It's been a couple of weeks since you last saw the blue haired boy, but that was to be expected, you rarely saw people twice in such a big city. It's been so long you practically forgot about him at this point. And it was just an average day, you actually finally had the day off so you were spending it running errands.

You found this cute quiet coffee shop in a part of the city that was rarely visited, odd but you always loved a whole in the wall type of business. So you decided to take a break and go in so you can get off your feet and put down the bags for a few minutes.

"Hiya, welcome to the Green Bean, what can I get for you today?"

You walk up and order just an iced white chocolate latte, you barely spoiled yourself but since today was the day you were you got your favorite drink, when it was done you grabbed it and went to go sit down, kind of scoping the rest of the place, it was bigger inside than it looked on the outside. And right in the corner, in the darkest part of the cafe you noticed a blue headed man sitting, eyes intently reading something.

Instead of going up to him and bothering him you decide to just sit close enough where if he were to look up he would see you. You made yourself at home and pulled out the computer you brought with you to do some work and enjoy your drink. After what felt like forever He actually finally looked up and noticed you, but you didn't see that he saw you, instead you finally noticed when he came up to you and said something.

"Hi, you're the girl that runs that pharmacy right?" You look up, breaking your concentration, so it really was the man that you saw a couple weeks ago, he was looking better.

"Yeah that's me, also I don't think I ever gave you my name, it's Y/N" you smiled at him and he sat across from you.

"Hi, I'm Tenko, I just wanted to thank you for all the stuff, my skin feels better."

You looked at him intently and he really was looking better, without thinking you reached out and grabbed his hand to feel it, but he flinched pulling his hand back and away from you.

"Oh I'm sorry I overstepped I shouldn't be just trying to grab your hand" he put on a small smile and titled your head.

"Oh no, it's okay, just unexpected...here" he said and put out his hand for you to study. Which you did, his hands now look and feel great.

"Wow they look great, I'm glad to have been able to help you!" You gave him a big smile.

"Thank you" Was all he said, things were a bit weird, conversation was tough but you managed to squeak out another question to keep things going.

"So what's brought you here?" It wasn't much but it was something to break the awkward silence.

"I had some time and I enjoy coming here and hiding away from everything, but I do have to go soon, what about you?" He asked looking at you intently.

You closed your computer. "Yeah, I actually have to leave and head back to the pharmacy and clean some things up." You pack your computer into your bag and got up, along with him.

"Can I walk with you?" he asked quietly, causing you to blush and develop a small smile on your face.

"Yeah of course, be my guest"

You two walked out and onto the street and walked towards your pharmacy. Without you saying anything he grabbed one of your bags out of your hand. It surprised you but you weren't upset about it because things were very heavy.

"Thanks" you shyly said to him, holding one of your bags in both hands in front of you.

"It's no problem, it looks a bit heavy for you and you helped me so it's the least I could do for you." And what you thought you saw was a small smirk on his face.

When you were coming up to the pharmacy you were lost as to what to do next.

"Want to come in?" You asked quietly and he just nodded. When you two walked in he stopped, thinking there wasn't anything past the pharmacy, but once he noticed you kept walking he followed, surprised by the stairs in the back.

Once you two got upstairs you led him to the kitchen and placed your bags on the counter.

"Do you want any water or anything, it was a pretty long walk and it was warm out?" You asked, watching him pet your grayball of a cat Luna.

"Yeah, that would be great thank you." He looked up to you while keeping his hand on your cat. You giggled as your cat jumped into his lap and was rolling around just spreading all her grey hair all over his black clothes.

"Do you like cats?" You asked as you brought him over the water and sat across from him.

"I've never really had a pet since I was younger, I was more a dog person back then, but your cat is cute,"

"Oh thank you, yeah she's a little spoiled" You said and she then jumped from his lap to yours.

"Thank you again for carrying my bags, but I have to do a bit more work, I'm not trying to kick you out or anything" you tried to giggle to ease the news, this was the worst part of being around someone.

"Understandable." Was all he said, drinking the rest of the water and walking it over to the sink and putting it in. So you two both walked down to the pharmacy and to the doors,unlocking them for him.

But before you let him out you handed a paper that had your number written on it, you wrote it before walking him down from your apartment.

"Here's my number, text me when you get home so I know you got there safe." You smiled at him as he took the piece of paper.

"Will do," was all he said as he began to walk away.

You walked back in and sat on the ground of the pharmacy. What an awkwardly cute and quiet guy. You thought to yourself. As soon as you get upstairs you begin to unpack and get dinner started. Once you were done you sat on the couch and watch your favorite video game streamer on YouTube. A few minutes in you felt your phone buzz.

[Unknown Number]

Hey, thanks for having me over, sorry I'm so quiet


It's okay! I'm usually better at conversations but today was a long day


Cool glad we're on the same page, but anyways I got home safe. But I also have a question for you.


And I have an answer


Are you free tomorrow night?


I will be after 7


Cool I'll see you then

Did you just get asked out on a date by this speechless boy you spent most of your afternoon into the evening with? You guessed so. You were excited and anxious at the same time, wondering what he had in store for you. 
