a romance movie, and you were captivated.

"Hello" he said quietly waving a little at you as you started to walk closer to him.

"You look great" He said, taking you in from head to toe, a small grin growing on his face and a slight blush creeping onto his cheeks. Grazing both of his hands down your arms, giving you slight goosebumps.

"O-oh thank you..." Now you were much more intensely blushing, your face feeling like a wildfire and you stood there hoping he wouldn't notice in the nightlight. And then he suddenly grabbed your hand and you two started walking, the goosebumps still lingering on your skin as you two made your walk down the street.

"Are you cold? You have goosebumps all over you? Didn't you know that it was supposed to be chilly tonight?" He asked, and before you realized your fun easy going demeanor was completely subdued right now, you were excited and nervous and it muffled out any sense of your regular self. His question also brought you out of your quiet state, still taking in the moment.

"Oh, uhm, I'm okay" You looked up at him giving him a small smile and a little tilt of your head.

"You're nervous then?" Shoot, this man was more attentive of you then you originally thought, not that you were complaining. And now you were stuck, and you know it's best to just be honest, but knowing you, you'd blurt out everything that's been crossing your mind in all these moments from when you first saw him until now.

"Uh yeah, honestly I am pretty nervous, but in a good way. I don't go on dates often and you look so handsome right now..." There you go, blurting everything out like you thought you would, but you two stopped walking and it seemed like it was going to continue until he got the answer he wanted.

And there he was smiling at you, not just a small grin that normally sat on his face in your presence, it was a coy smile though as if he won something.

"That's cute" Was all he said before grabbing your face in both of his hands and planting his lips on yours with confidence you underestimated him having. You were in a little bit of shock but incredibly happen with the events going on so far tonight.

"So uh- where are we going?" You asked quietly, continuing to walk and grabbing his hand softly.

"It's a surprise, don't worry about it." Was all he said before he lightly tugged your hand, pulling you into a dark alley. And walking up to the back of a building, it was dark and now at this point you really couldn't see where you were with how dark the alley was. You heard him knock on the door three time before it was opened by a tall slender man who you couldn't really see until Tenya pulled you into the building.

"Tomura, you're late." Said the man now standing before you, he had purple dead skin stapled to his face and strikingly blue eyes.

"~tsk~ don't call me that, and I'm here on time burn ward." Is all Tomura said, now you three were all walking together.

"Where did your crusty ass meet such a beautiful doll?" At this point the man now known as 'burn ward' was ogling you.

"My name is Y/N, let's start there, and we met at my shop." You kept it short and sweet with this rude but handsome man.

"Oh fancy, but I see you're as up to conversation as crusty, I'll leave you two be, lock up when you two leave, see you later crusty." You still didn't get a name, but you saw him wink at Tomura before walking in the other direction where you all came from.

You two continued to walk until coming up to a big clearing, illuminated blue, and once you walked out from the hallway you noticed you two were in an Aquarium. Glass from the floors to the ceiling, with all different types of sea life surrounding you, you were in such awe, staring at the beauty of everything around you.

"How did you get this to happen?" You asked now walking a bit in front of him, getting lost in everything around you. He was leaning up against a wall just watching you be in your complete fascination. He had a small smile on his face.

"I have a lot of friends that owe me favors, do you like it here?" He asked now slowly walking up to, pulling you into an embrace, now nose to nose so that you two were just locked into each other's gaze, bodies and facies illuminated in blue.

"It's beautiful, sincerely, I haven't been to an aquarium since I was little," You kissed him this time, completely lost in the happiness and awe of how the night continues to be.

"It gets better, come with me." He pulls away from you and leads you up a flight of stairs into a hallway, on the floor lays a blanket, candles and a meal, just for the two of you, without interruption. It really did get better. He really went out of his way for all of this.

You two now sat together eating, surrounded by beautiful sea life, you two talked about everything enjoying the evening, when you noticed that four hours have now passed, you two cleaned everything up and began to get ready to leave. Walking all the way back from where you came, he locked up the back door and began to walk you home.

You two were pretty tired so you two just walked back in silence with the occasional small conversation, with his arm around your shoulder. The walk back was quicker than the walk to the aquarium and you two wound up at your apartment fairly quickly.

He pulled you closer to him, planting his lips on yours like it would be the last time he ever got the chance to kiss you. When you two finally stopped kissing you ended up again, in each others eyes.

"Do you want to stay the night? It's uh pretty late and pretty cold.." You asked shyly.

"Yeah I would really like that" He said and you pulled him inside, fairly quickly you found yourself in the arms of the warmest man you've ever met, being really up close to him like this you found that he smelt of teakwood with a dash of rose, and pretty soon you two doze to sleep. 
